Positive Post Fridays

Started by Private User on Friday, April 26, 2013
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Showing 451-480 of 594 posts

That's great Della. I look forward to reading. It's hard to put together good information about the lives of women - except my 7th cousin Hetty Green of course

My 13th cousin twice removed...

My 7th cousin twice removed through the Allens.

OK...Its Friday the 13th....

So far, so good.....

The 6-12" of snow hasn't happened yet....a gust of thick snow in the AM but then cleared up...and the weathermen say it stalled so will start tomorrow....

My dau. called to say that her son is OK (he attends Arrapahoe School in Colorado).

My brother called about coming over for Christmas and we coordinated some stuff..

And I connected with some cousins fairly new to Geni,..

So what connections/news of discovery has come your way?

Yes, It's Friday the thirteenth and I made it to 75 My wife saw her doctor and something she was concerned about was nothing and we got some shopping done. Finally found a toaster that takes large slices of bread. Now for a quiet evening at home!

Happy birthday, Eldon!

Definately, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eldon.

happy birthday monsieur Clark

Definately, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Eldon Fay Elizabeth Dyer I do not have the link handy tonight i will post it tommrow morning but i found a lead in a old history book about one of my vermont ancestors.

Happy Birthday, Eldon

Happy Birthday!! Eldon Lester Clark


Happy birthday Eldon !

Happy days, Eldon ... my father was born 12/13/14 -- an easy one to remember (he would have been just a 'few' years older than you, though! <grin>)

Eldon , Congratulations for Yours Best Day, wishes Pentti

Happy birthday, Eldon, I hope it's been a most happy day, filled with family and laughter!

It's a little past Friday, and I know many people are getting ready for Christmas, but maybe I can post my little triumph of the week.

My Svanström ancestors lived on a little farm in Sweden called Svenserum. My ancestor Jonas was born there in 1754. He moved away to the big city (Västervik) and became a rope maker and later a ship's carpenter. He adopted the surname Svanström, maybe because it is similar to the name Svenserum. In 1787 he went back to Svenserum and he 1787 he became the cavalry soldier there.

The man who lives at Svenserum now is a German ship's captain. He writes a blog about simple living.


I've been following his blog for several years because I like the idea of simple living, but also to see the pictures he posts of my ancestors' home.

This week I sent him an email for the first time, and he responded. It is very cool to be in touch with someone who knows the area my ancestors knew and lives in their house.

I really enjoyed seeing the Svenserum nameplate.
Great pictures on a great blog.
It is very cool that you are able to connect with your ancestor in this way.
Very inspirational post.

Love the clock.....I guess when you can't read it anymore, its time for bed.

The man who lives in Svenserum must be tickled-pink to know he has had a fan for YEARS...

Always nice to make new friends...

Well done, Justin.

Beautiful story Justin.

I love the snow.

Just submitted DNA swab for autosomal DNA matching at FTDNA.com so hoping to discover something good in a few weeks!

Apparently it's just as hard to establish good DNA connections as to work out a good tree. And as much fun! I'm glad for you, Matthew.

family got me a test kit (family finder) from ancestry.com and since ups fedx screwed up the packages the dna test kit will be late but as soon as i get results from it i will share.

I received a ten page file from Private User " Sketch of the CLASSIFIED INDIANS of Sampson County North Carolina" by Enoch Emanuel dated June 15, 1941. It is politically incorrect in this day and age but looks like it will be a great resource. It will take some time to study and add profiles to Geni.
I may have some strange "brothers and sisters" in a few days. I wish Geni would come up with an easy way to add unrelated profiles :-(

It was politically correct in 1941....Or rather, it was not a consideration to BE 'politically correct' back in 1941...people just didn't give it a thought....which was more naive than anything else)....THAT is the point you should make or address when using your new source.......

Citing the date of the source does show what the thinking was 'at that time'......

We, thankfully, have grown up a bit....and become more sensitive to what we say and how we say it....so what was commonplace in thinking and saying THEN wouldn't be done now..

Rogers and Hammerstein addressed a lot of things (In 'South Pacific' and 'Showboat' that weren't topics addressed ...about a number of topics that we now don't think anything about)......and 'Huckleberry Finn' was also un-PC (if you go by NOW times)....but was so in its time...in fact they all said something about their times by WHAT they said..

Very good point....Eldon...

Can't wait to see your new "brothers and sisters" in the mix..

Eldon Lester Clark my usual way to add unrelated profiles is to add them as husband/wife to an existing profile and then remove the link. I have a special profile I use for that purpose, so that I don't mess up the change log of any real person.
Easy, just needs a few steps.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand Good idea but I would probably loose the profile :-)

Poor guy/gal probably is depressed....having so many spouses......that abandon them.....


Private User I've tested with all 3 of the major companies Ancestry being the first one I did. Fortunately for you they have stepped it up quite a bit since their beta launch last year. It's quite an interesting endeavor.

To date, i have only matched one person that I've been able to prove a relationship to on paper and it took me months to unravel it all, but we are indeed cousins and I found many more living cousins during that process.

Cool story this week. My dad was a cowboy artist. I have a few of his pieces but while he was alive I didn't think much about what would happen when he died. Of course, when he died all his paintings and sculptures had been sold over the course of his career. There were only a few things in his studio and my step-mother wanted to keep those for herself.

This week a woman contacted me (through Geni!) and offered to give me a painting she has. She was secretary to my dad's attorney. My dad gave her the painting. (I have no doubt that he was a difficult client and that she earned that painting!) Now she's downsizing. She took the time to do some research and find a family member (me) for whom the painting will have sentimental value. Very thoughtful of her!

Showing 451-480 of 594 posts

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