Augustine Austin Bearse - England's public records

Started by Mimi Nickerson on Monday, June 18, 2012
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Has anyone been to England to determine if our friend Augustine was a Romany or not? Since his birth date and birth place aren't disputed, it seems unlikely to me. Gypsies didn't record vital events with the local governments, to my understanding.

Love to know more about my ancestor.

He's my ancestor too. Supposedly he was sent to Barnstable as the first indentured servant, because he was a gyspy, in that town. Now I may be heading down that way Wednesday. I want to go to Plymouth Plantation. Never been there and Barnstable is not much further away. Total depends on how much time I spend in Plymouth. They do have a huge Gen room in Plymouth. I have been there. They might even have something there. I 'd rather travel down that way on a week day . This way I don't have to fight the Cape traffic. Now if I get down there I will see what I can find out.

PS I should have answered your question. No I haven't ever been to England. I'd like to go. I do have some info on him . Not a whole lot. I'll see what I can dig up and let you know. You may already have it but I'll try.

Thanks so much for the message. It's great that you are close and do this research in person. I'd love to do a roadtrip to the area one day soon. I don't know if we can ever be certain that Augustine was a Romany, or if he married Little Dove, but what we do know for sure from public records and history texts is still a fascinating story. I'm anxious to hear any new information you may have. My personal email is if you like. Have a great day, Judy!

Hi Mimi, hi Judy, good to meet you both, potential cousins! Yes, AB was Rromany and, according to many of my cousins and thier personal family records, AB did marry Little Dove. Many Rromany-Romanchals were sold as slaves, many were even on the Mayflower, owed by their own cousins. Tu san Rom? If you have doubts, might I suggest going to GedMatch? Upload your data there and then join Ancestor-Projects. An exciting new genetic adventure is the Harappa Ancestry Project. Excellent study! It will answer questions for you, big time! Good luck in your search. Barnstable rocks! My first Colonial was born there in 1617, before it was a town...

I know I love it down there. I located some graves down there. How are you connected?

Just for a point of reference I live in Saugus the third oldest town in Ma. It is just north of Boston. I can make it to Portsmouth, NH and Kittery Me in a bout an hour and a half . Maybe less. I can make it down to Plymouth and Barnstable about the same amount of time. So I guess I am right smack dap in the middle of things!

I don't have a lot on him. This is what I have He sailed on the Confidence of london, out of Southampton,England., April 24, 1638. He was at that time 20 years old.
He was the first indentured servant in Barnstable.
He arr in Plymouth 1638 and was sent to Barnstable 1639.
I ahve a full page and a half of info on what he owned ete.

Well, there are dozens of anecdotal references to him being a Romany, but his birth date and birthplace are well documented--and Romanies didn't do that, did they? File births, deaths, marriages with the government? Maybe it came from church records, in which case why isn't there any more on his family?
I'm just trying to collect ALL the info I can and hopefully figure out which is great legend and which is fact. And there's so much controversy about who he married and who married Mary Hyanno. Although I prefer the Romany/Indian Princess view, by far!!! Thanks for the chat, please keep me posted on new information!

I heard from a guy in our family lineage yesterday, and he said "the only documentation I know of is from the GYPSY LORE SOCIETY, UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND -- 26 June 1939: "Austin Bearce was half gypsy (or Traveler) on his maternal side. Possibly of the tribe of Herne (Heron) an ancient clan still flourishing, and whose Romany name was Matchowitch (means fish or herring) also written Matcho. Christian name of tribe members was Auster and could have been changed or written Austin or Augustine." Great info, I'm going to research the Gypsy Lore Society. Have a great day, cousins!

Right his mother has been recorded as Princess Matchowitch. Can't find anything much on her.
Thanks for the info.Didn't get down the cape, Car died on me. New pump and belt among other things needed. Glad it happened less then a mile from here not on my trip down there

Well, if he was gypsy on his maternal side . . . that would make sense (Princess Matchowitch messed around with a townie). But his father is recorded in some places as "Gauche, King of the Gypsies." Maybe it wasn't his parents' generation, but farther back on his mother's side. I'd like to join the Gypsy Lore Society, but it all costs $$ and I hope to figure out the best bang for the buck.

