Rice Pudding Part 2, Quest For Truth

Started by John Smith on Friday, October 25, 2013
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This family shows no direct linkage to me, yet someone in this family or very nearby in N.C. has a34/37 match on snp M253. The point being, the matches are not going to show up dirctly here....we have to put some relationships aside as a provisional finding of connection. Perhaps James Phillip 1806 represents what Justin called convergence? Phillips and Perrott's show up on Z-58 tests so this one of those relationships not yet understood for their meaning to my search....DCR

http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p4472.htm These persons : Scarburough, Ball, and Davis are part of the 1978 testimony. They appear in relationship to North Walshingham and John RICE 1630. The Davis connection is early and relates to JOHN Rice Hughes of Va. aka Perrott ap RICE 1600. just fyi


This link proves the veracity of the testimony of 1978 and the Rice family connection to the ancient Kings of England. This is but one step away from my blood ancestory, so the influance of this history is part of the testimony. If you can't see that, I can't help you. DCR


North Walsham, site of the christening of JOHN RICE 1630 son of Margaret Rice ca1618 is but a quick trip by merchant vessel from Tenby. You may know that my assertion includes this possiblity for a less than glorious beginning to the life of John Rice 1630 being my ancestor who married Anne Hackley of Dedham Nov 1649. Let us agree, that a family with mercantile and shipping ties as is known about the LORT brothers and Perrott ap Rice 1600 is completely within the realm of a realistic assessment of the testimony of 1978. This is how young Margaret got to North Walsham, Norfolk where she was likely under the care of the Allin or Scarborough family. Both mentioned in the testimony. So, Touchet and en guard!! DCR 1948

John Perratt II was plundering a samll French merchant vessel in Havorford West 1629, the year before JOHN RICE of North Walsham was christened by his mother Margaret. The testimony includes this story of a 12 year old girld giving birth and the ensuing Rowe in the Rice family have their seeds in this proximity of Havorford West to Tenby. The Story is intact and fully plausable, supported as it is by the LORT Brothers connection to Perrott ap RICE and his daughter Margaret age 12 in1630. DCR

i will deleted this message after few time;
i just note

Anne St. John Vassall
Anne Vassell =Vassall

There is plenty you can do to prove blood line ancestry. But this is not your interest so ...

I unfollowed this twice ,yet I keep getting bounced back into it. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you discusssion and your acount will be deleted as asked
no need to proove that you dont really care for other
mr webber we got sufisent proof !

its been more than year of work from madame Howton mr Swanström and MR Rice the one of all its about ..... and 45 participants total of 3042 message aprox.

and you want to delete all of the work made.
you are a disgrace from a intelectual respect

plz some curator make change to the title of this discussion and give propriety to M.Rice madame Howton mr Swanström

thats alot of work here in maybe 25 years or 50 years they gona learn history diferent from now...

- Closing a discussion to further posting is not the same as deleting it.

- Closing is a tool that only Customer Service has.

- It would solve the problem that Judy among many others has; if a profile is managed and "tagged" to the discussion, then the manager is notified and they are following it, and need to take the extra step of unfollowing. There are managers who have had to UN follow multiple times. This is an unfair burden.

- Internet "best practice" is to keep to the intent and scope of the Original Poster / topic starter. If that intent and scope has drifted off point, then perhaps a solution is to close the discussion. A new discussion can be started to pursue a different avenue.

@Private User, I unfollowed several days ago and last night was all of a sudden bounced back into it again, as well! I didn't post and I didn't hit "follow" and yet this insanity is smeared all over my newsfeed again.

Customer Service, please close this thing so that those of us who are done done done with it are no longer being hit over the head with it.

"if a profile is managed and "tagged" to the discussion, then the manager is notified and they are following it, and need to take the extra step of unfollowing. There are managers who have had to UN follow multiple times. This is an unfair burden."

Thanks for the explanation, Erica, I hadn't realized that was why it was happening. It *is* an unfair burden and I don't want to be subjected to this craziness any more.

If you are suggesting that I am going to lose access to my postings and sites I have put up over the last 6 months....that amount to punnishing me for not giving into outrageous provocation by the person known as w.

If you want to unfollow, do your side of the work to unfollow. I have work to produce a family doccument that requires access to these notes. What are you thinking? I don't need to prove anything to anyone regarding the TUDORS...that will become self evident if they find they are I-1 haplogroup. On the other hand, if I stop the search, your thinking is I should have no access to the records left by various persons who commented? What kind of people are you? I have Berkley's and Arundells, that Geni already links my family to....I think this is an outrage unless they can transfer the data set produced here to another link called The Rice's of Dedham 1649. I would be happy to have w out of the sponsorship.... What a shame if this is deemed finished because I have shifted my focus. The Perratt II line is the link to my Rice Family and I need access to these posts and others as they were put up over these months. Do whatever you wish, but I'll certainly never forget it. DCR 1948


Re read my post, please.

A discussion can be closed to further posting, that is not the same as deleting it. A new discussion can be opened. That, to me, would be an appropriate solution.

Private User

As a PRO subscriber to Geni entiled to priority support, perhaps you could open a ticket for Geni Support?

This link:


"If you want to unfollow, do your side of the work to unfollow." I have done so, over and over and over again.

I will be opening a help ticket immediately.

I have no objection to closing this discussion. It's time to release the prisoners. They've suffered long enough.

"Do whatever you wish, but I'll certainly never forget it."

Is this a threat to my continued well-being?

Ha, Ha, Ha Jenifer, only to w. I can post elsewhere I suppose, I just prefer not to lose access to the data field developed here. That's all. Remember, you are charming and intelligent me so the notion of a veiled threat is ludocrous, too much w and not enough laughter in my view. DCR

Did Dale really just admit to Jennifer that he has been threatening me?
Why, yes he did.
Yes he did.

sigh. What button On the settings link do i click to opt out?

Good luck with that, Michael. I've tried so many times that it's ridiculous, but for one reason or another, you'll end up back here in mean, crazy hell.

Go up to the top of any page of the discussion. On the right above the list of page numbers you'll see some options in blue:

Start a New Discussion

Click on "unfollow". You get a notice that warns you that you won't see anything further from this discussion, but that's just a big ole lie.

It's like that Eagles song, Hotel California. Evidently once you check into this discussion, you can never really leave...

"Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!"

thanks that's what i keep doing how ever I keep getting right back into it as do many others..

LOL! the rolling stones you can't allways get what you want comes to mind


Please continue this discussion here:

JLY: Only w thinks in those terms, where a single italian word, conjures a worrisome event in his world. For me it's been an experience of being stalked by a truly small w. Laughable, petty, and very, very small minded in my view. I will remember your kind words and support here. It's simply a divergent line of thought, and we simply agree to disagree without being (w-like).

Like I told my son: " You might have some tyrant -blood in you...I can't prove it so we are better off not knowing. And even if it proves out to be true.....the story won't even get you a beer during happy-hour."

As to JOhn Perratt II well, I was told to forget it.....that was just not possible....so pardon me while I enjoy the sound of Silence from the Very Very GRAND Pubah who said my connections were not likely and that 5000 matches at the 12 site level on Y would be useless without further testing.....That's where the linkage was found which lead to John Perratt II recognised by my Cousin Mart. LOLOLOL I wish you well JLY, I truly do. Karma can be very hard on likes of people like w....so you may want to steer clear. Kindest Possible Regards, DCR 1948

Dale, please be respectful of others and use the new discussion. You can copy this message over to the new discussion, then delete it here.

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