Johnny Depp - Did you know Johnny Depp's ancestry?

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, June 30, 2013
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I have him on the WASP side :-P

17th cousin thrice removed, by current connections, ALL White-Eyes. (shrug)

Yes he is my 17th cousin

I´ve been on his profile the past 24hours, due to the discussion thread here and thought, I´d see what my relationship was, to the co- managers of his profile... since, some even had the Surname "Depp"! (one Hilton, as well)

I did find a few, who are related, as well... it´s not all of them...)
Much to my surprise, this excursion ended in a slew of "reported" profiles... as they had no, nada, null, nil.. relationship to me, in any way not even the second cousin of my great grandfathers, nieces husbands ex-wife´s third cousins sister´s husband... nothing... turned up...

Since, I am as aforementioned, in my comment from yesterday... multiply related to him... I found this very surprising... and unsettling. When I went to said profiles... of co- managers and manager... all was set to PRIVATE and no stats, nothing... and approx.- 5 people at all showing in tree...
and 1 to 0 followers... as well.

I think, it would be important for GENI to screen managers and co- managers of Prominent Persons... to make sure, they are not imposters or worse.

These profiles are either from criminal activity real person... using the system, for their treachery or fake profiles to real persons, who are somehow, bending ... to create a fake relation, to prominent persons.

(Being a semi- prominent person, myself... I take this, a bit as a personal duty...)

I hope Geni will feel called to make it one of their duties, to check up, on their Prominent profiles and assess, using their ability to "look into" our backrounds, IP #´s and activity... to at least attempt to verify, that those MANAGING prominent profiles (as mentioned... some even claiming the DEPP Surname), are at the very least... really, real people...

Don´t you guys think so, too?

They should look in to all prominent profiles... not only Johnny´s... to weed out "impostors".


He also is descent of Lancelot du Lac:

“Exilarch” HIM Crowned (Anointed) Prince Corey Falls of Lake Desposyni U.E. (Grail keeper, Emperor)
You → Brian (Prince candidate, unfit) Victor Falls U.E. (House of Anjou/Kenneth I MacAlpin/Wales)
your father → James Raymond Falls of the Lake U.E. (Prince Grail co-Keeper Emperor)
his father → George Elmer Falls of the Lake Family U.E.
his father → Hannah Fairbairn of the Lake U.E. (Princess, Grail Empress)
his mother → Eliza Ann Hagerman of the Lake Family U.E.
her mother → Hannah (Princess, Grail Empress) Lake U.E.
her mother → Pvt. Nicholas Lake U.E.L.
her father → Lt. John Lake U.E.L.
his father → Nicholas Lake, Sr.
his father → John Lake, V
his brother → Joanna BAYLESS or BAYLES (LAKE)
his daughter → Reuben Bayless
her son → Mary-Margaret Wood
his daughter → Mary Gibson Reneau
her daughter → Mariba Elizabeth Depp
her daughter → Oren Robert Depp
her son → Oren Larimore Depp
his son → John Christopher Depp, Sr.
his son → Johnny Depp
his son

The Deppen family is Swiss-German.

Same Deppen that is ancestral to Johnny Depp? I know "it turns out" some of the supposed French Huguenot lines were actually (not directly from) France. French speaking Swiss Protestants?

Hi... According to Geni, I am A 19th. Cousin to Johnny Depp. Being an Actor-Director... I was in the movie "Nick of Time" (1995), Starring Johnny Depp. I played a Rail Road Passenger in the big deal... you might see me in the film, as Johnny passes me on the station platform.
a few years later...I was on a pending call-booking to be in the movie "Pirates of The Caribbean"... unfortunately my vehicle broke down on my way to the final booking... such as life I guess?

Hello Erica... In my charts... I too have some French-Huguenot lines. I was raised not too from, New Rochelle, New York... which was founded by French-Huguenot lines. I think the The Delano (Delanois) and Roosevelts (Rosenfelt) and Jerome Families have so faniliy connections to The New Amsterdam Dutch Families as well?

