William the Conqueror, King of England - Hunting William the Conqueror's DNA

Started by Justin Durand on Monday, July 22, 2013
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William "The Conqueror", also "the great negotiator". The 26th great grandfather

William the Conqueror, King of England is your 35th great uncle.

Does anyone know if the Cook family related to the TUDORS became the Cookson Family? There was a division of that family about 1700 that may explain a great deal Genetically.....ANYONE?

Well, that's a good question. My grandmother was a Cookson .She goes back to John Cookson who was born in the late 1600's,date not known for sure. Just know info on him here ib Boston area. Have no real reacord of his parents other then a maybe John Cookson who was a gunsmith?whitesmith in England. It would make sense thou to have been Cook and the ssomeone who was son of Cook becomes Cookson.

Well, that's a good question. My grandmother was a Cookson .She goes back to John Cookson who was born in the late 1600's,date not known for sure. Just know info on him here ib Boston area. Have no real reacord of his parents other then a maybe John Cookson who was a gunsmith?whitesmith in England. It would make sense thou to have been Cook and the ssomeone who was son of Cook becomes Cookson.

Kris Stewart advises that if faces and phenotypes are carried on X...then the data contained for the faces must come from the female line, not the male line....except that males contribute 1 X as well....so the information of both mother and father are passed down through daughters....The most recent data published last month states there are 5 sites that control this mechanism and many hundres if not thousands of genes....but 5 sites on the X Chromosome do all the directing...My question is related to the 7 doubleganger faces in my family that are quite clear as VAlois and Stewart, less so the Tudor lines but there is enough to cause one to pause....According to theory by generation 17 the DNA is all gone.....and that's where my nephew's face is clearly the double ganger for Louis XI of France. The Cookson's and the Cookstons are the families so anyone that has information please speak up....Thanks in Advance....DCR 1948

Judith: according to geni you are my 7the great Aunt's niece 8 times removed...Your Grandmother was Cookson, but married into that family....Until I looked it up Last February for the first time I did not know who my Nephew looked like as he resembled none of we Uncles or Aunts....The shock of a lifetime was opening the page to Louis XI, brother of Catherine of Valois and seeing him in profile....Unless you look most people just take for granted what their family looks like....And like I said this all occured within the past year....So Im tracking down how this could possibly be happening....DCR1948

No my grandmother was born a Cookson. I think you may mean my greatgrandmother married into the Cookson line. But my grandmother was Winnette Cookson,
her Father was Adelbert Cookson
his father was Josiah Cookson
his father was Rubein Cookson
hia father was Rubein Cookson
His father was John Cookson
His father was John Cookson who married Rachek Proctor daughter of Richard and Rachel proctor.I beleive you are talking about Orilla Murch who was married to Adelbert Cookson.

Dale I don't have that problem of not knowning what my family looks like. Almost everyone looks like a Parker or a Loubris.We all resemble each other.It's very erie to go to a wake and have people walk up to you and say you look just like kathleen(my father's sister) who was very dead in her coffin and the same tguing happened with my mother.I looked jsut like her, someone said.

Oh DEAR!!! Well, then the story of my family must seem strange indeed! LOL We none of us look alike...except my brother SAM and I have similar body types...But each of three boys are quite distinct as are my sisters....Im trying hard to put the DNA thing to the test. What a marvelous collection of Cooksons!!! I see that the name is the older branch....thus more likely to be connected to the Cooke Family. The story we heard 4th hand was that two brothers named Cookson had a terrible falling out, and the one changed his name to COOKSTON....and anyone with that name is likely to be our family....does that ring a bell? My niece is going to be so happy to know of you and your family....she spent a lot of time trying to piece the story together.....Her name is Valerie Monnier/ Fischer and she's the family Historian's Daughter.....that's my eldest Sister Dorothy Rice Monnier....If it's alright I will let her know of you and your family which is deeply rooted I can see. Kind regards Dale Rice

Very possible they are connected but all I know about them is what I gave you plus all their sisters and brothers ete.They started out in Boston Mas and moved to maine very early.I beleive John and Rachel got married around 1701. He was a business man. A whitesmith and he was given liuberty to sweep chimmerneys in Boston and he was one of the few people to employee free bkack men.His children were born in Boston. Son John I beleave is the one who moved to Maine and there they stayed in various area of Maine , all near Bangor. But for awhile they were back in Mass as records have Aldebert being born in Mass. Yet he was in Glenburn during the Civil War,I have his records from that war.Or I should say a record.He married in Bangor. Then after the children were all born and my grandmother was around 8 or 10 , they moved down to charlestown,Mass.His father Josiah was a farmer but also a minister. I found the record in a bible at home, after my grandmother died, that gave him permission to marry people in the state of maine.My grandmother met this goodlooking man from Saugus Ma. who has part Native American, at a Tempprence( sorry spelling that wrong) meeting in Boston. He was Saugus Indian and Saugus Parker. She married him and ended up in Saugus.

