Yaakov Mordechai Ha-Cohen Katz - Jacob Mordechai Katz descendance

Started by François Delage on Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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9/11/2012 at 1:15 AM


My wife is a descendant of two sons of Jacob Mordechai Katz. Their names were Yehoshua Heschel and Yehuda Leib, both were Rabbi respectively in Peiser and Schwersenz (5k from Poznan). It is described in a Yichus Brieve written by their grandson Joshua Heschel Kuttner. I am wondering if somebody knows a bit more about those two rabbis.



Private User
9/11/2012 at 4:20 AM

This would seem to be the page referred to at http://www.jewishgen.org/ViewMate/viewmateview.asp?key=22601

9/11/2012 at 9:28 PM

Hi David,

That's right, I posted it on viewmate, I tried to get it translated but it is a quite long Yicchus Brieve it is not fair to ask volunteers to do it and translators were asking to much for the translation. I might get it translated one day when I'll have the funds.

In the mean time I'll post it on Yaakov Mordechai Ha-Cohen Katz profile in case some people are interested in translated it.

All the best,


Private User
9/11/2012 at 9:54 PM

I referenced it at Josua Heschel Kuttner

Was there a previous page too?

Loading the images to Geni and then posting asking for volunteers to translate might help. A few of us could do a bit each.

9/12/2012 at 1:39 AM

Yop there is two pages, I posted it in the sources part of Joshua Hechel Kuttner profile. The Yichus Brief from what I understand goes until the Maharal of Prague Judah Loew ben Bezalel.

Private User
9/12/2012 at 3:10 AM

Yes he follows down from the Maharal through

Vogele Katz (2nd wife), [Maharal dau. #8]

Rabbi Naftali Hirsch Katz, ABD Lublin, "Peirot Genosar"

Rabbi Yitzchak HaCohen Katz, II [of Stopin and Lublin]

Rabbi Naftali Hirsch HaCohen Katz II, ABD Frankfurt, Posen - [Smikhat Hakhamim]

He then talks about a daughter of Naphtali:

Eidel Ester? Rokeach

but instead follows the line of another daughter Yehudit who married a Binyamin Zeev and a Yaakov.

At that point I lose the Geni trail because we don't apparently have that Yehudit on Geni.

The Yaakov is according to the document the father of Chacham Tzvi Hirsch Ashkenazi

There is a disjoint there - the document doesn't match what is on Geni. The father of the Chacham Tzvi does not show on Geni as marrying such a Yehudit.

At that point the document skips to a descendant of the Chacham Tzvi called Yaakov Elisha.

9/12/2012 at 3:33 PM

So Awesome, thanks for that David.

The way I know my wife is related to Chacham Tzvi Hirsh Ashkenazi is through Rabbi Yaakov Israel יעקב ישראל Emden who married Rachel a daughter of Yaakov Mordechai HaKohen. This is the only line I know so far.

All that research started because my wife's grandmother found a Yichus Brieve of her great grand father (Joshua Heschel Kuttner's son) in her attic.
I posted it on viewmate and somebody kindly translated it for me. The line on that one is pretty clear.

Here is the translation :

Dena Yellin: beautiful piece. this is what is known as a "yichus brieve" in Yiddish - meaning, a document that delineates one's lineage. it details the writer's lineage from his father's mother's family. there are many comments about the individuals cited regarding their piety and scholarship and references to scholarly talmudic works they authored. there are ten generations mentioned here from the writer's parents and down.
here is an approximate translation:

1) my father's name was Harav Yehoshua Heschel, son of the prolific Rabbi Ahron Kutner of blessed memory. he sat all his days in the tent of Torah and spread its teachings in the holy community of Lissa. he was the author of the book "Faith and Scrunity", a work based on the 13 principles of faith, and "faith and Belief" on the ten commandments.
2) and the name of the father of my mother, the wise and pious Michla of belssed memory, was Shaltiel Eizik who was the head of the Rabbinical court in Peiser.
3)His father was the scholar Rav Yehoshua Heschel who had (also) been the head of the Rabbinical court in Peiser. and he (Shaltiel Eizik) married the daughter of his father's brother Yehuda Leib (meaning, his cousin), who was the head of the Rabbinical court of Schwersenz.
4)Yehuda Leib (and his brother Yehoshua Heschel) were sons of Yaakov Mordechai from Poznan who was the head of the Rabbinical court
5) Yaakov Mordechai was the son of Rabbi Naftali who was reknowned as a "lion" (expert) in both the revealed and hidden studies in Pozna, Meintz and later in Tiverya (Tiberias) in the Holy Land.
6) Rav Naftali was the son of the "treasure of Israel" (meaning he was revered and well known), Rav Yitzchak Eizik of Lublin and the Galil
7) he in turn was the son of the beloved of Israel, Rav Naftali, who was the head of the Rabbinical court in Lublin. in his time, the light of all the diaspora, Rav Yehoshua Heschel - who was the rebbe of the Sha"ch and the Ta"z - was Rosh Yeshiva in Lublin, and when Rav Naftali died Rav Yehoshua Heschel took Rav Naftali's wife in marriage.
8) Rav Naftali was the son of the great scholar, light of the diaspora, Rav Yitzchak son of Rav Shimshon Kat"z (abbreviation meaning Rav Shimshon was a Cohen rather than this having been his last name), author of "Paneach Raza" on the Torah.
9) Rav Shimshon was the son in law of the pillar of Torah, pillar of the world (plus more epithets), Rav Yehuda Loew, who was the head of the Rabbinical court in Prague. he was known as "Hoecher Leib" because he was from Hoech (and the name Yehuda means lion, which is Leib in Yiddish - this is a common nickname for people named Yehuda).
10) Rav Leib/Yehuda was the son of the great Rabbi Bezalel of blessed memory.

