Adam / אדם / آدم . - If Adam is My 77 Great grandfather

Started by Zara Zonell Mercer on Thursday, September 27, 2012
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Hey, hey, what's with the Irish crack, Harald? ;)

I like that we have a burial place for him -- is that up on FindAGrave?

(And I have no path. I have truly fallen from God's favor.)

The problem with the Irish kings was that it required an incredible number of really long lifespans to match up with the calendars of the rest of the world - or a lot of missing generations. It strained credulity *just* a little too much for comfort.
I like having a path. The one that's now displayed has weak links, so it's probably false, but not weak *stretches* like the Irish one did.

What is Adam's last name?

Adam / אדם / آدم . is your 117th great grandfather.
→ Thelma Cormier
your mother → Albert Cormier
her father → Marry Cote
his mother → Etienne Cote
her father → Etienne Cote
his father → Etienne Cote
his father → Marie Petronille Cote
his mother → Veronique-Edwige Lepage
her mother → Marie-Louise Asselin
her mother → Louise Baucher dite Morency
her mother → Marie-Anne Paradis
her mother → Marie-Barbé Guyon
her mother → Jean Guyon, sieur de Buisson
her father → Jacques-Jean Guyon du Buisson, I
his father → Mathurin Guyon
his father → Jean Guyon, Sieur des Granches, Vicomte de Beaupre Thaumetz
his father → Jacques Guyon
his father → Jean De Guyon
his father → Jean de Guyon, VII
his father → Jean VI de Guyon
his father → Jean V de Guyon
his father → Jean IV de Guyon
his father → Jean III de Guyon
his father → Jean II de Guyon
his father → Jean Guyon
his father → Guy VI, seigneur de La Roche Guyon
his father → Guy V, seigneur de La Roche Guyon
his father → Guy IV, seigneur de La Roche Guyon
his father → Emma d'Anjou
his mother → Geoffroy V le Bel, comte d'Anjou
her father → Foulques V le Jeune, comte de Anjou et roi de Jérusalem
his father → Fulk IV "The Surly" - Count of Anjou (1043-1109)
his father → Ermengarde (Plantagenet)
his mother → Bertha de Morvois (fictitious)
her mother → Widerich de Morvois, I
her father → Widukind, dux Saxonum
his father → Kunhilde von Rügen
his mother → Gerswinde von Alemannien
her mother → Hnabi / Nebi, Duke of Alemannia
her father → Hersuinda von Bayern
his mother → Regintrud of the Franks
her mother → Dagobert I, King of the Franks
her father → Chlothar II "the Young", King of the Franks, Merovingian Dynasty
his father → Frédégonde d'Ardennes
his mother → Brunulphe de Cambrai
her father → Waudbert I, Comte d'Ardennes
his father → Adalbert (Alberico) (Duke), i MOSEL
his father → Theodemer des FRANCS RIPUAIRES
his father → Richomer (Ricomer) des Francs RIPUAIRES
his father → Mellobaude, King of the Franks at Worms
his father → Malaric I de Toxandrie, Frankish Chief
his father → Ragaise, King of the Franks
his father → Génébaud I, King of the Franks
his father → Fausta (Fictional)
his mother → Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
her mother → Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father → Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father → Julia Quadratilla
his mother → Aulus Julius
her father → Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother → Julia Iotapa
her mother → Alexander, King of Cilicia
her father → Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father → Alexander II of Judaea
his father → Alexander, Prince of Judaea
his father → Mariamne I Hasmonean / מרים החשמונאית
his mother → Alexander II / אלכסנדר השני החשמונאי Hasmonean, High Priest
her father → Aristobalbus II, King of Judea / אריסטובלוס השני
his father → Queen Salome Alexandra / המלכה שלומציון אלכסנדרה Reina Judea
his mother → Rabbi Setah Ben Yossei / רבי שטח בר יוסיי
her father → Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan / רבי יוסיי בר יוחנן
his father → Rabbi Yohanan / רבי יוחנן
his father → Joazar ben Zeredah
his father → Zeredah ben Antigone
his father → Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father → Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father → Elias ben Tobit
his father → Tobit ben Hananiah
his father → Hananiah
his father → Hattush
his father → Hashubah / חשבה .
his father → Zerubbabel / זרובבל בן שאלתיאל
his father → Uzziah / עזיהו בן אמציה
his father → Amaziah / אמציה בן יהואש
his father → Jehoaddan / יהועדן of Jerusalem
his mother → Jehosheba / יהושבע .
her mother → Jehoram / יהורם בן יהושפט
her father → Jehosaphat / יהושפט בן אסא
his father → Asa / Asaph / אסא בן אביה
his father → Abijah / אביה בן רחבעם
his father → Rehoboam / רחבעם בן שלמה
his father → King Solomon / שלמה המלך
his father → King David / דוד המלך בן ישי
his father → Yishai / Jesse / ישי בן עובד
his father → Obed / עובד .
his father → Boaz / בעז .
his father → Salmon / שלמון / שלמא .
his father → Nahshon ben Aminadav / נחשון בן עמינדב
his father → Amminadab / עמינדב .
his father → Ram / Aram / רם .
his father → Abija / אביה .
his mother → Machir / מכיר .
her father → Menashe / מנשה
his father → Asenath / אסנת
his mother → Shechem / שכם .
her father → Hamor / חמור .
his father → The Hivites / החוי .
his father → Canaan / כנען .
his father → Ham / חם .
his father → Noah / נח / نوح .
his father → Lamech / למך / لمك .
his father → Methuselah / מתושלח / متوشلخ .
his father → Enoch / חנוך / إدريس .
his father → Jared / ירד / اليارد .
his father → Dinah / Dîmâh / 'Sina / Simaan' .
his mother → Barali'el B: East of Eden
her mother → Enos
her father → Azûrâ / Aklia / Akilia / Aklemia .
his mother → Adam / אדם / آدم .
her father