Hi Alfred and the other "Depp" cousins. First on a side- note... Deppen means "Fool" or "A Foolish Person" in german... just thought that was notable and a bit humorous.
I know, you directed your question @Erica, but when I read it, a YES, I believe you´re right about that... popped out of me, so, I thought, I´d reply, too.
Nice to meet you, Alfred! I too, am in the BIZ. lol!
Yes, it´s a long way to the top, if you wanna rock n roll! ;-)
#TwistOfFate #ThereAreNoConincidencesjustFate #KarmaIsAMajorPlayerToo


Sorry, I´ve just seen, you call yourself Ed Moch... and not Alfred. Please, excuse the opening faux pas. ;-)

Hello Theresa...You can call me Al. Some of my Family 'Biz' Lines go way back and well as other historic lines.I'll have to check out your musical vocation(s). Feel free to Google and/or pick my brain, if I can network and share things with you. :)

With Good Intentions:


Sounds great, Al! :-) " I can call you Betty and Betty, when you call me, you can call me, Al." ~Paul Simon

(*I LOVE GENI!!!* lol!)

I also, come from a pretty wide variety of hoofers, players, comics, vocalists and composers! I would love to share notes and networks! (I worked with Klaus Badelt [Who composed and directed the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtracks. (Be Yourself- Klaus Badelt, Timo Gross, Renée Walker; 2001) Small World! ;-) ]
Let´s email connect. I´m also, on fb, etc..
all my "contact" info, is to the right on my profile under the "Stats"!

Looking very forward to it!!!


Cool Renee... Found your Facebook. I just checked your John Whitney Sr. Connection. Yes... I am related to him as I understand it, he was part of "The Watertown Massachuttes Families" as was My Great+ Grandparents, Capt. Hugh and Hester Wells-Mason were passengers from "The Francis" and i do have Your Whitney Family Lines in My Charts too. Check "The Genealogy of Capt.Hugh Mason". Originally written by (William?) Bond. It is the watershed book on "The Watertown Families"

You can Facebook me under the name of: Alfred Cota

Peace and Love Cousin:

<3 Al <3

Ooops... Address typo to Mason: This should index you also to The Whitney and Other Watertown Family Lines too :)

Almost every white person In the U.S., and Canada is related to him including myself. On my Dad's side he's my 10th cousin, and my 11th cousin twice removed, on his mom's side he's my 10th cousin once removed. A cousin past the 5 th generation is really unremarkable. Every person that walks by you on the street is probably closer related to you than he is. In other words he's a total stranger. Cute yes! But family No!

Theresa Renée Eléna Delgado-Tossas
You → Linda Sue Cox your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley) her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/alias- Smith (Cromer) her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor) his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser her mother → Abigail Whitney (Blanchard) her mother → Stephen Blanchard, IV her father → Pvt. Stephen Blanchard, III his father → Hannah Blanchard his mother → Sarah Blanchard (Abbott) her mother → Nathaniel Abbott her father → Hannah Abbott (Chandler) his mother → William Chandler, of Roxbury her father → Henry Chandler his father → Thomas Chandler, III his father → Joan Mason (Jennings) his sister → Agnes Harris (Mason) her daughter → Thomas Harris, Sr. her son → Thomas Harris Jr his son → Elizabeth Gallup (Harris) his daughter → Nathaniel Gallup, Sr. her son → Martha Kinne (Gallup) his daughter → Levi Leroy Kinne her son → Mercy Dow (Kinne) his daughter → Lucy Ann Denny (Dow) her daughter → Sarah Louisa Baker (Denny) her daughter → Lena Tacoma Johnston (Baker) her daughter → Almetta Margaret Schoonover (Johnston) her daughter → Patrick David Schoonover her son → Alexandra Che'rie Ann Schoonover his daughter

14th 2x removed, though... so, strangers. ;-)ée-Eléna-Delgado-Tossas+is+rela...