Thanks a lot for your help,

All the best,


Private User
9/12/2012 at 4:31 PM

Rabbi Yehuda ben Betzalel Loew [Maharal of Prague] רבי יהודה לאו המהר"ל מפראג is Joshua Heschel Kuttner's 7th great grandfather.


Geni has Rabbi Yitzhak haKohen Katz, [Maharal s.in law] as the Maharal's son-in-law whereas the text above says grandson, with Rav Shimshon rather than Rav Yitzchak being the son-in-law.

Do you have the original of what is translated above posted somewhere on Geni?

9/12/2012 at 4:54 PM

On Naphtaly Kuttner's profile.

Naphtaly Kuttner

Private User
9/12/2012 at 5:29 PM

First page is upside down.

It does say that Rav Shimshon was "chotno" - the "choten" of the Maharal, which would normally mean son-in-law, and not the relationship shown on Geni which is "mechutan".

Private User
9/13/2012 at 2:40 PM

The daughter of the MAHARA"L of PRAGUE's name was "FAIGALE", not "

Private User
9/13/2012 at 2:54 PM

Thanks Simcha. I don't know what its source is, but the write-up in the About at Vogele Katz (2nd wife), [Maharal dau. #8] suggests that Vögele and Feigele are the same person. Feigele is listed as "also known as" for Vögele.

9/13/2012 at 5:16 PM

Vögele aka. Fogel, Vaigel - and possibly Faigale

9/14/2012 at 12:55 AM


Hi In the page two of Joshua Heschel Kuttner Yichus Brief is mentionned the children of Shaltiel Isaacs rabbi of Peiser. I am having troubles to identify the names. Could I get some help, that will be awesome.



Private User
9/15/2012 at 10:45 PM

We are talking about the document posted under Shaltiel Isaacs Izaak Hacohen Katz

Page 2, starting from near the end of line 7, I make it something like the following (leaving out honorable titles and with some transcription issues between Hebrew and English text - so the names of places and people here are somewhat susceptible):

Rabbi Shaltiel Isaac married his first cousin [literally the daughter of his uncle his father's brother] Rabbi Juda Levie and took his father's place as head of the Rabbinical court in Peiser and he died young [literally at half his days] and left behind him 3 sons and 3 daughters. 3 sons: Rabbi Meir in Peiser, Rabbi Yaakov Mordechai in Groedz, Rabbi Chaim Slatman in Berlin and 3 daughters: Feigelke in Lissa, Keila in Groedz, Michla my mother and teacher in Warsaw who married my father of blessed memory Rabbi Aaron Kuttner of blessed memory ...

Private User
11/30/2016 at 8:46 AM

Hi David. I'm a bit troubled with the above mentioned document. It seems to me that Shaltiel Isaacs Izaak Hacohen Katz is mentioned as one of the two sons of https://www.geni.com/people/Rav-Yehuda-Hacohen-Katz-A-B-D-Swarzędz-..., (the other being Meshulem Hacohen Katz). He then goes on to say that he married a cousin, which I would understand to be a daughter of Yeoshua Heschel HaCohen Katz, A.B.D. Peisern (Pyzdry). Then it says he took his fatner's place as Rabbi of Peiser. According to my interpretation that would mean https://www.geni.com/people/Rav-Yehuda-Hacohen-Katz-A-B-D-Swarzędz-... was Rabbi at Peiser. Yeoshua Heschel HaCohen Katz, A.B.D. Peisern (Pyzdry) is listed as Rabbi there..? Indeed you understood it the other way round that Shaltiel Isaacs Izaak Hacohen Katz was a son of Yeoshua Heschel HaCohen Katz, A.B.D. Peisern (Pyzdry) and marrieed a daughter of https://www.geni.com/people/Rav-Yehuda-Hacohen-Katz-A-B-D-Swarzędz-.... http://www.jewishgen.org/viewmate/responselist.asp?key=22490 also understood it that way. I just can't seem to read it into the words there. Do you mind having another look at the document?


Private User
11/30/2016 at 8:51 AM

http://www.jewishgen.org/viewmate/responselist.asp?key=22490 was written by a grandson Naphtaly Kuttner so I do suppose he knew what he was talking about....

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