Why were the Churchill's Excluded from Consideration of the THRONE of ENGLAND?

Started by Dale C. Rice on Tuesday, October 22, 2013
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10/22/2013 at 9:24 AM

Margaret Wydville-Churchill was sister to Elizabeth Wydville Queen Consort and her husband a descendent of Henry III via 2 Edwards, and 3King Henrys....Was there still such hostility on the part of the Court of Elizabeth I that James VI of Scotland/James I of England was more Royal than the Churchill Connection? Just wondering....recognizing that my American Ancestors would not have existed had the court gone back to the Ancient line of KINGS Plantagenet....Just wondering?

10/22/2013 at 4:32 PM

Secondly: Per Erica request, this is a related topic.....Elizabeth Lyons 1324 of Warkworth Northumberland is my 14th GGrandmother....She's also listed as the Mother of John Lyons ca 1340 and John De Woodville father of my ancestor Margaret Woodville-Churchill.....Elizabeth Bose-Lyon traces to a John Lyons of late 1500's and I am wondering if the two families are the same person Elizabeth LYONS for the obvious reason the Present Queen of England Mother was Elizabeth Bose-Lyon. ANYONE?

Private User
10/22/2013 at 5:01 PM

I think it was more like, James was a lot more closely related to Elizabeth. He was her first cousin twice removed on both sides, and the Wydeville-Churchills couldn't have been closer than second cousins at best. And Elizabeth had Parliament leaning on her to choose a reliably Protestant heir (James was raised Protestant, for all his later ultramontane leanings). The Wydeville-Churchills may not have qualified on that count either at that time.

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10/22/2013 at 5:10 PM

Also, *was* there an adult male heir of that line at that time? Doesn't look like it to me, and no way was anybody going to put a baby or a child on the throne - they'd had enough of that, thank you very much.

10/22/2013 at 6:47 PM

Tagging the profiles under discussion - otherwise whatever we learn here wont get associated with the profiles

Elizabeth de Lyons, Lady of Warkworth

Margaret Woodville, Countess of Arundell

10/22/2013 at 10:15 PM

Maven, I thank you for those comments: You voiced what my inner voice was telling me was the case about the age of the Churchill/Wydville Heir...but I don't fully trust that yet...so you helped me clairify this....And the Elezabeth Lyons mother of John Lyons, great grandfather of Elezabeth Bose-Lyons was the connection....The internet did not make tat association and clearly Im in no postion to assert it...just very curious since the family seems to comport....DCR

10/22/2013 at 10:23 PM

I am following both these profiles for the obvious reasons that the Mary Hall-Foote to Elizabeth Churchill to Josiah Churchill is a direct blood connection and verifies the story my Father asserted before he passed in 1978....these women connect to Henry III a Plantagenet King and Lyons connects to the European French lines of Kings....mind you it makes no difference in todays world but the IRONY here is beyond shocking....you have to understand that the Children of a Nebraska Livestock Farmer/Breeder do not easily come to such a conclusion without serious moments of CREDULITY coming into play....We have never, ever, been told of these relationships save once in October 1977....I want to comprehend this GIGANTIC if not Cosmic revelation and treat it with the respect it deserves....I have family to inform gently and to PROTECT as well. DCR 1948

10/23/2013 at 12:43 AM

My sister and I are prepareing an addendum to the Family Hisotry called Rice Pudding, begun by a cousin, Rosemary Canfield in the 1970/s....The story of the Laundress Dad told me about is not confirmed as factual yet....but there is reason to believe that Esther/Hester figure of Ethelralda Mault/Joan Dingley story is the grand daughter of Hester Harrington born 1555 ca to Ethelralda and John Harrington...She had a good deal of property as a young child so having her Declaired Dead to manage on her behalf was a practice....We have proof of Esther Harrington 1650 in the Family History....and Geni provided the name....but obviously there is no proof that would stand up in court.....Kind Regards...DC Rice 1948 of the Nebraska Rice's.

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10/23/2013 at 6:54 AM

Anybody who can get their line traced back to or past the sixteenth century stands a better than even chance of finding a connection to the nobility eventually, and since the nobles and royals interbred almost incestuously and the male royals tended to tomcat around a lot, well, there you go.

It's being able to *prove* it with solid documentation that's unusual. :-D

10/23/2013 at 10:04 AM

The Geni connection of Elizabeth Lyons 1324 states that she is the daughter of John De Lyons1290 ca Lord of Glamis & Alice De St. LIZ. She therefore connects the Wydeville's, Richard- Sheriff of Northants & Margaret Woodville sister to John Lyons son also John Lyons Baron Fortevolt and George Lyons Duke of Clarence. Elizabeth Lyons is the link to the Progenetor of Clan LYON by Historian Sir Ian Montcriffe. Lyon being the Anglicized Norman name of " De Leonne". Sir John Lyon was the keeper of the Privy Seal During the reign of Robert II of Scotland and 1375 became KEEPER of EDINBOROGH Castle until his death. March 1372 he aquired the THANAGE of GLAMIS and 1376 married Princess Johana daughter of King Rovert II & Elizabeth Mure of ROWALLAN.. Their only child also named Sir JOHN LYON1445 also had a son Patrick Lyon whos son Patrick Lyon was named 9th Lord Glamis 1606 and EARL of Kingharve ancestor to Elizabeth Bose-Lyon. The above description is the blended version of Wickapedia notes on Sir John Lyon and the Geni notes on Elizabeth Lyons....my ancestor's Grandmother, see Margaret Wydeville-Churchille to Thomas, William, John, John, Josiah to Elizabeth Churchill - Foote to Hall to William Rice Jr 1761. Thus the discussions of X Chromosmes being carried forward on the faces of my immediate family takes on a new and important meaning, considering the mix includes Tudor, Stewart, Plantagent Richard III and Valois lines....all preserved on the derived mixing of male X chromosmes to the daughter lines....The most recent face to emerge is Cosomo DeMedicci father of Katherine DeMedicci mother of Katherine of Valois,Queen Consort to Henry V & Owen Tudor. I now have the Pedigrees worked out with some clairity except for Tacinda Tudor's great grand daughter Margaret Mercer 1578 to Perrott ap RICE 1600 to John Rice, my 8th great grandfather of DEDHAM Ma. 1624.

10/25/2013 at 8:46 AM

Good Morning Mr. W: I am now clearly in your debt as I have been here for a year now....scanning thousands of names within famlies on Hundreds of persons of potential connection/ NO ONE has ever bothered to explain HOW to tag anything....nor was I directed to any Tutorial for using this most elegant of systems....I simply dove in and began swimming in a Thousand year history of Western Europe....some of the lines are more deep than I can even comprehend.....My computer literacy and skill set are actually quite rudamentary as has been clear to everyone I suppose: But my determination and willingness to focus for hours, days, and weeks has begun to payoff...as it were...My personal research I have tried to sumarize as above without the skill to link anything so LINKAGE is the first order of business I suppose, and if you would care to send that privately to dalecrice@live.com I would be very grateful...PS: I always keep a great Scotch on hand for visitors to Palm Springs, Ca. which I offer in the most hospitible manner. My Best to you sir, DCR 1948

10/25/2013 at 9:25 AM

Thankyou Mr. Brox: Regards to you sir. DCR 1948

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