Štefo Pavlović - Wrong name of one of the sons

Started by Private User on Tuesday, June 12, 2012
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  • Private User
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Private User
6/12/2012 at 4:21 AM

Štefo Pavlović had two sons, Franjo and Antun (nicknamed Matan). Antun Pavlović, father of my mother Marija Lebinac (born Pavlović), who now lives in Paljevine near Bjelovar, Croatia, was born in 1934th in Vagovina from his father Antun and mother Ana.

On Croatian:
Štefo Pavlović je imao dva sina Franju i Antuna (nadimkom Matan). Antun Pavlović je otac moje majke Marije Lebinac (rođene Pavlović), koja danas živi u Paljevinama kod Bjelovara, rođene 1934. godine u Vagovini od oca Antuna i majke Ane.

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