Henry IV of England is your 24th great grandfather.

Started by Private User on Friday, August 16, 2013
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Hey John, You have to buy a subscription to that stirnet site huh? I did do a little browsing on there before it kicked me off-lol That site does not even have a Winton family in their database do they? I think the Aliens must have dropped off my 7th great-grandfather in Ulster, Ireland.

Shazbot NaNu NaNu, Ian Winton :)


I am forming an opinion that the Ulster Plantation might have been a pathway to another dimension. They from there and took ships to America, leaving no records just to torture their descendants .... :):)

Erica besides the 1740 Household tax records for John Winton that I have posted to his profile, I have found this Covenant signed with several signatures. http://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000019631165001
You have to look at it in full view to see it good on here for some reason, and I think this is from the Ulster Plantation. I am not sure if this is my John Winton's Signature but with the other signatures on this covenant I think it could be possible to place a time period on it. What do you think? I also have another one signed with an Alexander Winton's Signature on it!!

This Covenant can maybe be used as a record for several different families that have signed this document.

Lieut. John Winton

I do agree.

Kathryn Aldrich: How much of your own tree have you added to Geni? And has it been attached to the Big Tree yet?

Justin Durand: Nice sleuthing on the Pympe family! I meant to praise you earlier, but it slipped my mind (like so many things do).

Erica Howton and Erin Ishimoticha: Thanks for taking care of Sir Alexander de Balliol of Cavers. Your conversation was confusing me, but when I noticed that his profiles had been merged, I checked his profile's Revisions tab, and then it all made sense.

Alex Moes: I don't see a previous post from you. Did I miss something?

Private User: Stirnet doesn't require a subscription, but it disrupts chart viewing within two seconds for non-subscribers - the owner's incentive to get visitors to subscribe. The owner does reward contributors with limited subscriptions - I received one for my contributions. Also, the Alan de Wyntoun that I mentioned to you earlier is contained on Stirnet's "Seton02" page (http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ss4as/seton02.php). (FYI, in my personal family tree database, Alan is reported as one of my 21st great grandfathers.) And...you speak Orkan?

I think Henry V is my first cousin many times removed, but Im not sure how Im related to Henry IV - he was a usurper so hes not my favourite king. But you cant help your ancestors. Thanks anyway, Ill look him up, Sincerely,Judith Bateman

"周幽王 宮湦 is your 78th great grandfather. "

@ A. Saarinen. I do not know how to shorten the path, so I deleated the post. SORRY

How could Dea shorten her path. There would be no path if it wasn't all there!

Private User
Even the longest path starts with a single step (to paraphrase Confucius).

John Albert Rigali
Previous message was so embarrassing in hindsight that i deleted it. Treasure the apology, i'm pretty stingy at handing them out :)

That was the idea. You can't get to any ancestor without all the people in the correct line.To shorten it she'd have to cut people out. You can't get there without the correct order.Some peoples paths are longer than others.i won't even bother to list my trail.

Private User it is a wonderful use of documents like this to tag it all the relevant profiles - if you can find them. :(

What would do is create a custom event on John Winton's profile, describe it (is there a transcription available?), include citation references, and add the geography. Then associate the image with the event as well as using it as a source fact, and if you locate the other signer profiles, add them to the event, etc.

This sounds more complicated than it actually is. I do it with census reports all the time.

"de" in Latin Families is territorial in more senses only geographical. It also, can imply marriage, in Maria Gonzales Aranda de Ortiz, is Born likely Gonzales Aranda, but married Ortiz... just for example.

Erica, after I googled Ulster Covenants and looked at some Images I seen some more covenants that look like this one I found and I am thinking this is from the year 1912. Also at the top of the covenent it states.... We whom names are underwritten men of Ulster loyal subjects of his gracious majesty King George V. So I do not think this is my 7th grandfather John Winton, but he might be related. I wish I could find these profiles on Geni, because a John Winton still in Ulster, Ireland in the year 1912 would give me a line to investigate.


The Ulster Covenant was signed by just under half a million men and women from Ulster, on and before 28 September 1912, in protest against the Third Home Rule Bill, introduced by the British Government in that same year.

Here's the step by step to sharing a "relationship path link" . Another advantage to this method, for me, is that I can more easily see & "go to" intersections of interest.

- Go to Henry IV of England

- Note the relationship & see if there's a circular icon next to it - if that shows, the path might need refreshing

- result: Henry IV of England is my 20th great uncle!

- now I click the hyperlink on the right - "share this path". It's pointed out in the screen shot of my previous post, which is in the FAQ

- I see all the steps between myself & King Henry lV

- the URL (the www . Geni. Com address in the browser) has the relationship. I copy the www. Geni. Com link & paste it

- http://www.geni.com/path/Erica+Howton+c+is+related+to+Henry+IV+of+E...

- also - there's a little icon for "tweet this" in the lower left. If I copy & paste that I get a shorter "aliased" version of the same thing: http://twitter.com/?status=I%20am%20related%20to%20Henry%20IV%20of%...

Well the last one didn't work so well for me. :). (technology - bah!)

I needed to go one more screen. Here it is - my "tweet this!"


Private User you could consider creating a "tree branch" for this John Winton of Ulster in 1912. It would be a separate tree from your line that (may or may not) have a common ancestor, and the only way to really work that through is take the chance that a relationship will not be found. The advantage is that it's somebody's tree so you've never really wasted your time by creating it - maybe they'd find it on Geni one day. It's a genealogy "random act of kindness."

Erica, This would be the only person that I know of to put in this tree as of now, and maybe an Alexander Winton that I have an identical Covenant signature of, but I am not sure how the relationship pattern would be. I am most sure that we would be related eventually somewhere if I could ever add branches to this tree. I read somewhere that the Winton surname only consist of like 2,000 people in the whole world, with like 1,500 of us being in the United States and I think I am related to every single one of them. My name is not very common, so this should make a Winton tree easy you would think. However I sure can't tell... :(

If I could ever find someone to connect to this John Winton, say maybe a wife and children then I would certainly try starting this branch

The Montgomery's that signed this document should possibly have easier profiles to find first, at least thats my thinking.

There are a lot of Montgomerie / Montgomery lines though, including mine, & I'm not touching it.:).

Howton is like Winton only English side of the Badlands / Borderlands. The 1500 or so in US are just about all related. But we haven't made the England connection yet - I'm beginning to think its that black hole of the Ulster Plantation at fault!

Well with the internet and documents and charters surfacing all the time, it is onlly going to be a matter of time before these connections start breaking through in the Ulster plantation. I think one of my cousins brought about the John Winton household Tax records, and I am most certain that he probably $paid$ a good amount for this research. I think Ireland has a lot of records that they are not willing to part with unless you have family and money running through their country. I think the 1740 tax records is the earliest that we could find in Ireland anything before this time in Ireland to my understanding is going to be very difficult to find.

One of my cousins has even told me that we have had family that has went to Ireland trying to solve our Winton family puzzle, and I will have you know that we are making progress. :)

Henry IV of England is your 8th cousin 18 times removed.

Phillipa FitzAlan is your 21st great grandmother.

Phillipa FitzAlan is your 17th great grandmother.

Phillipa FitzAlan is Deisi Vaz Pinto's fifth cousin 17 times removed:

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