I am not only a Geni user, I switcheh to My Heritage in the beginning of 2012.
There was several reasons to do so.
1. I could dowload an application that allowed me to make a familly tree ofline, that way I had plenty of time to investigate different source and check relatives and data before I upload data to my online tree.
2. Geni users seems to uncredictal upload all types of sources without checking the data uploaded, tree merging made it almost impossible to track data and correct them without being a pro member, luckyly i found som nice people to work with, thank you Bjorn P Brox for always being helpfull.
My Heritage, do have some missing features that you can find here at Geni.
When I first signed up at Geni everything was free and unlimittede upload of family and relatives also was free, I had a huge amount of relatives uploaded but when they changed condittiontions for membership i couldnt acces theses data, and they where taken over by Pro members, I didnt mind that as long as they kept that data.
Geni users was taken with the pants down, they made Geni what it is, when they had uploaded enough data, money became an issue if you wanted to acces the data uploaded by yourslef, and it wasnt that free to use Geni any more, so thank you Geni users for making Geni a succes and thank you for your money, Geni users made Geni what it is, no names, no relatives this sources hadn't been worth a dime.
Cooperative plans change fast now a days, espicially sofware and fusions between companys is well known, when all come togheter it is just a question of the right amount of $.
I know you can acces all types of records at MH, but try being a Dane ,-) or from scandinavia, the sources is not that great for us to use at MH, but maybe in the future.
That said, I have enjoyed my time here at Geni, have a lot of good to say about all the people making an effort to make the experience good for all, these people are all dedicated and trying hard to make things and correct data as well as they can. I want to thank all the helpfull users i meet here.
I just removed my credict card information from Geni.
I hope you all will enjoy MH it is just as easy to use as Geni, but lack some features, Geni is superb and I guess it is thanks to all the users, so I sugest Geni could pay you 1 $ pr record you uploaded but I guess they might find that sugeestions a little to absurd. You still have to remmember it is because of all you people Geni is worth anything so they own you big time.
Super search :-), I have 4 historical match at MH page 3 of them is the same person, so I guess it is verry usefull for Scandinavians, fun to spend your money at ain't it but hey you also have a 5 year subscribtion ROFL, hope you find it usefull living in Scandinavia, but everyuwhere else then you get full value.
I which you all a merry Christmas
GENI just seem to have gotten an early Chrismas pressent so they might send you all a Christmas greeting
My Englisch is not perfect, actually i think I need to use it more often.
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