Sorry bout your car trouble, Judy!

Everyone seems to disregard Michael's comments the DNA was been done on the Y chromosome side it proved he was descent read the reports DNA doesn't lie see Halogroup search results for R1a1a. I'm not adding links I'm also a cousin and 27 yr researcher everyone needs to do their own homework less chance of copied false info that way. Best wishes, happy hunting - L Edwards

Thanks L Edwards, I appreciate you bringing this discussion into the realm of reality again. Yes, DNA is the answer here, to be sure! Romanichals (Gypsies from England) have, historically the Y-DNA of R1b1a and subclads, Mito-DNA M or H1. Our family supports this. Our 2 main Y-lines are R1b1a2 and I1* and our Mito lines are H1g (one of the rarest) and J1c2. Continental Rromany Y-lines are often H1a, while Rromany Mito remains either M or H1. You say that Romanichals and Rromany don't keep records? Maybe not in the USA, not as much as England, but every family has major BIBLES that report family connections, names, dates and places, with extensive trees, mainly because it is Rromany tradition to marry either 2nd or 3rd cousins—record keeping is a must! In modern times, many use 5 different names--mainly because of overt racism. Remember, we arrived at these shores as slaves before 1850. In the days of yore, one would have 2 names, generally, an “outside name and an inside name”. AB supports this tradition as well. Also, England has been keeping records on Romanichal families and clans since 1530 all the way to 1880. In fact, most of our family names are on it, some (I love this category) are "Gypsies Passing Through". For anyone who believes she/he is a Rom, I recommend getting DNA tested at 23&me, it is so very reasonable, at only $199, on sale, periodically, for $99. We paid 4 times that just 2 years ago! Once you have your results, upload the raw data to GedMatch and join The Harappa Ancestry Project; they are doing amazing work on behalf of Rromany all over the world! Be sure to mention Augustine Bearce to my cousin, David Oravez, a grandson of AB, to join the Rromany/Gypsy Project at Ancestor-Projects and 23&me. Between the two studies, you will know if you are a Rom or not. It is really that simple and for the money, the info will save you lots of grief and senseless wondering.... Oh, yes, Heron is a German Tribe of Rromanys (related to the Kalderash) who came to the Isles after the original influx in the 1460's... AB was a Romanichal, according to our DNA findings. Good luck!

Acturally A. Bearse , did not arr. as a slave. He was an indentured servant. Unlike slaves , once his time of indenture was served , he was free to go. You know DNA is great and important but the paper trail is necessary too.I do my own homework. As I am sure the others do.

Wow, of course DNA doesn't lie and this is the first I've heard of this study. I'm new here!! I don't state for a fact that Romany wouldn't be in public records, but what I'm reading (Ian Hancock, University of Austin, We Are the Romany) says that Romany didn't register vital events with local governments. Church records, perhaps; family Bibles, of COURSE, clearly they were devout , god-fearing people. I just haven't gotten to any of those yet! Assume I know nothing and please share what you have. I take NO side of any controversy, just want to get to the facts, so tend to play devil's advocate. It's purely in search of evidence. I'm a researcher by profession and am delighted there is so much out there that is documented, although of course the anecdotes are fascinating, too. I found Augustine Bearse's name and those of some of his (male) progeny in a number of old history texts. One great story was that one of his great-great-greats used his fishing boat to help escaping slaves from the South. Anecdotes add the human element but of course, documents/studies/DNA tests are the real evidence. Thanks so much to all of you!

Probably didn't record anything much in England as , according to info I have Gyspies weren't welcome and that's one of the reasons he was sent to the colonies as an indentured servant . I didn't know about the study either, Mimi.! I mostly have been following the paper trail. DNA too expensive for me. If I did DNA it would be for the entire tree and then another for strickly my native American side. That would take care of at least three different groups . If my son was to do it , it would have to cover another group too, since , his father also had Native American in his family.

Now that we're "in the realm of reality," how did we get a sample of AB's DNA? Somebody find an old hairbrush?