Dale , as far as Rachel proctor wife of John Cookson goes, I know she was born in Boston, in the Boston records,and I know who her parents were.Richard ,her father was also born in Boston. No father listed for him. I think they said his mother was Mary, I would have to double check this. Anyway , they are buried in Boston. I think they are like cousins of John Proctor, of Salem, Mass but I don't know this for sure. 5 brothers or relatives named Proctor came to America about the same time,settleing in various area.

Dale is your relative you spoke of on Geni?

Yes, but he's James Cookston, and from Iowa, married my Grandmother Esther Collins from Muncie Inidana...Esther's Grandmother was Marie Chalfant....and that's the line that connects to Beuccleaux north of London...Not much information Im afraid....The Rice's are much more meticulous about their Records so we have that proved back to Samuel Rice of Con and ofcourse his father is John Rice 1624 of Dedham....My theory of DNA and faces has to connect through a Maternal Figure and even though men get their X Chromosome exclusively from their mothers we don't know the interplay of the Male X vs the Female X.....supposedly the Mother of each male would control the male faces and the female's get the mixture of father's X and mother's X....that's where recombination comes in I suppose. All of the males in the Rice line have received their X's from their mothers which in early cases are not likely to have come from the Valois/Tudor/or Stewart lines....IE Anne Hackley was born in Dedham....so it's unlikely she contributed anything to Samuel...However Samuel's Wife was a Doliver and they absolutely trace back as do the sweets and down line from Samuel and Rebecca Dolliver all those males and females would have X 's carrying the gentic material I speak of....The last dose came from the Churchill/Stewart liaison to John Churchill to Elizabeth Foot to Mary Hall Rice whoo married my Great Great Grandfather about 1780....My father is an abosolute dead rigner for James II and that follows the theory of DNA perfectly passing from Mother to Son to Children....In my own case my mother's DNA X would come from the Chalfant connection as would my brother's and sisters, with my 3 sisters receiving their X from Father and Mother....DCR That's according to the folks here at GENI DCR 1948

The Family of John Rice and Anne Hackley have grandchildren who marry into the lines of these families and connect by marriage to the higest ranking members of Enland's social/political life: I posted some on the main page, these are the rest who are proved by GENIto connect to John Rice 1624...a nobody Puritan....Gardiner, Grey, Howell, Harrington, Herbert, Judson, Lyon Locke, Malte, Manning, MERCER, Rhys ap Thomas , Rice Scott, Smith, Sweet , Spencer, Stewart, Stuckley, Tudor, Walters, Wilkinson, Ware, Whalley, Whale, Windsor and all before 1700. Say what you want.....John Rice's family was connected in a giant circle of descendency from1256 Rhys ap Tudor to Rhys ap Thomas....and there is evidence in the continuing line of females who sought out this family in AMERICA....The Earls trace back to Plantagenats, The Sweets to the HERBERTS, Dollivers to everyone....The greys to the MERCERS and Tudors to the Greys.... If no one cares that this line makes these connections then I'll carry on best I can....but as Docents of the site your comments were and are taken seriously....DCR 1948

Well, Dale James had to come from somewhere. He didn't just get dropped into Iowa! People, if early ususualy arr. in America via Boston, or other New England towns or Virginia or New York and Pa.I mean they either came with the Englisd=h or Scots or the Dutch and maybe some French and latewer Swedes. Spain had nothing to do do with the start of America until yeats later in 1845,when we went to war wit Mexico and defeated them and took ove all their territory.The two groups stayed away from each other in the 1600's.

Yes, sad to say our info is only back to mid 1800's so will be interesting to see where GENI leads on this...Thanks for your invaluable insight into the Cookson's...Never know...the Cookes were closely associated with the Tudor's...Which is news to me and most likely not to you....Cheers. DCR

Ours on the Cookson side is backe ti late 1600's , thire allied lines even earlier.

Hello Ms. Judith: Sister Dorothy Monnier (RICE) sent the sum total on the known COOKSTON family....We know the assosciation of the two brothers who had a spat and changed the spelling from COOKSON to COOKSTON go back to ANDREW COOKSON 1790 who married 4 times. Our Grandmother line traces to his wife named, Barbara Castelier Cookson and she's mother to Paternal Line of James FRanklin Cookston father of our Mother Mildred Margurieitte Cookston RICE 1910.

Prior to the split in family name spelling Andrew Cookson 1790 had a son John Adam Cookson 1817, Butler Ohio wo married Malinda Ray b 1819 D 1899. Their children were Mary Ann, Indiana, John, Helen, William Albert ( James' Father) , Rosetta, and Roll. William Albert who married Mary Switzer had children: Louise, John M. ,Roll, James Frnaklin, Lenna and Albert.

Do let us know if you recognise any of these ancestors....Best Regards DALE C. RICE 1948 Nebraska Rice's

Sorry, Dale, not a one!

Do you know where they were before Ohio or Iowa? Were they in Maine.

Do you know where they were before Ohio or Iowa? Were they in Maine.
According to Anscret Andrew Cookson came fro Georgis and he was married to Barbara but that's all they had on him.

