Wintons of Seton

Started by Private User on Saturday, August 3, 2013
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Sir Alexander Seton of Winton, Lord Gordon

Now, in order for her to inherit, she had to agree to marry a male of Gordon blood who would agree to carry the Gordon name for himself as well as his heirs. She wasted no time in marrying ******************Alexander Seton of Winton, **********their line becoming the Seton-Gordons. We are fortunate to have a proven descendant of this line in our test group to validate our own testing. This family, while not as large in numbers as the family of Jock and Tam is just as prominent in our research of the ancestral Gordon lines.
1605. - CREATION OF EARLDOM OF DUNFERMLINE. - ************Alexander Seton (a branch of the Winton family),************ who was, previous to this date, Baron Urquhart, and
also Lord Fyvie, was, on March 4th, created "Earl of Dunfermline."
(Fernie's Hist. Dunf. p. 81; Frag. Scot. Hist. vol. i. p. 63, &c.)
Birrell, in his Diary, notes: "The 4 of Marche, Lord Fyvie, President (of
the Court of Session), an uthers, wer made Earles - viz., Lord Fyvie, Earl
of Dumfermling; Lord Home, made Earl of Home; and Lord Drummond, made Earl
of Perth; and alswa twelve Knyghts."

Our Winton were never indicated as Irish (green or white). By all indications, and the many records, they were Scots, or "Scot-Irish" as we Americans say. They were 100% Presbyterians when they came over, before the later new wives, and generations, left the fold. They no doubt came last from "nothern" Ireland, where the Scots were taken/pushed/ held/etc. They settled in America in a area settled by 85% Presbyterians, and the rest German.

John Winton Sr was the first of our proved Winton line in America. He settled/died in Penn, not Virginia, not South Carolina, not anyplace else.Proved.

John Winton Sr served as a Militia soldier, and a Leut, Penn., during French and Indian Wars.Proved.

His son William Winton Sr served as a Patriot during Rev War, not a soldier, Penn. thus, he would qualify as "Patriot". Proved.

There is no record, nor indication, that William Winton Sr liked a dram anymore that any other regular citizen of the area, time. Again, this sounds like that old Methodist, and all others, feud, of the times. Any bad stories, twisted, and enlighened, sure make for fun though. Plus, I noticed s great devide in accurate info vs inaccurate info, coming from the Missourei/Arkansas bunch, vs the back in Tenn bunch, even close ones, and a couple that ended back in Tenn. Par for the course.All records show that William Winton Sr was a good man, industrious, hard working, family man, and well liked.

William Winton Sr was never in South Carolina. So of course, his son, John Winton, was never there either. He was in Virginia for only a few years, about three. He never had a little home on the James River. He was never close to the James River. And though he served as a "Patriot" during the Rev War, he never served as a soldier, and thus didn't bother ole George Washington.Proved.

There is no record, nor indication, that John Winton (Rev) went off to join the army, and arrived after Cornwallis surrender. Nor is there any indication that he was military slanted at any time. And as William Winton Sr, and his son John, never lived in eastern Virginia near James, they also did not live in southwestern Virginia. For their only and short Virginia stay, they were in northwestern Virginia.It was here that Arrabella changed his, her mothers, life, and made men out of them. Proved.

Oh yes, as some have "joined" Arabellas father, James, as a "soldier" or "patriot", before he died in that before-mentioned Virginia area, I have comment. James Cunningham recorded as a "Patriot", Rev War; he sold a cow/calf to Americans, for money, for food for troops. He was also arrested, tried, thrown in the pokey, for saying "unkind" remarks about those same Americans. He never served as "Soldier".Proved.

No comment upon the wagon, coffin, story. Many fine men loomed larger than life.

My Great Great Great Grandfather, William Winton Jr, served as an Ensign, then Leut, in the Jefferson Co NC/Tenn Militia, dying just before the War 1812 heated up.Proved.

Sally/Sallie/Sallye Smith indicated as descent from James.

Thank you. Take care. Regards Cousin Dick.

You ask for information, regarding "John Winton served as a Militia soldier, and a Leut of Malitia, Penn, during French and Indian Wars. Proved.?"

