Alan de Neville - Connection to the Duke of March

Started by Dale C. Rice on Wednesday, July 17, 2013
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7/17/2013 at 11:26 PM

I believe this family, the Neville's connects to Edmund Mortimer Duke of March....2nd in line to the Throne of England after Edward II? is it? mother's recollection is that the Rice's connect to the Marches....Don't know how, but that's the an aside...DCR 1948

7/17/2013 at 11:51 PM

Yes, these Nevilles are the same family as Cecily Neville, the mother of Edward IV and Richard III. They were brothers descended from Edmund Mortimer through their father's mother.

You can explore the connections here: Richard of York, 3rd Duke of York

7/18/2013 at 6:44 AM

Alan de Neville is my 27th great-grandfather and Richard of York and Cecily Neville are my 16th great-grandparents.

7/18/2013 at 8:22 AM

Judy, that's just Asonishing one that you have access to the data, and found the link to your family...I suppose Im part of your family too since we connect at the sister of John Rice brother of Samuel Rice sons of John Rice 1624 of Dedham, Ma...Right?

7/24/2013 at 4:20 PM

As a proponent of GENETIC MEMORY, something that my former wife proved in High School Biology by experimenting with simple swamp fauna called Planeria back in 1966....she proved that the subsequent off spring of Planeria she shocked with an electode in water and falshing a light just prior to the experience of being shocked was tansferrable to the F2, F3 F4 geneartions after the subjects in the first set were each disected and regrew their tissues....meaning the Planeria of F2,3.& 4 possibly 5 contracted whenever a light was shone on them as if ready to be shocked.... The Contractions were pronounced across 4 or 5 subsequent generations....This could only have occured by DNA transfer of the Physical Memory of being shocked after exponsure to a light source.

Human Beings are NOT, PLANERIA, BUT we do have biological systems that relatee back to the simplist of life forms so it is not too far a stretch to imagine that previous exposure to gentic material somehow sensitizes and makes some recombination more likely....or else the the ancient faces that recur in my famyly would never have occured en mass as they clearly have. I Bring this up because of Justin's execllent article on faces from our genetic Past on another DCR 1948 Nebraska Rices

7/24/2013 at 5:21 PM

Alan de Neville is William Owen "Bill" Irwin's first cousin 25 times removed!
William Owen "Bill" Irwin You → Maxson Greenman "Max" Irwin your father → Mattie Elizabeth Irwin (Greenman) his mother → Henry P. Greenman her father → Judge John Maxson Greenman his father → Mary Bliss (Maxson) Greenman his mother → Caleb Maxson her father → Tacy Lucy Maxson (Rogers) his mother → Judith Potter her mother → Margaret Helme her mother → Rouse Helme her father → Christopher Helme his father → Priscilla Helme his mother → Christopher Wentworth her father → William Wentworth his father → Oliver Wentworth his father → Thomas Wentworth, I his father → John Wentworth his father → John Wentworth, of North Elmsall, his father → Sir John Wentworth his father → Joan de Tyas his mother → Richard le Tyas her father → Ellen de Neville his mother → Alexander de Neville, Jr. her father → Alexander de Neville his father → William de Neville - c. 1123 his father → Gilbert de Neville, II his father → Geoffrey (1090-1154) Lord of Neville his brother → Alan de Neville his son

7/24/2013 at 5:22 PM

Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York is my16th great grandfather.

7/24/2013 at 6:54 PM

Dale, there is a lot of interesting research into this subject right now. Not genetics, but epigenetics. If you notice any articles on the subject, grab them and post them.

7/25/2013 at 12:03 PM

Alan de Neville is my 28th great uncle.

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