Gisèle of the West Franks, Marquise consort de Frioul - Record of Alternative Data After Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, November 3, 2012
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11/3/2012 at 10:08 AM

Forename Gisèle Gisele Princess of Aquitane
Middle Name / Gisela 'de Carolus'
Surname Von Sulichgau (De Aquitaine) De France
Birth Surname of the West Franks
Birth Location Frankfurt, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia Aquitane, France

11/3/2012 at 1:15 PM

LOL. I guess what you're saying, Sharon... we have to get rid of al that rubbish? :-)
1. I'm sure English was not a dominant language back then
2. I don't think Gisèle had a middle name
3. Her surname is confusing
4. Not sure if there was a strong notion of the 'West Franks
5. Frankfurt could be in Prussia, it is in Hessen, but Nassau is not in Hessen, and Prussia is definitely not in Aquitaine
I suspect we need to be pretty radical about this confusion.
On the other hand, you're just listing 'facts'. What are your suggestions?

11/4/2012 at 1:32 AM

Ha, George J. Homs - thanks for responding.
Keeping managers engaged in the research about the profiles was actually my biggest intention.

No, I'm not really making a judgement one way or another. I was deferring to the MP, and logging the data that was elided by my doing that, just in case there was anything in it that people wanted to give reasons for keeping.

Unfortunately, the spaces between the options seem to get lost on the screen view after you post the reply. So, the Birth Location choice was this: Frankfurt, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia OR Aquitane, France

11/4/2012 at 1:25 PM

Sharon, one quibble I have is her supposed title. In this period, these were civil and military offices, not titles of hereditary nobility. Ebherhard was a margrave, but that didn't make his wife a "marquise".

Geni abounds with these anachronisms. It seems some people can't resist tarting up the tree.

11/5/2012 at 8:32 AM

JUstin, Please change it. I like to get them as accurate as we can. Should the consort stay, do you think?

11/7/2012 at 12:23 AM

Thanks Justin Durand

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