If you will note page 14-7 of the 14-123 pages of the Winton Chapter that I sent you to share with all interested Winton cousins, that some of it is noted there. The Penn Colonial Records, which call these units Malitia, or Association Regiments as coined by Benj Franklin, were notified in Dec 1745 that the French and Indians were preparing to march again. This one fizzled out, but was quickly followed by like incidents. One of the saved records, for 1747/8 raised in the area, clearly records, the officers appointed, Major Wm Maxwell, Captain Wm Maxwell Jr, Lt John Winton, Lt Wm Smith, and Ensign James Wilkey, all of Peters (Peter/old Lancaster, present Franklin). Such records for other close like years lost. This record is held in Penn State Archives, as well as recorded in Histories of Lancaster Co, Cumberland County, Franklin Co, Penn.

As well, The "old Mercerburg" publication of Franklin Co Penn, quoting old history in some, states, "that the settlers had to obliged to protect themselves, because of the slowness of the Quaker government, and this was done in the construction of private stockades and block houses, and organizing a malitia." "In 1748, we find Major Wm Maxwell, and Lts. Wm Smith and John Winton, of Peters Township, guarding the west side". This "guarding the west side" and "the lines of this province", meant just that, - - - the furthest extreme of the then so called "civilization". These accounts are also in all of the area history books. The Penn Colonial Records, saved, Record 5, Volume 5, Page 210, (old Lancaster Co) Penn State Archives, and five Penn County Histories, and Penn State History, and several Historical Publications, and Presbyterian Church records and Publications, etc.

William Winton Sr , April 1778, saved Bedford Co Penn records, appointed Constable, Dublin Twp, then covering lower half of present Huntingdon Co, upper half of present Fulton Co. Another added task during Rev War. As listed in Quarter Sessions, Bedford County Penn Court, 13 April 1778, and several County Historys and publications, Bedford, Huntingdon, etc.

William Winton Jr, Jefferson Co NC, 16 June 1792, Malitia Officers, Appointed Ensign. Recorded, 1790 -1796 US Territorial Papers , and in the Journal of the Proceedings of Wm Blount Esquire, Governor in and over the Territory of the United States south of the Ohio River, dated 1 Sept 1792. And in his endorsed report of 1 March to Sept 1, 1792. And is in County histories of the area. William Winton Jr., Jefferson Co Tenn, 10 Oct 1796, Malitia Officers, Appointed Leut. As recorded in Tenn Malitia records, area County Histories, and US/NC/Tenn Military records. His estate would indicate military duty in past.

I hope this answers your request, and that it is of some use, to our cousins and you, now, and the future.

Just a little note: if you have ancestors who served ( this can be in many type capacities) in the Revolutionary war, it's a quick easy confirmation at the DAR website. It will also offer you information like " incomplete information" or if your ancestor may be in the great purge that is going on. Apparently, but not surprisingly, many very old applications were found to be forgeries or wishful thinking. They have great documents in their library. I got 2 handwritten notes by my ancestor and his comrades in arms applying for their pensions. Pensioner info and addresses and dates can also be found on the Search for Your Ancestor tab. I'm not sure if the SAR has the same resources.

Private User

I looked on the DAR website and it showed nothing for the Winton surname. But I have books and records from Penn state archives and Pennsylvania history books and documents proving that John Winton was a Lieutenant for the Pennsylvania Militia 1747/8 archives and also his son William Winton Sr. is a "Patriot" because he was the Constable of Dublin twnshp. Pennsylvania. However I still couldn't find anything on the DAR website. So I'm just going to continue to find as many sources as I can and post them to their profile's when I can. I'm not sure if John is considered Revolutionary War, as this was during the French and Indian War. However his son William was a Constable of Dublin twnshp. Pennsylvania, and a "Patriot" of the Revolutionary War.

See the following from the U.S. Government War archives showing Lieutenant John Winton.

What the heck?

John is under this Regiment.

Page 512

Captain–William Maxwell

Lieut–John Winton

Is this maybe the same Captain William Maxwell listed with Lieutenant John Winton? 1747-8 Pennsylvania Militia

Brig. General William Maxwell (Continental Army) ("Scotch Willie")

