Frantz Frantzen Flor - Need documentation for Franz Franzen Flor - parents especially!

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Monday, October 15, 2012
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10/15/2012 at 3:10 PM

When looking for relationships, it turns out that Franz Franzen Flor's English parents (Francis and Elizabeth) are a "major connector" in the tree - many people find their closest common ancestor through this link.

BUT - I can't see that this link is documented in any source I can lay my hands on.
Can someone come up with a source for this relationship (and NOT a quote from someone's Internet web tree - there are enough of them already!)

If we don't have any documentation, I think we need to break the link and replace it with "Father Unknown" and "Mother Unknown".

Private User
10/15/2012 at 4:21 PM

Since this is one of the ancestors in our shared path, I thought I'd do a little "Googling" to see if I can come up with anything. I'll shout if I find a credible source.

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10/15/2012 at 4:55 PM This is the source I mentioned in another discussion. I used Google-translate and most of it makes sense, but a few entries have no "American" grammar and I can't follow them very well.

One of the contributors actually went to Florence to trace this guy. Another had a lead for a monastery in or named San Marco, but did not have as much time as he needed to completely follow it.

The most interesting bit of information is the post marked #11.

In another couple of posts it veers off into a discussion of someone else - a Niels Mogensen Thune.

As you have already noted, most of the stuff I can find is sourceless webtrees and webtrees that use other webtrees for their source. This one site was the only one that seemed useful at all.

Well, when it's all said and done, I hope we are still cousins. But if we are not, you are still welcome to visit next time work brings you to California.

10/17/2012 at 3:00 PM

I've taken the rather drastic step of removing his link to his parents, replacing them with "unknown father" and "unknown mother", and locking those two profiles.
Let's see what happens now.

Private User
10/17/2012 at 4:19 PM

It's probably the wisest course. I've done that myself when there isn't enough evidence to make the claim.

I'm happy to see that we are still cousins. I'll have to look at that Polish princess. I told Pam Karp that I didn't think I'd be much help on a Polish project because it's not my ancestry. I will have to eat my words.

10/17/2012 at 5:05 PM

Not drastic, Harald. It's an extraordinary claim, very unusual, highly unlikely, and a bunch of other superlatives. It would be nice to track it down to its introduction into genealogical literature, but failing that, it seems safest to set it aside for now. It's good that you linked to the supposed parents in the About Me so that someone else can pick up the trail if they find something later.

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