Eystein Ivarsson «the Noisy» Glumra - Alternative data from Merges

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, August 28, 2012
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8/28/2012 at 5:21 AM

Death Date 872 890
Death Location Møre og Romsdal, Norway Maer, Nord Trøndelag, Norway

12/12/2012 at 3:09 AM

This Discussion is intended as a Log of the Data elided/ deleted at the stage of resolving Data Conflicts on this profile.

I have already resolved the Data Conflict, and am simply making sure that all the managers involved in that merge, know what data of theirs was removed.

I am doing this as a courtesy, against the possibility that the profile’s managers may want to be alerted to the opportunity to engage with the data choices. (Sending a private message means there is no record for any future managers of the profile - of which we hope there will be many.)

It is not a query, and it does not require a comment, unless you disagree with the way the Data Conflict was resolved, or you want to add useful info about the data at stake – that you think others can benefit from when resolving Data Conflicts on that profile in the future.

Further info and FAQ can be found here: http://www.geni.com/discussions/115121?msg=832711

This Discussion is intended as a Log of the Data elided/ deleted at the stage of resolving Data Conflicts on this profile.

I have already resolved the Data Conflict, and am simply making sure that all the managers involved in that merge, know what data of theirs was removed.

I am doing this as a courtesy, against the possibility that the profile’s managers may want to be alerted to the opportunity to engage with the data choices. (Sending a private message means there is no record for any future managers of the profile - of which we hope there will be many.)

It is not a query, and it does not require a comment, unless you disagree with the way the Data Conflict was resolved, or you want to add useful info about the data at stake – that you think others can benefit from when resolving Data Conflicts on that profile in the future.

Further info and FAQ can be found here: http://www.geni.com/discussions/115121?msg=832711

This Discussion is intended as a Log of the Data elided/ deleted at the stage of resolving Data Conflicts on this profile.

I have already resolved the Data Conflict, and am simply making sure that all the managers involved in that merge, know what data of theirs was removed.

I am doing this as a courtesy, against the possibility that the profile’s managers may want to be alerted to the opportunity to engage with the data choices. (Sending a private message means there is no record for any future managers of the profile - of which we hope there will be many.)

It is not a query, and it does not require a comment, unless you disagree with the way the Data Conflict was resolved, or you want to add useful info about the data at stake – that you think others can benefit from when resolving Data Conflicts on that profile in the future.

Further info and FAQ can be found here: http://www.geni.com/discussions/115121?msg=832711

Death Date 872 OR c. 872

12/12/2012 at 9:59 AM

What is the thinking behind choosing 872 rather than about 872?

Many scholars think that Eysteinn - Øystein and his ancestors might have been inventions of 2th century saga writers.

Norwegian Wikipedia lists him among the Mythical Norwegian kings, and dates him only to the mid-800s.


Private User
12/12/2012 at 10:36 AM

Please, just resolve the data conflict quietly on profiles I am the curator of.

12/12/2012 at 10:43 AM

Bjørn, please don't try to censor these discussions. I understand that discussing data conflicts can be annoying for people who have no real interest in the profile or its details, but sometimes the discussion brings out important points -- as it does here.

Private User
12/12/2012 at 11:23 AM

If you just knew how munch work that had been done in this line you would not make such insulting comments.

12/12/2012 at 11:30 AM

Bjørn, I'm sorry if you feel insulted. All of the medieval lines require a lot of work because well-intentioned users keep changing them. You should not take it personally if the profiles you curate are not perfect, or if you can't keep up with the data conflicts. The discussions aren't intended to make you look foolish. Instead, they should be helpful to everyone working in this area.

12/12/2012 at 3:01 PM

Nobody knows when Eystein was born or died, even to the decade. He's just a name in a name list in the sagas.

Unfortunately there's no way (that I know of) to mark a date as "we don't know what the date was, and we don't know - don't sweat it".

12/12/2012 at 3:02 PM

that should be "we know that we don't know" in the second repetition...

12/12/2012 at 3:02 PM

harald, delete the date then lock the date field as blank

12/12/2012 at 3:10 PM

Jason, that would be my first choice. I don't like the guesses, although I understand that they're helpful to people who want to make sure they haven't created a chronological impossibility. Bottom line, I can live with the estimated dates if we make it clear that they're "circa" not "exact".

12/12/2012 at 9:39 PM

Jason, I've considered entering date ranges (ca 830-ca 870) and locking them.

There are persons where it's very good to have date ranges (for instance the two different Björn Järnsida - one from the 700s and one from the 1000s).

The main thing keeping me from it is that I need to do the homework of coming up with reasonable date ranges for the 100 or so MP profiles involved, and entering them. It's just more work than I have had the initiative to do. But now that we (finally) have date ranges, it's much more reasonable than it was before.

12/14/2012 at 3:48 AM

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Justin Durand , Jason Scott Wills & Bjorn - If you guys think this is okay - I've taken the liberty of locking the circa date fields 830-870, just so that Data Conflict Resolution distractions are removed, until one of us has the time to work through and see that we have a set of dates that do not create chronological impossibilities.

PS - I propose that in 2013 we advertise the need for people to come and work on the Sagas project. It has so much potential (to be so much fun ;-)

12/14/2012 at 4:55 AM

Birth Location: Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway OR Møre og Romsdal, Norge

Was it raised on this family, that Trondelag is not necessarily correct?

Private User
12/14/2012 at 4:58 AM

Maer i.e. Møre have never been located in Trøndelag. Somehow too many user either enter Trøndelag or Uppsala if they really don't have a clue of Nordic locations.

12/14/2012 at 5:07 AM

Thank you,
shall we lock the field as Møre og Romsdal, Norge, then?

12/14/2012 at 5:22 AM

sharon dont lock fields on profiles you know nothing about please.

12/14/2012 at 5:32 AM

This death data is crap through and through.
His place of death is simply not mentioned in the sagas.
I'd make it "Norway" and lock it down, if you want to be bothered.

12/14/2012 at 6:42 AM

Jason Scott Wills?? Can you explain that extremely ugly interjection in a public discussion?
Have I offended you in some way?

Are you objecting to any discussion of locking the field at all?
Or to your (erroneous) assumption that it is me Iocking it?

@Harald's suggestion seems to me to be the most eminently sensible and scholarly solution.

12/14/2012 at 10:30 AM

My view on Eysteinn “Glumra” “the Noisy” Ivarsson is that his existence is doubtful. Even if he were real the chronology of his wife is difficult (born 812 to a father born 816). So, why are we making a fuss about this?


Mike King

12/14/2012 at 12:33 PM

I haven't found the saga people are using as a source for his wife yet. She may be an invention of some fanciful tree-writer, or there may be a saga I haven't found yet.

The first serious historian I know of who drew ancestry trees across the sagas here was Tormod Torfæus, ca 1700 - and he had access to sagas that were lost in the great fire in Copenhagen, too.... I had to hand my copy of his book back to the library, but I took pictures of some of his trees. I'll consult them.

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