No, this all the info we have....But I was looking at the name on your list which is a soundex possibility...sounds like.....sometimes the names are jumbled....I was wondering how firm the spelling is on ADELBERT very close to ALBERT....? William Albert is my Grandfathe's Father so Great Grandfather to me.....and with 3 other wives is your family member about 1800? DCR

The DNA test results for my connection to the SAMUEL RICE of group 17 in the ERA data base should be back by October 7 to 11, 2013. The interesting thing about the test is that it should confirm my Haplogroup as the same as Samuel born to Anne Hackley and John RICE 1624 of Dedham.., Ma via EAST ANGLIA in ENgland........Since my Aural History of who is the father of John RICE 1624 has been poo pooed here by the professionals.....even calling my assertion as imagination and disrespectful to persons involved....I feel it important to say that every facet that my Father told me about has been proved by historical fact....including the stories about Laundress's and their involvement with Henry VIII...not once but twice.....As it happens, Perrott ap Rice and John RICE and therefore Samuel RICE and I have no blood involved those two stories....but they are rather asides to the actual story of the RICE's in Wales/ and NEW ENGLAND.....The paper I seek at the Hall of RECORDS in ESSEX next Wednesday Sept 8, 2013 should have the name of the Baptismal mother upon it....A PURITAN woman, and why would there be a Peer associated with a PURITAN? One has to ask Thomas PERROTT, since he is listed as a keeper of Puritan VAlues and is a blood relative to PERROTT ap RICE, my ancestor.....Thus the hidden connection to the movement and John Rice's acceptence into the PURITAN enclave of DEDHAM is back lit by this history......His cousin was Cromwell, the Puritan Influance had a major effect upon the English Revlolution 1640 when Perrott disappeares from public life.....and begins a new life in the NEW WORLD..... i will copy it and provide for the entire community to see ithis doccument once in hand.

The truth is what is at stake here, and no one may use their influance to disuade me from publishing what could be confirmation of the NEBRASKA RICE connection to the most ANCIENT of Male line descendents going in direct line from the present to 30 AD via the RHYS ap THOMAS lineage to the joint lineage of Meriditih/Tudor to Tudor HEN and King Cole HEN....One doccument puts this into play, and the Hall of RECORDS is my first stop after dropping off my luggage. (for those who are interested)....DCR 1948

Mr. Rice, I think its awesome that you are doing all this to confirm or not, a lineage that you have been researching. Most every man is curious as to who he is decended from. Get "R' Done Mr. Rice!! :)

Thank you Ian....the communication between site members is so helpful to see where we connect or even if we don't it's still useful to know. The marvelous thing about this particular line of inquiry is that there are some names I never knew anything about...I was almost 30 when I first heard of the connections and I sat on the information for 3 and a half decades before starting to look.....Imagine my suprise to find so much of American History is the history of my people....Im still in awe....The main point I needed to prove and it is proved now beyond all reasonable doubt is that DAD was telling me the TRUTH that he had been given by his father....word of mouth....To find that everying and I mean everything is true is just beyond comprehension....that's why this one doccument is so important because it's the physical link of a HERE SAY story....and all I wanted to do was tell my family : Dad was not streatching the truth at all....in fact our male line can be confirmed back to 30AD once I get the birth record....Even if it does not have PERROTT's name on it...as long as I can tell who the mother was....then our faces prove the Aural history as TRUE.....THE math is in place for that to be proved fyi...Kind Regards DCR1948

It is, Dale close but it is Adelbert Austeen Cookson. I haven't seen any other Adelbert's in the tree as yet.

Ian: " We set sail and point our 3 masted frigate West in the hope of finding those connections we do not have in the land we know as home....Sometimes the seas are rough, and we must take the sail down to avoid being smashed by mountain high waves.....and we have no choice but to turn into those waves and ride the gale out....believing that providence holds our wooden barque together and laws of nature and God keep the ship upright and afloat, making progress however circular it may be to that shore we set our sights upon early in the journey.....I am an explorer on the sea of the Internet, and my trusty ship is an Apple brand that keeps me safe from vile worms and such.....but I care deeply about finding the land my FATHER said was: "Over there, beyond the shores of Atalntic Beaches in America.....Over there, near the dank and dusty aged places of Druids, and Celts, and the Welsh men of a past long since disappeared back into the land. I welcome any who would journey with me, and will share what resources I discover along the way....for all adventurers must rely on the good will of his kinsmen to make it safely back to shore.....Thus I bow and salute your good wishes in all the same gesture....I am afoot of a new mode of travel....they say will fly me to the places of my ancestors in hours....not months on a ships journey....but some fantastic form of unknown silver monster with wings....they say will take us there whilst we sleep....Can it really be so? Has such a time come to pass that we can see each other at a whim's notice or desire? It's a very strange time and powerful time to be here, and I thankyou for the company......" DCR 1948

So your on you way to the UK? Good Luck, Mr. Rice!

P.S. Prolly cold over there already. Make sure ya take your winter jacket! :)

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