William Reade, Esq, of Wickford - Talbot

Started by Private on Tuesday, September 10, 2013
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Falcon crest is also part of the arms When heraldry as a science first became known among men, about the
year 1000 A. D.. the descendants of Reod took for their device the four wheat sheaves and the miraculous cross of Reod on a bloody field. My inheritance was info and part of that info was Irish kingly heritage and was told no matter what anyone says about it, we are still qualified for High Kingship of Ireland and that the Reade line was a very important line. Dalraida is the eponym of the reade name and they came from Ireland to Scotland. I have met Jesus and God in person as did 2 of my friends that were with me at the time. This rings very true to me, about: The sun had just set and a glow of red light was lingering over the
battlefield, the enemy had retired in some confusion into their walled city,
and Reod, " with silver helmet and falcon crest, with locks of hair of reddish
gold and eyes that pierced like the falcon's glare," " dressed in armour of
chain and hide, with legs all bound with thongs of skin, in one hand held his
heavy shield of hide, bound with gold, and in the other his axe, the handle
inlaid with pearls, his shoulders covered with a cloak, checked with red and
gold (the symbol of his clan)," tired and bleeding from many a wound made
his way to a great oak tree not far away, there to rest himself.

Before he had time, however to seat himself beneath the tree a great
light appeared from under the branches, and our chieftain saw a man in
white robe, fringed with blue, standing before him, and Reod knew that he
saw his Master — that Christ of whom the culdee had so often spoken. A
terrible fear came over him who had never known fear, and he fell upon
his knees.

Pointing to four wheat sheaves that were still left standing after the bat-
tle, and taking them evidently as symbols of the richness and worth of the
land they were in, the figure said:

Reod, these I give to thee. Then pointing to a heap of the slain soldiers
of Reod's army, he said:

Because this blood was shed for me.

Beneath this great and noble tree I have met thee, Reod.

Because what thou hast done is good.

Two of its branches thou shalt take and with them thou shalt make a cross
which thou shalt bear against yonder gate and with it that proud city take.

Fare thee well Reod.

With these last words the figure vanished and Reod the brave was left in

Early the next morning the slaves were ordered to make a gigantic cross
of the great branches of the tree under which Reod had conversed with his

202 Russia u a.

The astrologer of the prince having declared that the hour had come for
beginning the battle, and the cross being finished in the form of an X or
saltire, it was carried by twenty of the Dal Reodii in front of the army, and
amid the deafening roar of trumpets was placed against the gate of the city,
serving as a rough ladder for the soldiers of Reod, who climbed upon it and
dropped on the other side and fighting their way to the very feet of the
enemies' king slew him and carried his head to Reod. The city was thus
taken by the aid of the cross, and all those of the enemy who were willing to
bow their heads to the Symbol of the new faith were spared and became the
subjects of Reod the brave, who reigned for many years afterwards in that
part of Scotland.

We were the ones that converted the heathen scots to Christianity.

Yes, I said I have met Jesus and God in person, and can go into great detail about it. God is very real and the atheists on Geni are bothersome to say the least.

Verily too true it is that " The old order
changeth, giving place to new." The onus lies with the latter to prove that
the change is an evolution and not a devolution. ---I Like That One!

Dalreudini = " daal " means a part; Carbery Riada http://www.libraryireland.com/SocialHistoryAncientIreland/I-III-2.php

Fergus Mor MacErc ---of course I cannot see his profile because I started Geni when it was free and refuse to pay for all the work I did to make Geni worth while paying for today, they basically used us to fill the tree, then tehy started charging once they had content. I barely come here anymore, and it took me a while to figure out my password to get in today, but glad I did, and found that most important article.

the north was part of Dál Riada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A1l_Riada

Dál means "portion" or "share" (as in "a portion of land") and Riata or Riada is believed to be a personal name.[7] Thus, Riada's portion.

Robert Gallup do you know if anyone in your family still retains the inscribed gold ring given to Hannah Lake from Col. Edmund Reade, ours from John Lake was lost in 1776 when our house was burnt to the ground, all we managed to save was a family bible and a bed pan.

Reade = Dál Riata

Showing 31-47 of 47 posts

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