Need help with Hebrew text

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Thursday, September 12, 2013
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We need some Hebrew readers to help with the documents uploaded to the profile of R' Sigmund Planer, Dayan, Mohel and Moreh Zedek in Mad (Nagymad)

See documents at

He is supposedly descended from a Rabbi Shmuel Shmleke Horowitz, perhaps one of these.
Rabbi Shmule (Schmalka) ha-Levi Horowitz, ABD Tarnow
Rabbi Shmelke Horowitz of Nikolsburg

send me and i"ll try to help you Happy new year
Efraim Stern

It says that Yehoshia Ascher Zelig Plaenrr born in Phisling(Wasserman) 1815 son of Issachar Dov Mottel from Nikolsburg
Do you need more?

you want the translation of the whole pages?

We would appreciate translation of the whole pages, or as much of them as you are willing to help with.
Efraim, the pages are on the profile page. Can you access them there, or would you prefer emailed copies?

i meanwhile found the pages/ I'll try to write you a sumary not the whole text

Thank you! We appreciate any assistance on this.

if you can send it in a biger format,it will be easier to read/ a part of it is with very bad letters

It says that from very young childhood Yoshia learned the bible/ He grew up at his brothers Yosefs house in Gissing/
After he went faar away to the town of Wordoy?' in this town was a Yeshiwa of the gaon Charif/ He got one of his belowed pupils/
in many places is mentioned that he came from a very poor family' and in many places he was helped by other people in lodging etc/
It is also mentioned he was a very big Zaduk/
In the town he lived was a rich merchant whos whole family deid' exept of one sich girl( a BetulaHe married this girl' but a short while after she deid/
After he remarried the daughter of Mordechi Sender?/ Where ewer he was it is mentioned that he went on leaning the bible even in snowing days
In winter 1888 he got sick and deid on the 5 th of Schwat.
On his mazewa is written
here is barried the great Rabbi Asher Zelig Planer deid on 5 th Schwat' ander it the good things he made in his life
) if you want it exat you must find someone who is good it all the shortnings' a part of them even in Ydish)
Have an easy Yom Kipur - with us it is very hot(

To add to the above:
Yehoshua Asher Zekig Planer born תקע"ה
In Pisling Maharen (Hungary?) and was the son of Issachar Dov a descendant of the Maharam from Nikelsburg.
His first wife was the daughter of Moshe and they had several sons and daughters.
the second wife was the daughter of Abraham Kander
Yehoshua died 5 shvat תרמ"ח = 18 Januar 1888.

For Alisa Sharon:

"Maharen" probably stands for Mähren (Moravia). I am not aware of a place called Pisling in Moravia but there is a town of that name in Upper Austria and Pisling is also a Jewish family name.

Peter Brod, Prague

alisa Chag Sameach I thought the thaf kuf ayin heh is thyear
Efraim Stern_ 1815of his birth

Efraim- it either 1815 or 1814- depends which month

Thank you all so much! This is tremendous information. Do you see anything suggesting his ancestry, beyond the names of his father and his uncle, and the mention that he was somehow descended from the maharam from Nickelsberg?


Thanks, everybody. Do you see any other leads besides names and towns?

Private User
You wrote that he was a descendant of the Maharam of Nikolsburg. The letters are Rashi letters so the last letter would be a shin, not a mem sofit so it says maharash which is an acronym for Moreinu Harav R' Shmelke (of Nikolbsurg). Can anyone confirm the word 'Migeza' means descendant?
Also the city where he learnt in far away may be Werbo which I believe was in Hungary, after which it says he learned by the Chatam Sofer and was a prized student, and when he (the Chasam) died he learned by the son of the Chatam sofer.

@diane Jacobs, these pages are basically the story of his life, who he was born to, where he learned, who he married and that he was well respected and held a high position in his town. Other that the line about being related to R' Shmelke of Nikolsburg and his father's name, there is nothing to help trace his lineage. His mother's name is not written on his tombstone.

My mistake- defetly MaHaraSh
and it is in
+ Moravia
Geza means trunk of a tree.
Migeza- from ftunk

Zerakh Horowitz R' Zerakh Horowitz
born in Lyachowitch, son of Elyakim Hetzel Halevy Horowitz.
He was married onone of Vilna Gaon daughters.
Migeza - from "geza" = from descendants.
Btw, is it a project of Nikolsburg? My roots also connected to this town.
Shmelke of Nikolsburg (1726 Chortkiv, Galicia – April 28, 1778 Nikolsburg, Moravia) was one of the great early Chasidic Rebbes. Born Shmuel Horowitz (but commonly known by the diminutive "Shmelke"), he was the oldest son of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Horowitz of Chortkiv. A Levite, he traced his lineage back directly to the prophet Samuel who was also a Levite. In their early years, Shmelke and his brother Pinchas - who would also become a famous rabbi - studied Torah together. After traveling to Mezritch and meeting the great chasidic master Dovber of Mezeritch, they became his ardent followers.

After serving as rabbi in Ryczywół and Shineva, Shmelke was invited, in 1773, to become the rabbi of Nikolsburg in Moravia, where he served until 1778.[1] On the first day of his being rabbi of Nikolsburg, Abraham Trebitsch a native of Nikolsburg reports him performing a miracle and bringing rain. It is told that his strong attachment to Chasidus angered many members of the community, which led to bitter quarrels that were quelled as a result of the personal intervention of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.

Shmelke established a major yeshiva that attracted numerous outstanding students. Among these were such luminaries as Rabbis Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin, Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Yisroel Hopsztajn, Mordecai Benet and Moshe Leib of Sassov.

The Nikolsburg Hasidic dynasty and the Boston Hasidic dynasty descend from him.

We have projects for all of the Moravian towns and most of the major Bohemian ones. Here is Mikulov/Nikolsburg (which unfortunately has lost records so is very hard to research, despite being the larges Moravian community).

See also

His mother's name is on the tombstone. אשר בן רחל Asher Ben Rachel. It comes out from the initial of every line.

I am sorry to interrupt, but Asher Ben Rachel אשר בן רחל is clearly a male name. So it seems unlikely that it is the mother's name.

I meant that the mother's first name is Rachel.

Shmuel Smelke Horowitz came to Nikolsburg only in 1773, does anybody know where were his children born?

Yes, Mehren is the Yiddish/German for Moravia. Piesling is now in Czech Republic as Pisecne.
It was a very common custom in many Hungarian JEwish cemeteries to give the mother's name after 'ben' or 'bat'.

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