Adam / אדם / آدم . - If Adam is My 77 Great grandfather

Started by Zara Zonell Mercer on Thursday, September 27, 2012
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If you say that Adam is my 77th great grandfather then show it to me by line and proof Zara Garrett Mercer


Some folks don't care whether "Adam" is real or not.

Some people claim "Adam" to be a real man whose birthdate can be deduced from biblical texts.

Some claim "Adham" to be a metaphor for the father of the first law-giver, Set/Seth...while others view "Adam" as the first self-aware hominid.

No one need prove anything to you. It is you who needs to decide if you give any credence to such claims of a 77th grandfather. If you lend no credence to the assertion, then ignore it...there are others who deem it critically important.

Descent from antiquity is a very difficult thing to prove without documentation...especially that far back :)

Hope that helps.


I think this is of great interest, how can you go that far back?

@Ants Andrew Uustalu: Although I highly question its legitimacy, Geni claims that I am directly related to "Adam" in the following way:

→ USAF Maj. Fred Treat Gleason-Carlson
your father → Frederick Treat Gleason
his father → Emma Treat
his mother → Samuel B. Treat
her father → Lydia Treat (Nash)
his mother → Ann Nash
her mother → Hannah Skinner
her mother → Deborah Moore
her mother → Mary Tracy
her mother → Ann CONWAY Mason
her mother → Dorothy Ann Conway
her mother → Anne Tracy
her mother → Thomas Throckmorton, 1st, Sheriff of Gloucester
her father → Margaret Matthew
his mother → Daffydd ap Mathew
her father → Sir Mathew ap Ieuan
his father → Crisli verch Gawdyn
his mother → Gawdyn ap Llywelyn
her father → Jonet verch Cynfyn
his mother → Bleddyn ap Cynfyn
her father → Angharad verch Maredudd
his mother → Maredudd ap Owain
her father → Angharad verch Llewelyn
his mother → NN verch Merfyn
her mother → Merfyn ap Rhodri Mawr
her father → Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn
his father → Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad
his father → Gwriad ap Elidir
his father → Elidir ap Sandde
his father → Sandde ap Alcwn
his father → Alcwn ap Tegid
his father → Tegid ap Gwair
his father → Morgause (Anna)
his mother → Uther Pendragon "The Head Dragon" ap Custennyn, King of Britons
her father → Constantine Waredwr "the Deliverer" ap Selyfan, King of Britain
his father → Salomon I ap Gradlon, King of Brittany
his father → Tigridia verch Calpurnius
his mother → Calpurnius
her father → Potitus de Bretagne
his father → Odissus V MacCannudh
his father → Connudh V Cornuithe
his father → Leobut (Luibuirne). Luibuirne
his father → Meurig mab Otter Meurig
his father → Oda (Otta) mab Oiric (Otta)
his father → Oiric map Meurig Orc
his father → Meurig mab Oiric
his father → Oiric map Leo
his father → Leo
his father → Maximus
his father → Othrag
his father → Encrede mac Erise
his father → Erise mac Piliste
his father → Piliste mac Ferine
his father → Ferine mac Briotan Maoll
his father → Britan Máel mac Fergus
his father → Fergus Lethderg mac Nemedh
his father → Neimhidh The Farmer
his father → Agnoman (Adnamhain) of Scythia
his father → Paimp
his father → Tait
his father → Seara
his father → Srú Esra
his father → Easrú Izrau
his father → Braiment / Fraimaint
his father → Jobbath Iobaath .
his father → Magog / מגוג .
his father → Adataneses Olivana / Natinir .
his mother → Eliakim .
her father → Matulsalkh
his father → Idris a.s. (ادريس)
his father → Yarid
his father → Mahla'il
his father → Qinan
his father → Noam / נועם .
his mother → Sheth
her father → Adam / אדם / آدم .
his father

When I first joined Geni I was thrilled that I could go back to Adam and Eve, however I don't know why but I cannot get back to him anymore. I notice all my cousins can but obviously somehow or other this information has changed. I really would like to know why. I agree that to some people this is insignificant information.
Any suggestions would be great.

The name Adam is given to the first man of the human family on this earth as cited in the account of the creation in the books of Genesis, Moses, and Abraham, and in many instances in the New Testament, Book of Mormon, ad Doctrineand Covenants. From these scriptures we learn that Adam is the fathr and patriarch of the human race on the earth.The aggregate of the scriptures certifies that his transgression in the garden of Eden, although designated as a "fall," was neccessary to the advancement and spiritual progress of humanity on earth, and Adam rightly should be honored, not denigreated. Adam is the Ancient of Days and is also known as Michael. He is the archangel and will come again to the earth in power a glory as the partriarch of the human faimly, preparatory to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Adam / אדם / آدم . is my 120th great grandfather!