I was in a movie with Jonny Depp and later missed the audition to be in "Pirates of The Carrobian", due to my van breaking down... as they are sometimes. I am good friends with Actor-Performer, Jerry Reyes, who was in P1 and P3 :)

Johnny Depp is your 13th cousin twice removed.
You - Susan Lynne Schwenger
→ Lynda Mae Handy - Schwenger
your mother → James aka Jim Edward Handy Jr.
her father → James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
his father → Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
his mother → Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
her father → Robert (Wotherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
his father → John (Henderson) Ruthven
his father → John (Peadie) Ruthven
his father → John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
his father → George (Reid) Ruthven
his father → William Alexander (Clerk) Ruthven
his father → William (Gray) Ruthven
his father → Sir William (Halyburton) Ruthven
his father → Lilias Ruthven
his sister → Patrick Drummond, 3rd Lord Drummond
her son → James Drummond, 1st Earl of Perth
his son → Lady Jean Gordon (Drummond)
his daughter → Sir George Gordon, 15th Earl of Sutherland
her son → John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland
his son → Jean Gordon
his daughter → Elizabeth Sarah Lauderdale
her daughter → Nancy Jane Hutchinson
her daughter → Susannah Hutchinson Wells
her daughter → Simon Peter Wells
her son → Commodore Perry Wells
his son → Richard Mack Wells
his son → Walter "Pawpaw" Wells
his son → Betty Sue Wells
his daughter → Johnny Depp
her son

(so that is a connection to Ruthven - and; Ruthven castle)

He is my 7th cousin on his mothers side. We share 6th great grandparents John Hobbs Adams Sr. and Ann Caudill.

Johnny Depp is Deborah Hightower-Liljequist's 10th cousin

Deborah Hightower-Liljequist - You

→ James Hunt Hightower - your father
→ Lula Mae Hightower - his mother
→ Mary Madeline Ingram - her mother
→ William W. Brashears - her father
→ Benjamin Brashears - his father
→ Robert Turner Brashears, Jr. - his father
→ Benjamin Brashears - his father
→ Robert Cager Brashears - his father
→ Samuel Brashears, Sr. - his father
→ Robert Brashears - his father
→ Martha Kent - his sister
→ Absalom Kent - her son
→ Priscilla Wilson - his daughter
→ Mary Whitaker - her daughter
→ Mark R. Whitaker - her son
→ James O. Whitaker - his son
→ William C. Whitaker - his son
→ Branch Whitaker - his son
→ Bessie Irene Wells - his daughter
→ Betty Sue Wells - her daughter
→ Johnny Depp - her son

His great Grandfather and many other Depps are buried in Refuge Church of Christ Cemetary in the community of Eighty Eight, Barren County, KY. I attended this church with my grandfather who was also a Depp (Rollin Depp). The Depp family home lies on our family farm and has been handed down through the Depp Family over the last 300 years. I would be a close cousin of his somehow. The Depp family moved to KY from Virgina and settled in Barren County. Johnny Depps father is orgionally from here and later moved to Owensborrow KY to my understanding. The Wells family also settled in Barren County very close to the Depps.

Seth Taylor that's very helpful, thank you. I've just been thinking about Barren County, Kentucky families, in fact. Do any other names come to mind? (I relate through Hopkins County families; Brashears, Reneau ...)

Lots of Reneus still around the area as well as temple hill. Also Dr. Oren Depp has the largest and tallest tomb stone of everyone buried in the cemetary and he was one of the first ones there. The actual Depp Family Cemetary is located on my familys Beef Cattle farm. Many Depps are buried there dating back to the 1700's and eventually the stones become unreadable and are basically rocks placed in the ground to mark a grave. The Goad family name can also be seen prominently in the cemetary

Seth Taylor We need to get your tree on Geni !

You mentioned Goads. Same Goad family as this Tennessee one?

Abraham Goad, Sr.

Paul Goad was a Name on one of the Stones born in 1917, also Elizabeth Goad 1911, William Goad 1907. Closest relationship to Johnny would probably be Peter Depp who is also buried in the cemetary as well as Thomas Depp and many women who were Depps. Erica Howton

Johnny Depp is my 5th cousin once removed on my Mother's side.

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