Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson - 31st Great Grandfather

Started by Private User on Monday, October 28, 2013
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Not in Tree Match process. But on way of add a profile. I need to know how a profile become a MP on database. When someone to try add a profile with same MP name, database have deny this. I can imagine many things without know the database structure. But this woud be speculation and would demand rework.

Private User to know the database structure, you need to talk to the Geni staff.
The user interface is nothing special - a menu entry under "actions" where there is a menu entry called "curator options", which brings up a window with a checkbox called "make this a master profile". I don't think screendumps will tell you much.

Thank you Harald. Its only this I would like to know!

An initial brainstorm: The verification mechanism could be implemented in the addition of any profile. If you find a duplicate profile that not is a MP, Geni would ask if the profiles are the same or if the profile to be added is another person (an homonymous). This is possible! If the profiles are the same person and the existing profile is an MP, then the addition would be denied and could offer an option of merge with some restrictions (to be think). If you are adding an ancestor as the son of a MP, so I'll need your experiences to think of a way of Geni decide what to do.

Ancestris, GenealogyJ, GenoPro, My Family Tree, Ancestral Quest, Family Historian, Family Tree Legends, Gramps, Legacy, RootsMagic, Visual Family Tree Maker... all this softwares have a "Tree Match" tool. The comparasion process of fields is very boring.

The Almighty gave Adam and Eve free will to chose to eat the apple or not.
Geni gives it's users the free will to make any profile they want.
What you are suggesting would put the onus on Geni's software to decide what is right and what is wrong.
Perhaps you have not noticed but the Geni managements standard response to any issue is "we are not responsible for the data people put online, we only provide a platform to organise and share", or words to that effect. What you are suggesting would be completely the opposite of that stance.
I don't know what you abilities as a programmer are but do you not think the staff programmers as a team are at least as competent? They could do what you are suggesting but it is against company policy so they do not, it is a corporate issue not a technical challenge.
All just my opinion of course but i have a 40 year record of being 100% right about everything.

You are completely right. That's why I like the approach of FamilySearch. It leaves you insert the profile even than doubled, but he has this interface that warns of the existence of a homonym, but lets you add the new profile. And you can click a profile in the tree and it shows you that there is other profiles (duplicate) in the same position entered by other users. I also think the Geni developers should be very good. But software can always be improved. Well, I do not know why I got into this discussion! I think it's because I wanted to appease the spirits! ;-)

LOL I was wrong today, but I am right about that :)

Alex, my experience offers a counter-argument --

Most people tell me they added duplicates because they didn't know any better. Some of them are remorseful, and many of them are ticked that they wasted all that time keying in information that wasn't needed.

The worst in my opinion is too many children, that really upsets me, can produce false lines that lead to disapointed descendants. BUT a missing child deep in the tree is a real gem to find :)

Hi Justin, i used to advocate for a much more informative welcome page for new users explaining how geni works but i think that Geni wants it as simple as possible in order to get people in the door and building asap.

Shaz, i though i was wrong once but i was mistaken.

LOL Maybe you can answer this question for me, been waiting all day and now I am a repeat offender :(

I made one video to help new users, wanted to make more, but this computer I use now is old and I don't have my software on it.

Video is the answer, even my geni basics project is visually confusing.

I think Geni gets miss understood, for a start, because you add someones profile who is living, they think the world can see it because they can. They get angry at you and leave ? :(

Would he not be a major person of interest because he was a lead character in the History Channel Vikings series?

Alex, maybe I'm jaded but I think more people are like me. I never read instructions, never think I need to have anything explained. I don't think a more informative Welcome page will work. What we need is to intervene right at the moment someone wants to do something -- the way FamilySearch does.

Debra, that show is one of the reason he is so popular on Geni. And a lot of Geni users think that because there is made a several season tv show about him he must have existed, but there really are no proof that he really did. There are made a lot of movies and tv shows about Superman to, but it doen't make him more real. The same goes for Ragnar.

Debra Jeanne Ryon

Surprisingly no one seems very interested in Private User, not even Travis himself.

PS next series airs on Wednesday, hopefully will be better than series 3

I have to agree with you on that. Rather than a dense page of text on day zero many programs have little prompts in the early stages which you can turn off later, or that simply wean themselves. I don't actually know how Familysearch works as all i ever look at there is scans of original documents. I think ive looked in the LDS database before and certainly duplicates are a huge problem there.

Currently on Geni to create a new profile you open the Add box and fill the data fields then click SAVE.
Is the proposal that Geni is checking for profiles while the fields are being completed? Or will a duplicate check occur when you click SAVE? Currently you click save and a blue Tree Match marker can appear within a minute.

On more than one occasion ive added profiles for a married couple, by the time the second profile is added the first is already tagged as a duplicate.

To be honest a few years ago Tree Matches seemed to be more common but less accurate, i suspect that Geni has really tightened up the matching parameters to reduce the quantity of junk matches, perhaps they have gone a little too far.
One option i suppose would be to make the Tree Match alert much more obvious, like a full screen flash "You created a duplicate profile 3 minutes ago, do you want to check it?!!!

I like the idea of incremental suggestions.

On FamilySearch, when you want to enter someone new the system leads you through it in a way that begins with a search for an existing person. You have to verify that none of those are the person you want before you add someone new.

Maybe a step between clicking Save and actually creating the profile but sounds like it would slow things down alot

Yeah, I can see how it would be an intolerable burden to look before adding a possible duplicate. Much better to shift the burden to everyone else ;)

I usually search for the person first using different spellings of the names if needed. Most of the time, I don't have to add a new person, just link to erpsons together. And that saves me a lot of time compared to adding new persons to Geni. Maybe we could try to get users do it more this way, specially with persons that lived a few generations ago.

Anette Guldager Boye

If you have a few spare minutes could you make these small changes to the About section of Ragnar’s profile, not factual changes just two formatting errors and removal of some duplication.


Alex Moes

I will have a look at it later today.

Thank you.

I usually use google.com search like this to find a person. It will also find alternate spellings even:

site:google.com name year

It is very fast, much faster than Geni´s own search, and it will find misspelled names. It does not find brand new profiles though.

Johannes, it will also find every other internetsite with wrong but popular information, and google should ofcource be used with caution when doing genealogy.

Remi, I think Johannes meant to say

site:geni.com name year

which will target Geni profiles rather than random websites (not that it is a guarantee of any better quality!)

Johannes, new profiles take about 1/2 hour to show.

I used the method myself often before i became PRO to get past the Geni Search paywall

He is my 35th GGF. Funny, I like snakes.

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