PIONEER DEED. "Know all men by these presents, that I, William Winton, of Dublin Township, Bedford County, State of Pennsylvania, for and in consideration of the sum of thirteen hundred and twenty-five pounds current money to me in hand paid, at and before the sealing and Delivery of these presents by Hugh Logan, of County of York and State aforesaid, hath granted, Bargained, and sold, and by these presents Doth Bargain and sell to said Hugh Logan, his Heirs or assigns, all my Right, title, Interest, property, Claim and Demand whatsoever, in and to that tract of land whereon I now Liveth, Lying and being in said County of Bedford, adjoining Lands of George Cluggage, together with all the Improvements thereon made or erected, and the grain now in the grown on said premises, and a loom and other articles mentioned in an article of agreement between me and said Logan. To have and to hold said Improvements, grain in the grown, and loom to said Hugh Logan, his Heirs or assigns, me, my Heirs, Executors, or Administrators shall and will warrant and forever Defend, and against no other person whatsoever, as witness my hand and seal the twenty-first day of March, in the fifth year of American Independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty. "Wm. WINTON. [Seal] "Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of "JAMES CARMICHAEL "BARS. DOYLE "Received the day of the Date of the above Indenture of the within named Hugh Logan, the first sum of thirteen hundred and twenty-five pounds, being the full consideration money above mentioned, as witness my hand and seal. "WM. WINTON.

Where ya suppose this man had the education to talk like this in 1778? He don't sound uneducated!

Ian - not sure we can surmise that from the language of the indenture. Liars I mean Lawyers were using formulaic phrases & templates in the 1770s. Probably the 1300s too. :)

If there's a pension application for war service it might be a better clue for figuring him out a little more.

Great find document.

All I know is this is taken fro the Pennsylvania United states War Archives and I have his fathers military records fron the Pennsylvania Militia 1747 and know found a James Winton VA militia that is in the same timeline as my family moving from Pennsylvania to VA Shenandoah Valley to to NC which became East Tennessee!! Any help is appreciated! Thanks

This don't look to be a bogus document? Since its coming from a Genealogical web-project?

I have the tax records John Winton to America, I have his son being a Constable for Pennsylvania Dublin Township and my whole line documented with sources, Deeds, Census and Military records all the way to my grandfather.

Sorry to confuse. I meant - do we know if William Winton wrote it, or did an attorney, and he signed & sealed it?

I'm pretty sure its legit? My family has documented this as a source! It looks to be backed by I known the United States Government is known to lie? :) What do you think?

How about this source? Does usgwarchives,net qualify for a source?

History of Huntingdon and Blair Counties, Pennsylvania by J. Simpson Africa Philadelphia, PA: Louis H. Everts, 1883, pp. 252-265. Contributed by Mike Gifford.

This is the other written source.

Allllllllll these sources are marked and identified to their GENI Profiles if you would like to have a look?

Hi Ian

I will look at the tree in a bit - I have the feeling it will be a real treat.

One of our curators recently added an "indenture document image" from 1775 to a profile here

To give you a visual of what these agreements looked like, as you had the text transcription of something similar. As you can see, it was a printed form, and sealed (with wax) by a government official. So the text, by itself, doesn't indicate the education level of the parties to the agreement, unless the transcription indicates the "signature" was made "by mark" (X) or by actual script.

The written out receipts are more indicative in your ancestor's case; seems to say he could read, write & most importantly - do math & double entry bookkeeping. So just based on that I'm inclined already to agree with your assessment: "a man of at least some education.".

Which is highly interesting - how & where did he acquire it?

So what would

I need to find this family to Research.
WINTON James Cossar Son of William Sandilands Winton, of Firrhill, Colinton, Edinburgh, Scotland. Pte Balerno Canadians 31/05/16 age 29 Menin,Be

Notice the date of December 3rd 1307 stating that Henry de Winton was governor of Forfar Castle. There either has to be more than one Henry de Winton or He is not a son of Alan de Winton that married Margaret de Seton! Because Margaret de Seton and Alan de Winton are not old enough or born yet to have a son that is governor on December 3, 1307!!!! :)

Forfar Castle was an 11th-century castle[1] to the west of Forfar, Scotland.[2]
In 1307 he was one of those to whom Edward il. issued orders to repress the rebellion;^ and in 1308 he became security, with the Earl of March and others, for the fidelity of Malise, Earl of Strathearn, to the English monarch ;* and on the 3d of December in that year he was ordered to send supplies to the castle of Forfar, of which Henry de Winton was governor.^

Henry Winton

Sir Alan de Wyntoun, of Seton

Margaret de Seton, heiress of Seton

The boy unmarked is the 4th son Sir Seton The title of Earl of Winton was bestowed on Robert seventh Lord Seton in Nov 16oo but the picture is by anticipation styled the ***Winton family****!

Scroll up in the link provided to see the portrait of "THE WINTON FAMILY".

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