Need some help with merge conflicts

Started by Private User on Monday, May 13, 2013
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I've notice someone merged the two Hannah profiles into one (hadn't MP'd them yet), so I've created a new one - Hannah Hopkins and MP'd them both.

Good for you, Jeff

Jeff , do you mean someone made those two different Hannah's one after all our comments?

Well , I don't think I can make anything a master profile and if I could I wouldn't know how.I'd love to make half my tree a master profile. People keep wanting to merge a lot of them that I know would be wrong if they did. This is why I don't like this new merge thing!


1) curators have the MP tool. 1/2 your tree already IS MP! You can request more in the "my profile is good enough to be MP!" Discussion.

2) please don't confuse merge & match, 2 different things.

3) sometimes it is better to merge and disconnect some wrong relationships, which a PRO can do on request.

4). Yeah, people don't read sometimes ..., (sigh)

Ya, I feel the merge was sort of my fault. They do look like the same person, even had the same dates. I should have MP'd them but I was still investigating it. If you want to be added as a manager of the new Hannah profile, let me know.

Acturally one Hannah died before the other Hannah. And Ya I would like to be added.

Jeff , I was just trying ti figure out what this person did. Whoever it was has really messed it up the parents are no longer correct on one , since she merged. How can we get this straightened out?

Chilldren need to be under right Hannah.

Jeff , I was just trying ti figure out what this person did. Whoever it was has really messed it up the parents are no longer correct on one , since she merged. How can we get this straightened out?

He only merged the two Hannah's together. I believe I got it right though, at least according to this site:

Jeff it's a good traditional pedigree, a "trustworthy" site. What you really want though are links to the Barnstable county vital records pages, which are on line, uploaded to the profiles. Almost as good are exact source citations to the book VR pages in the overview.

Judy, maybe creating those citations is something you can help with? I think you know how these books are organized: by last name within 3 sections: births, deaths and marriages.

The marriages are probably in Torrey's New England Marriages prior to 1700 as well.

BTW the Eastham Cemetery has been photographed with great annotations & narrative describing the styles used & the symbolism. I think the site is Cape Cod gravestones, something like that.

Yes the vr's are that way. births, marriages and deaths. Some area have not been put on line. If you go into early mass vital record to 1849 you should be able to pull up what you need.Barnstable and Falmount are listed under Barnstable country. You can also go into it by name rather then town. I usually type in just mass vitals and it comes up. It list all the counties and then you can find a town that way. i am of course more familiar with Essex County as that's where Saugus is.I can find my way around that area almost blind folder. Western part of state I have no clue about. .I just have to pick my way around until I find what I am looking for. There are places I never knew exsisted out there.

Erica remember I can't request anything. I am like" the little redheaded step child" I am lucky I can still put profiles in.

Jeff , I can find Judah Hopkins had two families. Family #1 was to Hannah Mayo , daughter of Samuel Mayo and Ruth Hopkins. They had several children. She died 1719. Family 2 Hannah Mayo , daughter of John Mayo and Hannah Freeman , she was born Harwich,Mass. Jan. 8, 1682 D. Jan 20 , 1747. M. May 12, 1720. She and Judah only had the one son,Samuel Hopkins.Try looking under Harwick. The vitals for Barnstable county has only two towns recorded on line. Barnstable and Falmouth. Nothing else. Maybe if I could go to a library that has the vitals I might be able to find more in person.Plymouth has a ton of records for that area. Much more then what we have in my area. My area tends to concentrate on Essex Middlesex and Suffolk . Maybe the Boston library might have the info. I could try going in there. It's closer .About a 30 minute bus ride and subway ride from me. Plymouth would take about an hour to drive to.This time of year have to do it on a weekday. The Cape from now on is a zoo on weekends.

Jeff , what about contacting New England Hist Gen, in Boston. They can be very helpful . I find that they are very willing to help.Very nice. I use to be a member but am not now, but you don't have to be a member to get help.

Judy your information is correct: I've seen it before. What Jeff needs is how to cite it properly within the profile overview:

Name of record (book), author, year, publisher, page (MLA format)

Hi all I have been following this discussion and would like some help with my tree to check if its right...I have the following tree connection to Samuel and Thomasine Mayo for my Husband ?? it's correct can anyone verify for me and suggest changes if it's not right??

Thomasine Tamzine Lumpkin (1626 - 1709)
is your 9th great grandmother

Samuel Mayo (1658 - 1668)
son of Thomasine Tamzine Lumpkin

Sarah Mayoh (1690 - 1732)
daughter of Samuel Mayo

William Scowcroft (1714 - 1800)
son of Sarah Mayoh

Thomas Scowcroft (1738 - 1796)
son of William Scowcroft

Thomas SCOWCROFT (1763 - 1822)
son of Thomas Scowcroft

Eliza Scowcroft (1799 - 1865)
daughter of Thomas SCOWCROFT

Elisabeth Dora (Bessie) Bowen (1823 - 1908)
daughter of Eliza Scowcroft

Henry Alexander Musgrave Sanderson (1865 - 1944)
son of Elisabeth Dora (Bessie) Bowen

Edith May Sanderson maternal grandmother (1894 - 1953)
daughter of Henry Alexander Musgrave Sanderson

Eileen Mary Hickey (1917 - 1958)
daughter of Edith May Sanderson maternal grandmother

Graham Clarence Hunt
the son of Eileen Mary Hickey - (my husband)

Erica that's why I suggested NEHG in Boston.They could tell him what books to look for and even maybe where he could find them. They might even send him the info for a fee or maybe free. Who knows. I know they gave me ten gen over the phone. Then I went in there and paid the fee fro the day and they showed me what books to look in and how to use them.I know Jeff is too far away to do what I did but if he called them or wrote them they'd tell him what they charge to do the work for him or they could give him a list of good books to use or other places to call and he could do the leg work himself as time allowed.Like I said the vitals for that perticular area of Barnstable country are not on line.Plymouth library might be able to help. They have a really nice Gen. room. The last time I was there there was gentleman there that tried to help me out. They must have volenteers there .

If I can find out anything I will let you know Jeff and Erica.Nancy Coon is down in that area , maybe she could help .

I'll try to investigate those sources this week if no one gets to them.

I still have the remaining issue of the two (John Mayo, IV & Captain John Mayo) profiles married to Hannah Mayo. One would seem to be incorrect. Hopefully this process will get them figured out.

Kaye Hunt, I took a quick look at your connections. I don't have anything to verify it myself except for what I see online. I haven't found any sites that list the parents of Sarah Mayoh (1690 - 1732). And we don't have any info that I've found on the spouse / children of Samuel Mayo (1658 - 1668), with the exception that he was not the husband of Ruth Hopkins as sometimes reported (at least based on the MP info we have). So do you have more information on this connection? What is your source... thanks :)

Correction, we have Samuel Mayo's birth date as 1647.

PLEASE take me off this does not pertain to my family.

Judy Shulman Green Nave

Judy Elyse Nave At the top of the page, click on the unfollow link. Do not reply or you will be following again.

Kaye there are at least two Samuel May's. Make sure you have the right one. There's the Samuel who was married to Ruth Hopkins and then there are others.

There was more then one Ruth Hopkis also.

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