Need some help with merge conflicts

Started by Private User on Monday, May 13, 2013
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Even stranger some of his tree has me as manager. Some show my direct route and then some don't . Yet they are like father and son.! Manager on most of them is Christoph Alfred Von Gieichen and son one or two also a Karen Lynn Miller as the one who added it.Now I would think when merging all of us would be there, as it should be,Judy

Justin. it's my Ivory and South lines. Ann South , I am not attached as manager yet her father I am.

I just want to join in saying that I am confused and frustrated many times when I am trying to merge trees. It seems to be the only way of participating lately. I want to find out more anecdotes and research, but am at a loss how to.

Hi Leona

Great point. We want to learn more about our ancestors & learn more how to find out about them.

I think the easiest it to "start a discussion" from that tab on a profile that interests you. Raise a question - "does anyone know what sort of character he had?" Or - "I can't figure out her parents, one source says X, another says Y."


Justin , I requested manageship of profiles earlier mention. Haven't been added as yet. So I just re added them and then someone will merge them together and I'll be where I should be.

Wow, there are groups, conspiring and erasing profiles (other people´s hard work!), to gain management of them. Deep. I´ve noticed, many awry line, the past week, myself.
Hope it can all get worked out, soon. I´m almost afraid to do anything... out of fear, something is already so wrong... that I may only make it worse. So, I´m gonna sit back and let the experts, here, do their thing.

Theresa I hope someone in the powers to be category can straighten this mess out. i am glad I am not the only one. There are at least three diferent people involved. i have no idea why they are suddenly in phofiles and have taken over certain ones.

I wish you all would all just go away. I know NOTHING ABOUT THE MAYFLOWER except what i learnt at school. Im sick to death of all the emails of which i seem to have no control over

I tend to use gramps pc program to work out my conflicts but if you can email or send me a link to your. ged files would be happy to look into this and if possible resolve it for you. I can see why it would be confusing my family lines are this way as well.

Winter chavez


Private User

Unfortunately only you can control your Geni communications. At the top of this discussion is an "unfollow" button. Click it. Go to

De select the emails you do NOT want to receive.

Hope this helps.

the Lott family Christmas family garner family and lasseter families married cousins sisters or a dad and son might marry sisters. one summer three of the Christmas males brothers all married three sisters named Lott on the same day

For those wanting good research sites try this new one free while in beta and hosted by ANCESTRY here are my suggestions.

newest found I like is
Mocavo (great search engine for multiple sites in one browser)
fold3 all photos of the actual paper records all the way back to the Indians.
geneanet. org
cinnamon toast
find a grave
billion graves
and several others it really depends on where they resided and what decade

Ellis Iles is another one

and for those of you that use android phones there is a free app called SEEKS that really gives you rare narrowed down results they also offer it now as a plug in for Firefox search drop box I highly recommend this the rest is knowing how to search. try searching using the surname family or history or documents are good examples and type of file extensions you are hunting I generally look for pdf files since pdf reader gives you the ability to search through document looking for special words. not to mention most government, libraries, archived, and educational institutions use it as the default for most of the materials they use. which is a good place to hunt for historical records.

I hope this may give you all a few more places to pull info from
Mundia is a national database and free right now allows multiple family trees. as well as forums based in County location y I are searching so people know where to request info from ppl in those places.

any questions don't hesitate to ask

Ya Pam when ever you get an unwanted discusion notification just do as Erica says , check unfollow and you should be ok.

Do note that following a topic and notifications are two separate things. You can still follow a topic and not receive notifications by changing your notification settings ( That way your just removing the email notification but the topics of interest to you are still easily visible in Geni.

This not a merge conflict but it is a manager problem. Just tried to request managership to the wife of a profile I am a manager of and I thought I was also a manager for her, but am not. Anyway , in red letters it said i am not allowed to request managership for her ( Agnes Venable Parker.who is married to John Parker) Can anyone explain why this is happening. it's happened other times too.


Do you mean this profile?

Agnes Parker (Venables)

Profile view > actions > manager options > request management

You've sent David Prins a request to add you as a manager of Agnes Parker (Venables)'s profile.

Ya, that's what i said . Last name Parker maiden/single name Venable., Agnes Venables Parker, wife of John Parker, mother of Thomas Parker b. 1510.
Thomas being the father of
Agnes Parker
Elyn Parker
Richard Parker
Robert parker
unk. Parker
John parker ( my Parker) m. Joanne Whytear, daughter of Henry Whytear/Whittier.

Does that help?


Now, this is odd. Even tho it said can't request managership, I've been added. Thank you somebody, someone anyone!

Judith to me that indicates you didnt see the tiny little message I did

"You've sent David Prins a request to add you as a manager of Agnes Parker (Venables)'s profile."

So you tried it again. And were "denied" so you wouldn't spam his mail box.:):)

Judith what helps me with the 70 million profiles in Geni is 1) a link 2) name and dates. If you had written "Agnes de Venables b 1410" it would have been much easier on me.

Well, I wrote the way it showed uop on the profile. There wasn'r a de in the name.

Still, the date would have helped..

You really should learn to copy and paste a URL...BUT, if you are i the profile, go to upper right...manager options, and request management.

Still trying. Got as far as highlighting correct sport. discover the dirextions to left slick were wrong should right clik and still can't get it to copy abd paste.Just kicks me right back into profile. Working on it but get really irritated aftwer awhile. But Reicia evedently knew who I meant and also reqested managerment and I got it. I basicly just wanted to know why I get that message every so often , that I am not allowed to request management? That's all I was asking.

One step at a time..

You find the URL at top LEFT of the page....

Cursor to the end of the line then ...the options pop-down....RIGHT CLICK the 'COPY"

THEN go to whereever you want to go....a discussion...pull up the discussion or message.....put your cursor onto the page....

THEN RIGHT CLICK...the pop-down on 'PASTE'....then remember to go down a line and start your message.

(Like going to the grocery buy your groceries, put them in a bag.....don't worry about them til you get home and put the bags on the counter....THEN upload the bags.).

When you go to the end of the URL you DO left click and the line turns BLUE.....then RIGHT CLICK., chose 'copy'

Doesn't work if you left click. Right click brings up the pop up'

Not sure what exactly is being explained, but if you're trying to copy the url for a specific discussion post, you right click on the date, which may say "yesterday at 6:50 PM", or "Today at 6:59 PM" (your last post). Then select the option "Copy Link Address" (or something similar - depending on browser). Then paste it into the discussion.

Anyway.. this is getting off topic. The question still remains as to the correct John Mayo.

They are trying to explain to how to url. For two years they have been trying to get me to do this and guess what it only worked once a year opr more ago. just tried again and got to copy and it kicked me out again. Personelly you can all URL all you want but it ain't working for me. So I guess I have to give upany idea of getting any help from anyone in Geni by just tosing outa nameand perhapes a datesinceit's no usetrying to URL. I hate technology sometimes.I don't want to play anymore.I will just keep addingthings and the heck th it! There must be an easier way to commuicate questions. Not!1!

Judy - when you want someone to help you locate a Geni profile, write out the name and date, that's all I was trying to say. There are other ways to copy & paste. But to search I need more info.

Basicly that's what I usually do . But what started all this was a simple question, which really hasn't been answered, why was I getting the message I was getting. In the mean time the manager finally did get my request and the one from you.

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