Various spellings - Hans HELM; Hans Helms; Hans Helmes; Hans Helm; Hans Hellems; Hans Helmensz.
Stamouers name is HELM
http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/g5/p5311.htm - Hans HELM
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: dito (29 Novemb') een Dochtertie van Hans Helms en syn huhs-vrouw Ger,,
truyd Willemsz wiert genaamt Maria. t' getuychenisse wierd bekleedt by Jan Jansz van Oldenburgh nevens syn huys-vrouw Elisabeth Jans, transcribed by Richard Ball,
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): dito (21Juni anno 1671) een dochtercke van Hans Helm en Geertje Willems syn huysvr' wiert genaamt grietjen tot getuyge stonden Leendert Jansz en Geertruy Jansz, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): dito (Den 17 Septemb')
Een Dochtertje van Hans Hellems en Geertruijd Willems, werdt genaamt Cornelia: als getuijgen stonden Jan Pa[ss]chier en Roeloffje Pieters, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1676
Den 20 Decemb' Abel Focke Jansz en Aeltie Soert Hans Helmensz en Geertruijt Willems, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/
NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): eodem dito (28 Julii) Willem Hans Helmes en Geertruyt Willemse, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/
I have the same problem with the Nell/Nel side of my family, and I confess I don't mind living with the ambiguity. Records weren't always accurate in the past and, even now, mistakes are made on birth, baptism and death certificates quite regularly.
To illustrate the point, I recently noticed that the spelling of my grandmother's surname on her birth certificate is 'Nel', even though the spelling of the surname on her father's gravestone is 'Nell'. The different spellings *might* indicate different origins, although I feel it's unlikely. I feel the variations are more likely to be regional - or just differences in the way in which names were recorded over the years.
In short, if there's a concern about the spelling of Helm/Helms/Helmes/Hellems/Helmensz etc., I'd suggest that we just make a note of this discrepency on this ancestor's record - and cite the excellent examples given by June above.
Linda I do see that June has already answered as to the name HELM, HELMES, etc.
As for most records he is spelt HELM but somewhere this morning I have mentioned about the mispelled names in the earlier days in the Cape. This was purely due to the lack of education.
June I am going to answer the rest in Afrikaans, not to be misunderstood.
Linda dit is bewys dat die kosters van toentertyd en selfs met die Groot Trek nie so goed was met spelling nie. In my eie geval was my grootouma, net twee weg en ons is al die pad in die lyn met die name Judith Susanna Hendrika geseën. Haar nooiensvan, volgens haar vader se sterfkennis was STOLS, maar haar dokumente hier in die Transvaal is almal onder Stoltz. Dit het my 20 jaar en baie geld en tyd gevat voor ek op haar lyn kon aangaan. Eers toe ek haar vader se SK kry, kon ek tot bo gaan. Alles net oor verkeerde spelling.
Sommer net ter verduideliking.
That is the reason why we have already decided way backin 2007 that we will go with the more known and researched spelling of our ancestors and put the ALSO KNOWN AS in the column provided for that.
Mooi dag.
Dit is so Linda. Maar omrede hierdie so 'n wye en publieke navorsings projek is, probeer ons maar almal tevrede stel en gaan maar met die meerderheid se beslissings.
Self het ek 'n persoonlike familie leêr waar ek dit vir myself regmaak soos dit genealogies bedoel is. Hier was al te veel kere mense wat mekaar aan die keel wil gryp oor 'n naam.
Tog is Geni 'n wonderlike bron om baie meer mense en familie te leer ken.
Mooi dag.