My line changes from time to time to, Im now up to 113th great grandfather (Think I have been in to 116th grandfather at one moment)

My line go through German nobles, the Merovingian Kings of France, through Egyptian Pharaos and Macedonian/Greek/Babylonian Kings up to Ham the son of Noah. It would be interesting to find out how much can be prooved.. (I believe its not much..)

May be fun to contemplate, but even Matthew and Luke differ in their listing of Jesus' genealogy back to Abraham, so I find it hard to believe that tracing anyone back to "Adam", provable, is in anyway possible. Fun to contemplate, but...
@Enrique Treat Gleason-Aguiluz, Esq. Mary Ann Conway Mason, wife of Lt. Thomas Tracy is my ninth great grandmother. I am unaware of a daughter Mary Tracy. I have a Deborah Tracy, husband unknown, who was the daughter of Thomas Tracy (Jr.) and Betsey Avery. The above "genealogy" appears to be missing a generation. The whole thing is very loopy.

Hmm.. today Adam is my 131st grandfather.. Seems like someone has done a good clean up in some parts of the tree, but now my line goes through Irish kings..

Uh oh. Irish kings. That means the line was vandalized again. I'll fix it.

It is very interesting how we are able to go back to very distant ancestors. To the post about Adam's last name, all that was given was Adam. To the post about the genealogy of Jesus given in Matthew and Luke, In Matthew, it's his genealogy through Joseph, and in Luke, it's his genealogy through Mary. Also it is important to note that it was men who were mostly noted in these records so Luke would use Joseph in place of Mary. They didn't really find the women as important in this particular subject. As a Christian myself, I found it amazing to see possibly the detailed path or paths to Adam. Of course, I know that other people may have differing opinions about who was the first person on the earth or how many years ago it was or whatever so it's all good. Everyone can have their beliefs and we can all live in peace and harmony together as we enjoy this wonderful journey of researching our family history. It's what makes all of this a great experience.

I don't believe that I said what you said I did and futher someone else said that not me ask Ronald E Roberts .see what he tells you .

Funny, King David is my 93 GGF. That fits. Then going back to Abraham, the path switches to Irish kings, and Abraham is my 80 GGF, Umm, okay, don't think so. Then I go back to Adam, my 77th GGF, by way of Arabic kings, and their mothers? I don't even see Noah in my current path. Oddly though, I see several people listed as father of all arabs, but Ishmael and Abraham don't show up in that line. Not sure how that one works.

The Irish connection that keeps on being added is from someone between Abraham and David (Zerah). Geni will try to find the shortest path.

I cut Dardanus from being the son of Zerah. I have seen no documentation I trust on that link.

Not having an opinion about the arabic line; I haven't investigated that.

(but when I cut the 100-step line via the British kings, I got an 83-step line via the Arabs. Geni doesn't ALWAYS find the shortest path...)

"Oneka y Faquilene"'s father "Unknown father" had gained a parent. Unlinked again. I no longer have a direct path. Happiness :-)

Harald, I'm realizing we need to start locking all those "Unknown Parent" profiles. It's not enough to just create and MP and lock the name fields. Some users will still merge them, so they sprout parents and the bad line is back.

Good work, Harald & Justin.

@Justin agreed. With these, there's no new information to be added, so there's no particular reason for leaving the rest of the profile unlocked.

If people want to challenge them (after all, they MAY have evidence), they can start a discussion.

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