Need to be added to project

Started by Henn Sarv on Sunday, January 27, 2013
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I've added to the Mega Merge project some I recognize as my ancestors or those I curate: Maud Bigod, Sir Walter Hungerford, 1st Baron Hungerford, Alix de Montfort-sur-Risle, dame de Montfort-sur-Risle, Lord John FitzAlan, 6th Earl of Arundel.

This is like way over board. Boy do i wish I never got involved. If I had realized that this was going to happen, I never would have collaborated with anyone and probably would have removed everyone before Geni got their little fingers on it! But I am stuck for now. It's all too much with everyone else involved, to follow. Just want to follow my immediate line and related lines. I have enough of them to keep me busy and interested'' The world tree is really overwhelming! It's mind boggling! Oh, well, here I be! What can I say. Not giving up just yet!

LOL Private User I thought it was wonderful how many of the names I recognized :) Just enjoy the fact that we are all cousins.

Added John de Lacy, 2nd Earl of Lincoln, Magna Carta Surety and Lord William de Braose, 1st Lord of Bramber, also distant direct ancestors to the Mega Merge project.

To be honest, I'm not sure how useful this list is, though it is interesting. There are a lot of people we would expect on this (although it betrays how much Geni is dominated by English-speaking users at the moment) and some which I would not expect at all.

Most of the merges are, I think, from people who have yet to learn how to use Geni to best effect (in whom I include myself;a lot of mine are on there) so a project is unlikely to help them because they won't have heard of the project.

If I really end up with nothing better to do, I will end up opening 530 e-mail addresses, getting 530 Geni Basic accounts, merging my profile 530 times, and considering myself the most important person in the world family tree.

Boy if you did that, you'd really have a lot time on your hands!!!!!! I for one have not done that many merbges. Have done some but really don't like to mess with them. I have so many profiles on that list , that'll ended all over the place, Not likeing that idea.

Sorry, can't quite get your meaning. I hope you're not being notified each time someone tags one of these guys.

I have put a number of the Anglo-American profiles into the Mega Merge project FYI folks. I'm not going to list which I added, so as not to spam people.

Yeah, that's the problem. I keep coming across merges which are perfectly genuine but which contain so many spelling issues that it would take me ages to sort them out (and which make me worry about whether the genaealogy on the other profile is reliable). Equally, I add two of the same people with (as far as I can see) the exact same profile and the system fails to recognise them as a match.

Woodman Mark Lowes Dickinson, OBE - Before I joined Geni in 2009, there were many duplicate gedcoms uploaded and many duplicate trees added. You'd have to talk with one of the oldtimers, but having so many managers (which is what the Mega Merge project documents) has a lot to do with early gedcoms and merged trees before the World Tree concept was fully formed.

These are not profiles that need to be merged, these are profiles that are co-managed by over 100 people each due to past merges and are profiles that are prone to future merges due to being popular or having so many descendants who add duplicate trees. I think of this as a metric to help formulate strategies for quality control of heavily touched parts of the tree myself.

I was only joking

I will have to get used to your sense of humor! I figured you knew all this so I wondered.

I was joking too!

haha, my son is a stand-up comic but I am well known for not having a good sense of humor and not understanding jokes.

Why not encouraging people to withdraw from management when they trust the ones that are in charge allready? Maybe the lists can ensure others that there are enough geni-users they/you collaborate or co-operate with that are capable enough to keep an eye on the development of the information & documentation that others --sometimes with no writing-skills, but only copying other copyrighted efforts-- like so much to add about other's direct ancestors? Just an thought of a Dutch mind. Groeten van -jMVu- = Jeannette.

I agree with Barbara Jean.

I know this is perhaps a slightly different topic, but if the system automatically converted names to start with a capital letter and continue with lower-case (with the exception of a relatively few words like "of", "de", "von" etc) fewer merges would be needed because the system would recognise matches more easily, and the merges would be easier. I've just reformatted about ten duplicates who were all in lower case, and for all I know the duplicates go back to Methuselah. I've chickened out of doing the same thing for a match all in capitals.

I'll double check that matches & searches are not case sensitive - I dont think they are and there's another, likely illogical <pun intended> reason for the not! match.

Auto formatting for standard typography is a wonderful idea. We should raise an enhancement request in the "request a feature" section of

Private User - I wasn't saying anything negative about profiles with many managers. I was merely explaining to those who posted above with questions (which turned out to be jokes). I guess you can't win. Better not to post LOL.

I'm interested in what we learn from the Mega Merge project.

I am only on the "basic" Geni but have found it very helpful and have found ancestors that I never knew exicted such as some on the above list. I am the manager on some of my closer bloodlines but I am not for any of those one the list. Personally I enjoy Geni more than some of the other geneology sights.

I love learning about new ancestors, even the "bad boys" (Ok maybe especially the "bad boys.") :):)

many of them I have too, through birger jarl magnusson among others. åsa

pamela, how are you related to birger Jarl Magnusson, I am his 21 st great grand daughter .

"New ancestors"? Interesting concept. Aren't we ourselves "newer" (so to speak) than any of our ancestors?

;-) <just teasing>

Asa : The lineage states that Birger Jarl Magnusson was a fourth cousin 22 times removed on my mother's side so he was not a direct decendent.

Pamela, don't you mean you are not a direct descendent?

Though I always wondered how one can be any thing other than a direct descendent. Can one be an indirect descendent?

Direct means exactly that a straight line to a certain peson. Be it through man or woman or bother. Indirect, well, I never thought of it that way would be one of the people on geni who comes "down from way across the tree and is not direct at all.You have to go through six million people" before you can find a glimmer of a connection.

Robert: Thankyou for joining in the discussion between Asa and myself and correcting the wording of my response to her. From now on I will be more careful with my wording or simply reply in a private message in order to avoid being publicly corrected, keep it to the subject at hand and not to offend others. And yes, again you are correct. I should have stated that " I " am not a lineal descendant of Mr. Magnusson. I can only hope that Asa understood my unintelligent response.

Don't worry about it Pamela. You don't know how many times I have been ground into ground by some not so well meaning people over a spelling or terminology.We all knew what you meant!

Pamela . most of us in the real world of regular, normal people, your aveage Joe or Jane, and gen. world do state it just the way you did. direct line.Many people are only interested in the "Direct Line" of one side of family and not interested in mushrooming out into lines that have absolutely no connect with the imidiate family. Some people on Geni tend to too literal and a bit pompous at times. You were fine.

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