Need some help with merge conflicts

Started by Private User on Monday, May 13, 2013
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The one that I know that was married to Ruth Hopkins was the daughter of Giles Hopkins who married Captain Samuel Mayo, son of Nathaniel Mayo, Sr. and Hannah Mayo (Prence). I'm not sure who the wife of Samuel Mayo, son of Samual Mayo & Thomasine Lumpkin.

I added "source" documents and cited "facts" on this profile:

Captain John Mayo

I think this makes it easier to see what the confusions are & how they arose.

You can then "tag" the same source docs to multiple profiles, this works very well for a family grouping.

The bottom line is that there were 2 John Mayo's (maybe more) - my opinion is that the one who married Hannah Freeman in 1681 was the son of Samuel Mayo, who came from Oyster Bay, LI to Harwich.

But it is possible that the John Mayo born in Eastham in 1652 is the one. "The Mayflower Descendant" had had that opinion.

People something strange is going on with Henry the 1st's line. I was back tracting, showing friend how Geni work ,by way of my line and it's been distroyed pretty much. William Longspree and all his half brothers and sister are fathered by King Henry the 2nd and various women. That's accurate but when you get to Henry's parents , who are also correct Geoffrey Plantagenet and Matilda , it's becomes messed up .Someone had made Matilda's parents Geoffry's parents, and then it stops at the grandparents William the Conq. and his wife. All the info futher back is gone and there's only one manager. What's going on . There were a lot us involved in all those missing profiles. There was a whole lot more in there. Some one named Robin is now the only manager and I did contact this person, Please , please pleas, look into this and fix it. I f I could figure url I would do it. Someone please send me the directions again I have someone staying with us that might be able to help me do it. Judy

William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury

Are you looking at the master profile? I think you found an unmerged profile. Merging FAQ on the help platform - bottom of every Geni page.

Yes I am but it's the only one connected to my line. I went from me all the way back and it 's all I could find.

Erica, if I follow forward that link you just posted you can get to me but if you start from me on tree and back on down the line , you end up where I told you only goes to William the Conq and wife and they are attached to wrong part of tree. Somehow I have become disconnected to link you posted, How do I get merged back into correct spot and get my whole line back into view? Please someone help me. I spent a lot of time getting all the people in here. granted I didn't put all the info in as I was merged with others , who already had info and had added to what i did put in, but I did spend a lot of time adding names , my first time around with Geni and this time around. And people helped me regain co management in some.Judy

Erica look at that link . The parent of Matilda are also still attached to her husband. Matilda was the daughter of Henry the 1st and grand daughter of William the Conq. not Geoffrey Plantagenet.

Judy you ARE securely connected in the tree through multiple paths. You just have to be careful, when you're climbing the tree, to stick with the Master Profiles.

It is impossible right now to keep up with new, unmerged duplicates (and some old ones). Just avoid it by sticking with MPs.

Do you have the "you are connected to ..." Message when you to the Longspree link I posted? Click through on those.

Judy I can't fix it, I'm sorry. I am not especially knowledgeable on "royal" lines & my computer can't handle it tonight, not to mention I'm not a manager of any of these. Just ignore the dups, someone will fix - or send the curator a MSG

I understand the parent snarl you're talking about Judy. But I'm not comfortable that I'll get it right.

Well, it incorrect. And I an still not conected as I should be, I supose I can re add all of it attached to the corect person. What a pain in the butt to have to do that.

I can only get to my line by back tracting from one parent to the next. I told you I thought this new merging business is the pits. How do i follow MP, if I appear to no longer exsidt in some cases as a MP. or whatever I am! There must be some wat to move the line over to the correct person.

Oh, yes I am connected by mulity lines.

Perhaps you should start a new discussion thread attached to those profiles. Then we could tag those profiles and get them fixed more easily. Shouldn't be any need to recreate stuff. Just figure out where it went sideways, merge what needs it, and fix it.

