Need some help with merge conflicts

Started by Private User on Monday, May 13, 2013
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I know and that's what I id. Write out the name but not the date. But really all I was question was that message I got.

In order to answer your question though I had to look at the profile where you got the message. Then I tested - on the same profile - to see what happened. There could have been something "about that particular profile," that's why I needed to be able to find it. To find it, I need to know - name and date.

Wouldn't that hold true for any profile that got that message. Something must have been going on at the time to prevent a person from looking at it or requesting management or whatever. I I think everyonr is making a mountain out of a molehill. When a simple someone maybe is working on it and has to pull it off line for a while ,may have surviise as an answer. that's all I needed. Didn't and don't need to get all long winded and technical answer , with me.Not that , this time I got such an anser but sometime , certain people in Geni, not naming names, tend to give very long detailed answers, just the facts , the bare facts , are I need. It's like when you ask a question that requires a simple yes or no or maybe as an answer and the person takes an hour to get to that point. I had an uncle like that. we use to kid him about it. But he really didn't need to run around the mulberry bush to get to the answer. You know a common sence answer! Anyway doesn't matter now, since what ever the reason for the problem , it's all better now and like I said earlier Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

Judy the answer is NO, it doesn't hold true for everyone and everything.

I was a professional (meaning overpaid) software tester for years until I was promoted. It is impossible to answer a question until you try it yourself, preferably in as close to the same situation as the question.

It was very clear to me what happened once I tried it. But there was no point in trying unless I had the minimal information needed -

Name of profile, dates.

Also, if you have a location it helps (dont forget how families used the same names) all the ammo you give that helps someone target the right person, the better.

Judith...if you want, contact me directly and I'll walk you thru the copy and paste again.....

Everyone has tried to walk me through this and I still can'y make it work.

Get back to you Fay.

So it's just the url in the address bar of the profile. At the top of the browser, which starts "". Here is a video, the url copy is around 55 sec in.

So, you just copy the url of the profile page and paste it in the discussion.

My point is wen I hit copy it bounces me back to the profile and I get no where. The nvidio won't help. I need hands on . Litteraly someone standing over me and telling me what to do as I do it. Once I've done it a couple of times ,I should have it>

Tried but links. One my internet wouldn't let me into and the other gave me a imapropate site. The name I am not mention because when I did before ( that's why I deleted it) it highlightered the site and the site kept poping up. Didn't want to get accused of put what appeared to maybe be fiflty site on here. I certainly didn't want it!

Showing 121-130 of 130 posts

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