Erland Thorfinsson, Jarl of Orkney and Caithness - 1057 Birthdate Unlikely

Started by Sharon Doubell on Thursday, December 6, 2012
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I think the present birthdate of 1057 is unlikely, given Erland's participation in Harald Sigurdsson's ill-fated invasion of the Kingdom of England in 1066. His mother, Ingibiorg, was the niece of Harald Hadrada of Stanmore Bridge fame, and her sons went with Harald to Byzantium and were with him in the Varangian Guard. They then accompanied him on the campaign of 1066 - being left in charge of the baggage camp on the day of Stanford Bridge.

So, in my opinion, it is unlikely that Erland was 9 in 1066.

Given his parents' marriage is likely to have been about 1044/6, I'd estimate his birthdate at about 1050 - making him 16 in 1066, and his older brother, Paul's as 1048 - making him 18 at Stanford Bridge.

Sharon, I place these two brothers, and their mother, 10 years earlier than you. But I don't think it matters. We can't know their birth dates, outside a wide range. I can support any reasonable date that allows the events of their lives to make sense.

Thank you. I'll think that one over, Justin. I'm trying to get a most likely fix on them for my Macbeth research - so I definitely want to have considered all possibilities.

I'm using Ingiborg's birthdate as 1030, because Medlands [] suggests this is the earliest possibility, based on her mother's and eldest son's dates. (Although no indication of how he is fixing Paul - her eldest son's - dates)

I recall the saga version of Thorfinn's rescue of Ingiborg from the burning hall in 1046, pushing the point that she was his extremely young wife at the time.

But, I must admit, the idea of Paul and Erland as mere teenagers at Stanford Bridge, doesn't sit so well with my own mothering instincts :-)

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