Geni.com's family tree has some problems at this particular point. Ansoud of Dijon de Dijon is listed as being the son and grandson of anonymous "Noblemen at Dijon." Both of the noblemen (father and son) married the same woman, "Gerberge of the Burgundians (b. 565)." From her fling with her own son, she bore Ansoud? Moreover, she is listed as the sister of the elder Salvius, count of Albi
Ancestry.com simply drops the line at Ansaud. Some other sites have Ansaud's father as Ansbertus Ferreolus Senator of Moselle Ferrèoli (512 - 570). http://genealogy.elib.com/individual.php?pid=P1372050595&ged=St...
I don't have access to original source material except through Geni and Ancestry.com. This is the first time Geni has thrown me such a curve. How do most folks reconcile these types of apparent errors? I really enjoy Geni.com. Thx.
I'll do some work in this area, and maybe get it a little better. This is one of those areas that degrades over time because there is no clear evidence. There are just academic reconstructions. There are differences among them. Users who encounter one reconstruction tend to adopt it without being aware that it's not the only one. So, over time, with merges, we get four or five echoes of what should be only two or three guesses.
Quick followup for clarity.
Ansoud probably was not the son of Ansbertus. He apparently belonged to a different family. His mother was Gerberge, a Burgundian. Some scholars think he was son of Desiderius of Grandison, who was son of Salvius of Albi, who was son of Desiderius, Biishop of Verdun.
Others agree Ansoud was probably a descent of Desiderius of Verdun, but think that the intervening generations are unknown.