Adam is my 111 great grand father
Gaia Gea Γαα Gaĩa Maa Earth . . is my 106th great grandmother.

Hotepsekhemwy (Boethos) Bedjau, Pharoah of Egypt is my 130th great grandfather. (older than Adam !!)

Gaia Gea Γαα Gaĩa Maa Earth . . is Adam / אדם / آدم .'s fifth great granddaughter's husband's great granddaughter's husband's nephew's wife's husband's mother.

Adam / אדם / آدم . is Hotepsekhemwy (Boethos) Bedjau, Pharoah of Egypt's wife's fourth great aunt's husband's grandfather's wife's fifth great grandfather.

Etc .. Only geni can do that ! and I love it !!

And we can discover relation like the following one (read the about section of the profile):

"Isaac the Jew", Charlemagne's Diplomat


As a french singer, Maxime Leforestier songs:

"On choisit pas ses parents,
on choisit pas sa famille
On choisit pas non plus
les trottoirs de Manille
De Paris ou d'Alger
Pour apprendre à marcher
Etre né quelque part
Etre né quelque part
c'est toujours un hasard"

This give in english (as my poor one can do):

"One don't choose his parents,
One don't choose his family
One don't choose the sidewalks of Manila
Of Paris or Algiers, To learn to walk.
Been born in someplace,
Been born in someplace,
It is always by chance..."

120th and 111 great grandfather for some of you, and 74th great grandfather for me -- either my line is wrong or you guys belong to lines of some very active and fast breeders!

your line goes through the welsh which is a seriously messed up area that needs lots of correction

Thanks Jason! For some strange reason, I knew something was seriously wrong with my supposed line.

Lucy is somehow my 120 000 Great Mother !! :-)))) And not only mine !!

I know that every Human don't agree with the evolution theory .. this is not the subject of my message .. just some fun in this furious world ..

Can't find her on Geni ...

Let's create her profile:

First Name: Lucy
Nicknames: Lucy
Born circa - 3000020
Death circa - 3000000
Burial: Ethiopia

Best regards to all !!

-> Jason: If I can help to clean "the welsh", feel free to ask me ... I do have some free time to ..

@ Samuel: I am with you all the way! I do believe 100% in evolution! I also think that if Geni will tolerate BIBLICAL ADAM & EVE, Geni should also tolerate SCIENTIFIC ADAM (over 50,000 years ago) and EVE (over 120,000 years ago). My comment is not to mean that I don't believe in BIBLICAL personalities but I can emphatically state that BIBLICAL ADAM & EVE were not the very first humans on our planet!

Oops, I meant about 150,000 for Scientific Adam, meaning that Y-Chromosonal Adam lived about 150,000 years ago as opposed to Biblical Adam starting the human line at about 6,000 years ago!

Mitochondrial Eve is believed to have lived about 200,000 years ago as opposed to Biblical Eve starting the human line at about 6,000 years ago!

-> Very interesting ... I didn't have had the idea to seak for, find and read these Wikipedia papers. Thx .

im ok with the biblical adam being the first hebrew/jew/whatever but not the first human. it says in Genesis 4:17 "And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch." you dont build a city with 3 people....

Samuel Austin - Le Maux Enrique joins to the Welsh tree here Sir Dafydd Mathew any help with corrections is appreciated

found the bad connection Enrique

her father → Potitus de Bretagne
his father → Odissus V MacCannudh

My experience is that my connection to Adam varies significantly over time. The current connection runs through a (documented) Norwegian pastor who went by "the Italian" (Peder Antonius/Pieter Flor), where Geni ties him to an English noble family - I still haven't found evidence of that, but know there are articles written about him that I haven't read.
A few months ago I had a connection that ran through the Viking legendary kings, of about the same length - I guess this linkage is "hotter" than that one.

Adam / אדם / آدم . is your 78th great grandfather.

Someday I will learn the path from Adam to me. Genealogy is exciting.

@ Jason Scott Willis: Thanks for finding the bad connection.

My line goes up through some of that through the Scottish and Irish lines. I find it pretty cool

Adam / אדם / آدم . is your fourth cousin's wife's 111th great grandfather.

I find one relative (at least one) who is direct descendant of Adam (and many other three roots)

Geni quite shortly "forget" my connection to Adam and I have to "rebuild" this path. And every time I recreate thye path - I get different path. One saved path was ... 85th great grandfather and now is 111th

BUt all this reading and research are very exiting


Was 111 th in sept 2012, goes down to something like 81 th ... now 120 th ... a more logical time line ..

I like how Geni's tree moves .. it shows that things are not always what we sometime want them to be ...

Mine is up to 111 too. Hooray - no more Irish!
I guess it's just a matter of time before someone takes the scissors to Fausta (Fictitious Person) though.

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