Marie Madeleine Euphrosine Nicolet - Question about Madeleine Eurphrosine Nicolet's name

Started by Nancy Delphia on Wednesday, November 28, 2012
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11/28/2012 at 6:54 PM

My aunt has our family tree all the way to Jean Nicolet, and her research was scouring baptismal/marriage records in Quebec.
The name she has listed is Euphraisee Madilien Nicolet, married Jean LeBlanc (baptised 1620). (who also married Elie Dusceua Februaray 22, 1663.

Of course Margret Couillard is listed in the tree as Nicolet's spouse (married 1627)

I do not speak French. Why the difference in the name? My aunt was from Quebec and wrote/spoke fluent French.

11/28/2012 at 7:28 PM

Jean Nicolet de Bellaborne also had a native wife, a Nipissirine Indian, Jeanne Nipising (Bahmahmaadjimowin Giisis). First child was Marie Madeleine Euphorsine Nicolet. Marie Madeleine had two husbands Jean Leblanc and Elie Dussault dit Lafleur. Second child of theirs was Marguerite Nicolet.

Margret Couillard was Jean's other wife.

@Marie-Madeleine-Euphrosine Nicolet

I was born in the: la province de Québec and I am in the tree of Jean Nicolet. Here, I will give you what I have in hand with the exact french names and accents.

I hope it will be convenient for you,

JEAN NICOLET, SIEUR DE BELLEBORNE (from France) had a Canadian Indian wife: JEANNE-GISIS BAHMAHMAADJIMIWIN from Nipissing Lake. She was a NIPISSING woman living in the modern province of Ontario in Canada. I read that the NIPISSING people were the ancestors of the today ALGONQUIAN people.

Jean Nicolet had a female child with Jeanne-Gisis named MARIE-MADELEINE-EUPHROSINE NICOLET. In modern terms in Canada she was a MÉTIS (pronounced may-te in English, but may-te-s in french). A Métis in Canada have mixed blood between first Europeans in America and women from the FIRST NATIONS (Indians) or INUIT People already living here and since thousand of years.


Jacques Laurin

Bonjour Martin,

Heureux de savoir qu'il y a d'autres francophones sur ce réseau.

J'ai tellement travaillé sur des sites anglophones que j'avais pris l'habitude de le faire dans leur langue pour obtenir des réponses.

Ta réponse me donne l'idée de rédiger mes courriels importants de manière bilingue,

bonne journée à toi,

Jacques Laurin

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