Olympic Profiles of the Day

Started by George J. Homs on Thursday, June 7, 2012
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Well thank you for explaining. The way you made your comments was very odd to me and a downer for the ones who are so working on this project. At the end it is Amanda of course who has to decide. But I understood that there was already some commitment (or talking about it) about the "historic" Olympic profiles as Olympic profiles of the day. It is not this Olympic project is better than that Olympic project but this is an Olympic project what for me says everyhting about Olympic thougths and the combination with Geni, all together. History and present worldwide together.
So the way you expressed it gave me a real downer. Thank you for explaining what for you is obvious of course but for me was not. Now it is ok, and let's enjoy.
Btw next time we discus in Dutch? Much easier for me! ;-)

If anyone is ever upset by any comments I make, they are always welcome to message me directly.

Thank you to Linda for getting Michael Phelps into the big tree! Has anyone heard any rumors yet about who's going to light the torch? I've read suggestions that it will be Sir Roger Bannister (that would be my guess) or Derek Redmond. I'll see if I can dig anything up on Bannister, since he's definitely deserving of a Geni profile.

Private User I did start work on Roger Bannister but didn't add him to geni - quite a bit of info at http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/static.page/olympic_roger_bannister_...

Roger Bannister - I will add what I have and you can pick it up Ashley

Private User http://www.geni.com/projects/Famous-Olympians/11994 I have not pursued the female lines - over to you!

June, I'll add him to my "to-do" pile. If anyone else wants to take a stab as well, feel free, of course.

I can continue working on his profile if your to-do list is over loaded! Something to tinker with in down time!

I started a separate project for the paralympics - http://www.geni.com/projects/London-2012-Summer-Paralympic-Games/12151 so maybe those with time on their hands (anyone!!!???) could start looking at suitable people to feature then -

Arnold Boldt
Tanni Grey-Thompson
Trischa Zorn
Dave Kiley
Richard Marvin Hansen

to name but a few - more on the project page!

GOOD idea June ! I started a country-page for the Netherlands for the Para-lympics, for it gets quite some attention in the press nowadays in our country.
But you are right, it takes a lot of hands & fingers to type all those names and assimilate those profiles in the big tree, so maybe we should only think we can make a start with introducing the Olympic Movement Idea's in geni during these Summer Games in your region of this global. We should therefore consider follow ups afterwards to prepare for the next meetings.... don't you think? It take time to gather collegues on issues like these, but my opinion is that it is this aspect that makes geni worth-while to give all your spare-time.

Have a nice time with the celebrations of your child and enjoy your work ! I really hope we can build up a mutual co-operation-team for this magnificent world-wide competing field of sports-challenges without lozers or victims, for anyone who got the chance to join a Olympic team during his/her life-time is a winner to me, a real OLYMPIAN as one of our former ministers and member of the NOC always pointed out in publicity.

Heroes of our time, hope they turn out to be changers of our world. -jMu-

The Olympic torch comes through Hastings tomorrow!

June, no reason we can't both work on him. :) I have surgery today but am going to need something to do while I recuperate, so maybe we can both tackle some of his lines.

So jealous that you're going to be near the torch! This was the Olympiad I had hoped to make, but it didn't pan out. My goal is to make at least one Summer and one Winter in my lifetime. Maybe we'll get one in Boston. :)

Hope all goes well Ashley - please work on the profile page for Sir Roger. I saw him interviewed at Royal Ascot this year along with Steve Redgrave - amazing man - he started the torch carrying http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-2171454/London-20... - all very stirring stuff! Please work on his profile/write up - IF he does light the flame it should be ready to go sooner rather than later! Usually the best kept secret though!!

You may have seen that I set in place a Winter Olympics project - 2 years will fly by. I will start work on Jane Torvill once the wedding and exhibition is over.

Hope the surgery goes well for you.

Hi everyone!

First, I wanted to say thanks for all your hard work on this project!

Everyone has made some good points about which profiles should get attention. Here are my thoughts:

As Ashley pointed out, current athletes will likely draw more attention to the blog. Someone like Michael Phelps is definitely going to be featured. The Olympics is an international event and I don't want to focus too much on American athletes either. It would be great if we could get profiles for Usain Bolt, Oscar Pistorius or Roger Federer in the tree. Likely medalist is a good idea, too.

That said, I think George is right that there are limitations on how far back a tree can be built for some of the athletes and flexibility is needed. I have no problem highlighting past athletes and I have a few in mind (I didn't forget about Carl Lewis).

I will feature the London 2012 Summer Olympics project on the blog, so people can check it out and see all the other athletes that might not be highlighted. Hopefully, they will even join the project!

Thank you Amanda - Oscar Pistorius. I have traced his lineage and can connect him to the main SA tree - the problem is that that section of the tree is private and my efforts to contact the managers at key points have not been successful. I will do a Public Profile for him but do you want me to create a duplicate public profile for his family as well?

Oscar Pistorius - at this stage the write up is a direct report and will need work/editing.

I am still working on Ryan Lochte, who has already won a gold medal in swimming and will likely medal several more times. I am thinking his connection into the big tree is going to come through his English great-grandmother Olive Lochte, but I haven't found much info on her yet. Still working on it!

I am striking out with finding records on Ancestry for the UK's great gymnast Beth Tweddle, one of my personal favorites. Can any of our SA or England curators make suggestions on where I should be looking?

Private User I can do her if you like as Paula Radcliffe has had to retire after injury.

Beth Tweddle Still working on her tree - feel free to work on her profile

Rebecca Adlington - Tree still needs work - but going to watch some events now!!

Private User Which database do you use for finding modern British records? I'd like to help with building trees for British athletes but keep striking out for records.

Thought you had your hands full with the USA Private User!!! Non e in particular - a combination of Ancestry, Find my Past, BDM Index, anything that comes up - sometimes just get lucky with Google! The Peerage, Family Search - you name it I use it!

Private User, genealogy addictions know no bounds. :)

Camille Muffat of France is having a standout Games so far.

Federica Pellegrini of Italy as well.

There are so many - and we largely ignore the eastern countries because we don'y really know how to research them! I do think is that some of these youngsters can be developed over the next four years and be great features next time!! Our work is never done!

suggested helpers-
Eastern Asia
•Victar: Korea
•Toru 徹 Hayakawa 早川 Japan
Southern Asia
•Jules Fausto Mendonca de Sá: India (Portuguese)
•Rehan Allahwala: Pakistan and India
•Anchit Gupta: India (royal dynasties and communities dating from Puranas and Vedas period)

I will contact them! Private User has agreed to look at some Chinese athletes. Anyone want to look at Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte?

I have also approached Private

Private User - any you could help with?

I have been trying to add winners/results to the project http://www.geni.com/projects/London-%E2%80%AA2012-Summer-Olympics%E...

I looked at Croatians - but haven't done much yet - will try again

That would be good Jadra - I think we are just a little lob-sided in our representation!

Private User the most amazing at the moment is Ruta Meilutytehttp://www.reuters.com/london-olympics-2012/articles/swimming/2012/...

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