Captain Morgan Bryan - Help resolving children of Morgan Bryan (1671) and Martha Strode (1697)

Started by Dan Cornett on Friday, March 15, 2013
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3/15/2013 at 1:19 PM

There are some conflicting lists of children of Morgan Bryan & Martha Strode (Martha Bryan) floating around, and there are likely some excess children currently connected, such as a Rebecca Boone and two Sarah's (with differing spouses).

Can we find homes for the mis-connected?

See the "About" of both Morgan and Martha, as well as at least this Rootsweb list:

3/15/2013 at 1:21 PM

... found the home for Rebecca (reading Martha Strode's 'About') ...

3/16/2013 at 6:26 AM

Found this:
and this:
that say that Sarah Bryan was a daughter of Morgan married Samuel Bailey.

3/16/2013 at 8:55 AM

... and so where does the other Sarah belong?

3/17/2013 at 5:51 AM

In Martha Strode's 'about' it also says that Martha Bryan d/o Joseph married Edward Boone and Stephen Gano. She shows in both Joseph's line and also in Morgan's. Shouldn't she only be in Joseph's?

3/18/2013 at 7:59 AM

Good catch, Deane. I moved (& merged) her & Edward, and also fixed up an erroneous Hester Hampton in that area.

FYI: if you copy&paste the URL into a forum reply it will show as a link (such as this one to Hester Bryan ). That also works if you want to "point out" a particular Tree View. An alternative method (that only works for Profiles, not Tree Views) is to put just the long "number" (e.g. 600xxxxxxxxxxxxx) into doubled square brackets. For example, if you remove the spaces, then [ [ 6000000009507454620 ] ] becomes Hester Bryan.

That can be helpful to point out where two different profiles (different numbers) have the same name, for instance.

3/18/2013 at 10:47 AM

George Bryan is a duplicate and is already under Morgan Bryan JR.
George Bryan

3/18/2013 at 11:02 AM

Got that! (Added reference to WikiTrees record to the About for George).

3/18/2013 at 11:06 AM

... looks like we're still looking for the place to attach the Sarah Bailey that married Francis PAISEN.

3/18/2013 at 11:11 AM

Here is one reference to a Sarah-d/o-Morgan-and-Martha: (no sources).

3/18/2013 at 11:17 AM

... and this one has a source as LDS records: ... (both of this for a Sarah d/o Morgan Bryan and Martha Strode).

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle
Private User
4/17/2013 at 6:41 AM

Did Captain Morgan have 2 wives, or 1? The tree shows Margaret Strode and Margaret Stroud as both being wives, and both as mother of Morgan, Jr. I've found 1 undocumented source which says Margaret Strode and Margaret Stroud are the same person. The Captain's find a grave entry only lists Margaret Strode (and 3 children).

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle
Private User
4/17/2013 at 6:47 AM

Here's the link for the Captain's find a grave entry. I'm sure you've already seen it:

It says it was Captain Morgan's granddaughter, Rebecca, who married Daniel Boone.

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