Should we cut the Irish line to Adam & Eve?

Started by Justin Durand on Monday, February 18, 2013
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Good advice, Shmuel. That's exactly what I was thinking. Any thoughts on how to distinguish the "Irish" Magog from the Biblical Magog?

Sam ... it is not my research. I just read it in a link. And am studying them carefully.

Agree , it is impossible that the Irish line connects to Adam & Eve the generations do NOT go back far enough to be connected. Plus the fact that I am not a big fan of mythical/legendary/ can not be proved profiles.

Anne Marie

Do you think your view is typical of "on the ground in Ireland" Genealogists?

Irish line, Irish history, after all .... :)


Do you think this is the kind of question that would fall out on national grounds?

I'm inclined to see it as part of the familiar "likes mythical lines" - "hates mythical lines" continuum.

I could be wrong.

I think about it analogically. If someone produced a diary entry by Cotton Mather that said Mayflower passenger William Brewster was a great grandson of Noah, I predict that some people would want to cut the connection on the grounds that it's impossible, while others would argue to keep it because there's a near-contemporary record ;)

I think that approaches to "creation myths" - including "our nation's creation" - needs to take those "citizen's" desires & needs especially seriously, yes.

My analogy is not Mayflower since they're just my cousins. Paul Bunyan is better. Do I pay more attention to the 3rd gg child of this fictional character, or to what some scientist across the world opines? It's MY myth to cherish (or not ....)

BTW I set up some straw man arguments.:):)

Irish people I have met are keen & avid genealogists, and very interested in factual, accurate data.

Good job, we are slowly weeding the rubbish out.

Irish genealogy is already one of the more difficult ones even without mythical lines to complicate matters even more , I can not speak for all people but I think facts are more important to Irish researchers. But like Justin said some people like the mythical lines and others do not.
To me, in an ideal world we would only be dealing with factual information but I am well aware this is not always possible.

Justin, that's exactly how I would have done it. Good job. Can you take a moment and clean-up the About Me of the Biblical Magog .

Dear Justin,

Up to now, I've haven't met Adam or Eve in my lineage but, I do have met with Uranus and Gea.
My opinion is that if anyone wants to go on up to the top of his ancestors' line, he's free to do it. Remember you can see your direct blood line marking it in "Preferences" and though, you may have it clear independently of other colateral relatives that may pop up.
As French say: "Chacun avec son mêtier", in this case, "Each one deals with his own family line, no mattering with whom he shares it.

Best regards,


You should CUT, because we don't want to maintain myths, but trace back only our real relations!

However.. I'd prefer not to be related to "Appolon" and "Zeus", because I'm sure that I'm not!

"Chacun avec son mêtier"

There is more proof that Zeus was here than there is of Jesus being here. Words can be changed. Monuments, not so much. Actions speak way louder than words. Do not discredit anything.

Have we even established a timeline for A & E?
I thought King Arthur was a big enough mouthful of myth vsreality to swallow and can not yet get my head around 100th g gfathers in Egypt. However, let the Irish keep their lineage research as they obviously derive something from it and "Each to his own" as Sylvia says and Sharon echoes..

Daphne Elaine Bramley-Hook Beames
that depends what you mean precisely. There exist various external, non-Biblical references to some of the people mentioned in the main line, such as Zerrubabel and some of the later Kings of Judah. There is evidence that there was A king at around the times of King David, as well as earlier references. Using the number of generations various historical events line up nicely with the Biblical time-line.

OK, if we go back to A&E it tells us we believe in creationism versus evolution. I wonder how many of us REALLY believe that.

no cutting - the link would have to be re-established , i have problems being related to YHWH and what follows from that : God Almighty .

about creation vs. evolution - settlement is proposed here : accept creation followed by evolution ..

I am one of those who would loose my connection to GOD The Allmighty .

God Almighty .

I have not followed this discussion in every detail, but wonder why to cut the links as everybody realizes they are too short? Why not just to mention it in the profiles? Calendars, the concepts of time and measuring it vary, too.

Carsten, if your line back to the mythical persons goes through the Irish line and includes Magog . (Irish version) (Lebor Gabála Érenn) it should be stay cut, since there is no possibility that this mythical person can be the same as the biblical Magog . And if you think that they are the same person and you want that reflected here on Geni, you should find some proof of it first.

SirpaHV, we are trying to get a correct and reliable tree. That meens that obvious wrong links, unproven links and other heresay really shouldn't be here. So, if it is more likely to a wrong link than being a correct link between two persons, it should not be linked, but the possibility should be mention in the About me section instead.

In regards to mythical and legend... vs. fact...

the Norse Legends were stories passed by word of mouth... but they may or may not be, just as the Jesus of Nazareth lines may or may not be "real" some cultures took longer to write and/or keep records.
And I think it's almost a biggoted thing to imply that should they have lived on this earth... (Of course God Almighty is simply, "play" and that Is specified on all non- factual based profiles.)
But if we are all related... whether or not "your" religion likes it/approves/believes or your Grandparents...
We are all related... All those still roaming this earth at this moment... (mathmatically, proven... see mind goo, youtube- we are all cousins. we are all related.) somewhere back about 60 generations...

And that would mean, to Mohammed and Jesus and to whoever else went before us and brought us hereforth.

One Love! Tolerance and Acceptance is what we need.
Believe what you feel is right, but don't spoil it for those who may believe in something else and/or maybe don't believe in anything but still are interested in others and filled with love and peaceful wishes.

Don't break trees, please. So much work went into each of these "fictional" lines, as well. So long as, they are clearly marked as such, I can it see the harm in any if it, to anyone.

if you know it's fictional, then just ignore it and don't check your relation, if these "bother" or "annoy" you. ("You" in general.)

We need much more love and understanding, if we are going to make it out of here, better than, it was before we came.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Theresa, I agree.
We can only try to do our best.


Theresa, Geni, like any other internet site with information about family links between persons, is a genealogical site. Genealogy is a science. Therefore we have to abide to Scientific principles. In genealogy links between People should not be there if "they may or may not be" true. Such unproven theories belongs in the texts that can be written about the persons.

I also believe that I am an descendant of the first king of Norway that lived late 800, but it is impossible for me to prove, and that therefore I have no connection to him in my own personal offline genealogical database.

Yes, we are all related, but to say you are spesifically related to a person, you need to prove it.

"Fictional" lines should not be present on a genealogical site. It makes other genealogists and historians dislike the site and I have seen plenty of warnings about all the fictional rubbish that are presented on Geni.

So, every unproven link between two people should be cut. Genealogy is not about belief but about using scientific tools and methods to prove a genelaogical link between the persons.

If you know it's fictional, mark it as such and cut the links to non-fictional persons.

Maybe an Option to leave in or Filter out such Lines would be helpful AND appeasing for all concerned geni Users?
* p.s. reconstructing legends and bible passages is also a science. There are genetic test groups for Jesus of Nazareth, just for example. As well as, numerous scholars and historians and archeologists, actively piecing together our ancient past. *


Well said Renee! I have what I call temporary conclusions. I see them as factual and keep an open mind to change. History is never proven because we only have one observers word for what happened. If we have two honest observations there will be differences. The best we can do is choose the most logical, but then sometimes the more fanciful is more fun. There is no scientific proof that life is serious. Enjoy the ride, and respect another's path.

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