Adam Mudie (Moddy), of Breckness - @ Adam Mudie (Moddy), of Breckness

Started by Private User on Tuesday, August 13, 2013
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Private User
8/13/2013 at 10:56 AM



Charter of feu-farm by Robert Stewart, fcuar of the croAvn lands of Orkney and Shetland, to Mr. William Mudy of Breckness and his heirs, of the kings lands in
Outer Stromness, and others.

Original in Latin in possession of Mrs. Watt of Breckness.

January 20th, 1563-64. Kirkwall.

Robert Stewart, feuar, etc., grants to Mr. William Mudy of Breknes for his life, and to Adam Mudye his eldest lawful son and Grizel Stewart, daughter of the said Robert Stewart, apparent spouse to the said Adam, and the sur- vivor of them in conjunct fee and their lawful heirs male, but so that one heir male only successively after the other shall enjoy and possess, according to the custom of Scot- land, these lands following, notwithstanding the municipal laws or custom of the country of Orkney being to the contrary,' all and sundry the 7 penny, 3 farthing King's lands of Uttir Stromnes, | penny land called Stannagarth, and the quoy called Smethyquoy. Pertinents enumerated in usual feudal form. Payments : — 21 meils, 5 settings ' of meal commonly called cost,' at 5/ per meil, extending to £5 9s. 2d. in money: 12 meils, 5| sett flesh, at 3/ per meil, extending to 38/9d. in money : 2 stones or lispounds and 14 marks of oil, at 4/ per stone, extending to 10/4d in money ; and 6/4d. in money scat, all being the old duties. Also in augmentation of rental 25d., coming altogether to £8 16/, to be paid at Whitsunday and Martinmas in equal portions. Likewise three suits of court to be rendered at the three head courts to be held yearly at the town of Kirkwall or elsewhere, and the feu duty to be doubled in the first year of the heirs' entry. Clause of warrandice in the usual feudal form. Precept of sasine directed to Edward Bettoun. At Kirkwall, January 20th, 1563. 1

Is this the same Adam Mudie that follows ?

YI. Adam Mudie of Breckness, Snelsetter Castle, and Melsetter aforesaid, son and heir of the preceding. He was Rector of Walls and Flotta, being
presented to the parsonage by King James N\., 9th August 1577 ; was tran.s- ferred to Sandwick, in Shetland, prior to 1580; and, in 1593, was again Rector
of Walls and Flotta, "having 'the haill common Kirk of Walls, quhairunto he is newlie providit,' as stipend. He was charged to appear before the Presbytery
of Edinburgh, 6th December 1597, at the instance of Mr Robert Pont and others, Commissioners of the General Assembly, for trial of the minister of Orkney,
but continued to 1601.'"- As already stated, he had a charter from his father of Melsetter and sundry other lands in Walls, 3rd March 1563, which conveyance
was confirmed in his favour by Queen Mary, 10th March of the following year; and on the 4th May 1593 he had a grant of the l^d lauds in Osmoudwall, some-
time called Mistress Margaret Sinclair's lands, from the Earl of Orkney. He succeeded his father after 20th November 1595 and before 30th June 1597,"^ when
ip 111.

2 Hew Scott's "• Fasti, ^' iii., pt. 1, p. 404.

3 30th June 1597. — His Majesty, for better obedience, peace and quietness in the country, and redressing of skaiths by the landlords and landed men of Orkney and Zetland, and those for wlioni they are answerable, ordains letters to be directed charging the follo\ving persons to hnd sufiflcient caution in the sums underwritten that they and those for wiiom they are answei-able shall keej) uood rule and shall be answerable to his highness and justice : Patrick, Earl of Orkney, in £20,lt00 ; Johne, Master of Orkney, in 10,000 merks ; Miehell Balfour of Momiuhany, Laurence Bruce of Cultmalindies, ^ir Patrick Bellenden of Evie, Hew Sinclar of Brugh, and Malcohue Grolt of Tanker- ness, each in oiX)0 merks ; Arthure .Smelar of Hous(bie ?), Edward Sinclar of Etliie lEday), Thomas
Knif.htissoun of Brassey, Mr Thomas Pitcairn of , Thomas .Swintoun of Ranebister, Thomas Bellenden of .Stennis, Henry Halcro of that ilk, and \Yilliam Sinclair of Ustness. in 2iX)0 merks each ; Malcolme Sinclar of Quendell, Andro Umphray of Berry, Adam Mudie of Breknes, James Stewart of Groemsay, Robert Monteith of Eglissey, and Robert Flett of Howbester (Hobbister, in Orphir), in £1000 each ; William Bruce of Soundburgh (Sumburgh), Andro Edme.ston of Quhitness, William Gordon of Cairston, ^laenus Cromarty of Cara, etc., etc., in 10<X) merks each; James Stewart of Burray, etc., etc., in 500 merks each.

The need of all this precaution is emphasised by his mentioned as "Adam Mudie of Breckness " in the Privy Council Records H- is UL^ain mentioned on 28th December the same year, but not after. Adam Mudi.' married' Christian Stewart, probably a sister of James Stewart of (li.cms.iy,^ iind a natural daughter of Robert (Stewart), first Earl of Orkney [S.l, au'I had issue : —

Adam Muodie was certainly not " very young" at the time of his father's death. It was also incorrect that Francis Moodie was never infeft in the family estiites generally ; and it was a daughter of Earl Robert who married Sinclair of Murkle.;t...

Private User
7/8/2015 at 12:49 PM

Betyr dette at Grizel Stewart, se egen diskusjon og to profiler, var gift med Adam Mudie ?

Private User
7/11/2015 at 2:02 PM

Grizel Stewart er antatt født ca. 1565. Dokumentet som viser at hun tilsynelatende var gift med Adam Mudie er datert 1563 - 1564, altså før Grizel var født. Virker lite logisk at denne personen var gift med Adam Moodie ut i fra disse opplysningene.

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