Joking aside, I will follow up and read this study. I've been doing a fair amount of research on the Romany and am fascinated with the idea of being Rom AND Native American. It looks to me from the genealogy that many of AB's offspring married Native Americans, so it's likely that genetic indicator is going to be stronger or greater than the Rom. No matter!

Genetics are fascinating. As far as I know, for at least 3 generations back there were no brown eyes in my mom's family, until I came along. I've been asked if I was NA because of my dark eyes, but now I suspect it's NA AND ROM!

I agree, the DNA could become a very expensive proposition, but if our direct verified blood ancestor was Rom, then we would be too, right? I'd better read the study and stop talking like I know something!

There are mostly brown eyed people in my family. My grandmother's side however, had both brown and blue eyes. hence I ended up with hazel.

I wonder how they connected the DNA also. Did they dig the two of them up extract DNA, if there was any left and then start checking everyone against it?

Thank you Michael. I was not trying to be rude to the rest of you it's just frustrating at times when the data is in and is not even read.

As for Judy it would do you no good to do the test yourself, it would take a direct line male descendant on the male Bearce/Bearse line to do the Y chrome test. If you were born a Bearce/Bearse you could have your bio brother do it but not your son. My ggg grandmother was the Bearce connection for me so I have to rely on the Massachusetts early records for Austin's son James and wife Elizabeth Howland and the DNA test records for sons prior to father Austin and grandfather Gauche lines. It doesn't make me ignore or disqualify the DNA tests of others as it is the path back to further researched geno line back into history. My family line had good records down from Massachusetts so I have no reason to question my own line to Austin. I appreciate the male cousins that have done the tests for the info that helps all of us, male or female to find our way. My great grandmother of this line although she married a direct "Warren" line from the Mayflower (yes my own mother was born a Warren from the Pilgrim Richard Warren line), this great grandmother and all her family before her on this line had the features of being at least part native American being darker skinned and brown eyed.

I'm always glad to meet other family "cousins" and appreciate all the posts to help to the "next" step. Thank you!

I know you need a male. which leaves me out since no living direct male relatives other than my son. A couple of cousins but I know they wouldn't do it. PS I didn't think you were ride at all. Don't worry about it. I'm always getting called rude by many in Geni. Such is life! Like you I have to follow records and connect the old fashion way.

My connection to Bearse goes this way Loubris, Parker, Cookson, Murch, morton, Lombard, Bangs and hamlin. He is my 8 times g.g. grandfather. I am more immidatelt connected to Native America through my Parker side as My grandfather was at least 1/4 Native Ameican from Saugus. I have it on both sides of my mother's side. Can prove the bearse/Hamlin connection with reords . Can not find records for Parker/.Jackson. That's just the way it is.

I left Hyanno out of list.

Hello, I also have a direct line to John Hamblin & Sarah Bearse but that is where the trail ends because of no documents proving that Sarah Bearses mother was Mary Hyanno. I find it hard to believe that with everyone connected to them that the myth is that she wasnt married to Austin Bearse.

Maybe they didn't consider an Native American marriage legal. Some of the tribes just walked into the lordge and that was it. Don't forget , back then if you weren't English , you were anyone.

I just typed a whole darn statement and whole thing kicked out. The heck with it.

1. Bearse, Augustine Austin Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
2. Bearse, James Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
3. Bearse, Joseph Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
4. Hyanno, Mary Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
5. Linnell, Thankful Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
6. Taylor, Martha Myrtle Ancient Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States

An article in the Utah Genealogy Magazine, July 1935, states that a diary of Zeriah Newcomb , in the collection of the Library of Congress, shows that Austin Bearse married Mary Hyanno, daughter of John Hyanno, and granddaughter of the Sachem of Wampanoag. Makes one wonder why the Mormons ( this to be true! Maybe the Ancestry of Mormon Scout/Pioneer Jacob Hamblin would have something to do with the Trust given him by his Native American Brothers in the southwest.

As stated by others in above comments, IF you think you are related to the Bearse line of Descent,(Romany Gypsy, Hyanno) a DNA test is available from what I see stated in the above discussion that follows that path., and from what I see in above comments ,now very inexpensive.

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