That's an idea but I still don't know how to url. I will see if I can figure it out. Might still have directions somewhere. here. By the way I think it might be fixed. I am too tired to go back in again to double check. Will check again tomorrow. I did contact Robin , the lone manager. Maybe he or she fixed it.Wouldn't that be nice? Well, good night . Sleep tight. I didn't win the Mega Millions so I guess I will have to " keep on truckin""There's always the Power Ball! Ya right! In my drams! Judy

Judy - just start a discussion from the profile that needs fixing. Then anyone / everyone will easily see it and help figure out where it belongs.

i orginally put it here because this was merging conflicts and this certainly areas to be one. But like I said last night it may be fixed. Haven't had a chance to take another peek at it. Just got up a short time ago.

So, let it out, Erica! What does FNU mean? haha!
If someone, would please, MP my Tree Nodes, up to my third Great Grandparents, I´d also be quite appreciative. Thank You! <3

FNU = First Name Unknown

Theresa Renée Eléna Tossas-Cox I'll send you a note the MP thing. That topic belongs in this other discussion:

Didn't know thatan. I alway just put Unk in spot were name goes., which how I've seen it in various books.

FNU is not a 'standard' -- just one of several 'practices' that are used to act as placeholder when the "first name" is not currently known.

One I personally hate. I don't believe in acronyms or funny symbols in database fields (pet peeve).

By acronyms, what are you refering to?

So in other words you want lieutenant spelled out not Lt./ But that's how it's often done. Knight Knt. . In Plantagenet Ancestry , he often uses Knt.It is acceptable. I mean I don't like it when on the new they leave words out, lie went to hospital instead of went to the hospital, But they do. It's not correct and I really hate the fact that Americans suddenly have decided in some cases to make the Palmer method of number , number 7 look like a European 7 , which in reality is a backwards F.And there one's look like 7's. But I can't stop people from doing it. I just change it back when I get it.Or a service man appear to now be a troop. Well he's not. He is a trouper , who is member of a troop. They say on the news 5 troops were killed. Well, technically that mean probably 20 or 30 men. it 's used incorrectly. No it's 5 troopers or service personel.We all have are pet peeves.

One of the problems with abbreviations and acronyms on an international website is that they can be opaque to non-English speakers. We abbreviate Lieutenant as Lt. and Knight as Kt. -- not because it's more correct, but because it's convenient.

It's a matter of personal taste, I think, but on Geni I prefer to spell out words that I would abbreviate in my own database.

Well, I usually use Abbreviations a lot. Not always. Some time it is more convenient. C.E.O. is much shorter title then the whole thing. We are all using DNA , and have no problem with it.I hate it when they use initals for diseases. Then I have to ask Hun, what . And that is. O,couse the full name is really long but then I know what they are talking about.And some of those titles take in several conditions. We all us TB for Tubalicious.. For titles I don't mine, other things ,yes. And I hate it when words a left out like cup coffee instead of cup of coffee. Go hospital instead of go to the hospital. Things like that. We have words in the English language . We should use them, when speaking English.

This whole new merging thing stinks. Several profiles that the last I knew i was manager of .are now managed by someone else and I don't exist as manager. i have requested to be put put back in as manager but this is ridiculous. The whole thing is stupid! if it worked right it would be ok but it isn't in some cases.

This whole new merging thing stinks. Several profiles that the last I knew i was manager of .are now managed by someone else and I don't exist as manager. i have requested to be put put back in as manager but this is ridiculous. The whole thing is stupid! if it worked right it would be ok but it isn't in some cases.

You dont exist as the manager? Something's not right, then. There is nothing in a simple merge that would take away your management. Are you confident that you're looking at the same profile, and not a duplicate?

I had a problem earlier last week where a group of users was cooperating to grab primary management, then delete the profile and replace it with a new one of their own. I complained to Geni. I'm still waiting to hear back, but I'm confident I will get the original profile back.

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