Rev. James Anderson -- may be a different one that wrote the Masonic Constitution

Started by Private on Tuesday, December 11, 2012
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12/11/2012 at 4:25 PM


While tracing the Anderson line of my family, I noticed that this Rev. James Anderson (Rev. James Anderson, Sr.) is attributed with not only coming to America in 1709 and dying here in 1740, but also being the same one who wrote the Masonic Constitution and is included in this project. However, I believe that they may be two different people, since the Anderson of the Constitution was born in Scotland and lived most of his life and died in London. My husband is a Mason and I had him check with the librarian at our Grand Lodge and indeed, the writer of the Constitution never came to America.

I am hoping to have the confusion cleared up so that I can accurately continue to trace my ancestors, but I'm wary about merging my Anderson line with the wrong James Anderson.

Thank you so much for your help!

12/12/2012 at 1:26 AM

Not a clue. I set up my family tree and a few people asked me if they could merge the information they gathered and the next thing I knew I was related to Ceasar and The Queen Mother became my 13th cousin. Be careful who you let merge and with whom you merge. Best info I can give you.

12/12/2012 at 1:27 PM

Thank you, John! I actually already had a similar experience -- had the wrong parents for one of my great grandmothers and once I merged them with other profiles here, I was supposedly related to a Salem witch and Charlemagne. A kind curator helped me out of the mess, but since then, I am being extra careful to check, double check and triple check my sources.

In fact, after doing some more research yesterday, not only do I think that these are two different James Andersons, I think that they are linked to the wrong descendants. I found fairly accurate information up until my 7th great grandfather, John Anderson (c. 1704-1756), but beyond him, everything gets a bit blurry. It seems pretty certain though that he was born in Ireland, which would mean that not only is it unlikely that the London James Anderson is his father, but the PA minister couldn't have been either.

The search continues and good luck with yours!

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