Catharina Cornelisz - The parents of Catharina Cornelisz?

Started by Private on Saturday, June 30, 2012
6/30/2012 at 1:46 PM

Trijntie, daughter of Jan Bombam and Catharina Harmans was baptized on 12 May 1675 @ Cape Town: "Anno 1675 Den 12 dito (Maij)
een dochtertje van Jan
Cornelisz van Beijerlandt
en Catharina Harmans
syn huijsvrouw wiert genaamt
Trijntje de getuyghen
waeren Francoijs Filogon
en Elsje Jacobs" [on]

According to the custom at the turn of the 17th century, she would have called herself "daughter of Jan", ie Catharina Jansz:.

Yet, never once is the mother of Robbert Jansz:'s 6 children referred to as Catharina Jansz: at their baptisms, always as Catrina Cornelisz:. This suggests that she was the daughter of Cornelis.

Secondly, Catharina is not mentioned on 13 September 1718 in
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope
Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference code: C. 47, pp. 32-42:

"Dingsdagh den 13e September 1718, voormiddags.

Volgens extract uijt de leeningh rollen zouden d' ondergesche. uijt dien hoofde aan d' E. Compe. nogh ten agteren zijn de daar voor g'extraheerde sommen, namentlijk:

... Jan Conelisz. van oud Beijerland, wiens wede., door de wandelingh Maria Bombam [6] gent., in leeven en desselfs dogter getrouwt is met Jan Barentsz. Siger, [7] als mede nogh drie sonen, Theunis, Jacobus en Willem Bota."

Van Hoorn's wife died between May 1718 and 2 May 1719 (see Richard Ball link below). If she was Bombam's daughter either she, or her estate, would have been mentioned in this context.

Thirdly, although Jan Bombam only died in 1713 and was buried @ Stellenbosch [1713 1/STB 12/17 (36) 'Jan Cornelisz van Oudbeijerland f6' on] he was never called upon to be witness at his supposed grandchildren's baptisms which all took place @ Stellenbosch. Neither was Maria Kickers who would have been the children's step-grandmother.

Richard Ball suggests that she may have been the daughter of Cornelis Claasz: and Catharina van Bengalen:

# The parents of Catharina Cornelisz

"I have no direct proof of her family, but I believe that she
is the same as the Catarina who was baptised on the fifth
of November at Cape Town, daugher of Kees de Boer and
Catharina (Cape Town church registers, VOC 603). In his
article 'The Soetkoek Syndrome' (Capensis 2/2001: 27-30 )
Mansell Upham provides the evidence that the man known
as Kees de Boer was in fact Cornelis Claasz. In two notarial
documents in the Stellenbosch Archive (1STB 18/155, p. 272
and 1STB 18/156, p. 50, 12) Robbert Jansz van Hoorn is
associated with members of this family, although no
relationship is stated.

In addition, Catharina van Bengale and her second husband
were witnesses to the baptism of the two sons of Robbert
Jansz and Catharina named Johannes and Jan, in 1700 and
1704, and Robbert Jansz van Hoorn was a baptismal witness,
along with Adriaantje Gabriels (who would be his sister-in-law,
if this connection is correct) at the baptism of a daughter of
Elsie Speldenburgh, daughter of Adriaantje Gabriels, in 1702
at Stellenbosch."

However, Catharina, daughter of Cornelis Claasz:, was baptized on 5 Nov 1684 @ Cape Town, suggesting that she was born circa 1684 and would then have been only 15 years old when her first child, Maettjen, was born.

Does anyone have any evidence either way? Even for a second Cornelis as a possible father?

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