Inger Iversdatter Lunge ("jomfru"), Munk "Jomfru" - Carefull with Erik Løvenbalk

Started by Per Skulason on Tuesday, January 29, 2013
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1/29/2013 at 1:32 AM

I think that you might have got the wrong Erik Løvenbalk when i read the lineage that is sugested in the overwiev. Take a look at this page reagding Aunsbjerg a mansion. There seems to be a lot of Erik's :-)

Per Skulason

Private User
1/29/2013 at 1:41 AM

The wilki page shows the list of owners of Aunsbjerg, not the relationship path between them.

Yes, we hav had multiple bad merges in that line, and it is probably time to go through it more systematic and MP profiles to avoid more bad merges.

Private User
1/29/2013 at 2:30 AM

I have never seen original work on MyHeritage, - mostly the trees there are uploaded GEDCOM exports from other systems, like Geni...

The About Me of Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk, Prins contains some links, but I wonder where the name of his spouse comes from.

1/29/2013 at 2:32 AM

Hello Ole

I do not understand why you are making a link to a page with informations that brings no light to Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk, which Erik is it you want me to see and do you belive that you got it right?

Erik the II Christofferson was corruler with his father Christoffer the II both died 1332, and Erik the II was the son of Christoffer the II and Eufemia von Pommern not of the Lunge æt.

It would be more helfull if you could make a link to a Source of information instead of a Homepage that still not brings the right information to the subject menttioned at the lineage of Inger Lunge.

To Bjørn :

Well the lineage is quiet interresting as the first owner of Aunsbjerg is mentioned in 1340 and the son Niels took ower after his father, which is mentioned to be Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk how many do you think exsist og Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk? When the first EC died 1332, cant't be his ghost mentioned in 1340 can it ? So who is Erik Christoffersen Løvenbalk to Aunsbjerg 1340 the son of? could be the Virgin of lunge, the Siste Regitze Løvenbalk is accounted for but not Erik who is belived to be her brother.

Normally the oldest son inherritage after the father, but ofcourse there is no evidence that it is like that, so your point regarding the relationship between them and the ownership of Aunsbjerg is not a vallid source of information, but it stays in the familly ,-)


And I agree it is a mess whith alle the bad merges.

Private User
1/29/2013 at 2:36 AM

Which Erik, the one I linked to or the half brother?

1/29/2013 at 2:57 AM

The one link to. and also the one mentioned here at Geni under Inger Lunge.

The half brother is most likely to be the one metioned as the first owner of Aunsbjerg, unless Erik II Christoffersen didn't die.

The Erik that died in 1332 was married verry shortly to Elisabeth von Holstein-Rendsburg in my oppinion a marriage of convience because of the war between Christoffer the II and North Germans it was in one of those battle Erik got woondet and later died. Erik and Elisabeth had no registered children.

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