Jesus The CHRIST of Nazareth - Accuracy

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 8, 2012
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This power over life and death, the ability to come back from the dead is a part of life. All is one.
Create in me a clean heart Oh God. And renew a right spirit within me.
Too many people can not believe what Jesus did because their heart and purpose are not in seeking those abilities with a pure heart and for the right purposes. Got is not fooled or mocked. We do not get these powers just to show off or to put another notch on our belts.
Life is precious, powerful and has purpose.

Is this authority by Scripture or popular DaVinciCode, which is entirely fiction.?
If it's that easy, hey, I want Joseph of Arithmea (sp) back as my GGF.

God made everybody even the ones from before Adam & Eve I believe that to be very true.

@Zara Zonell Mercer: What is your source 14th cousin? I would like to be able to use your source for genealogical purposes. It would truly help us all resolve many questions.

@Enrique Treat Gleason-Aguiluz,Esq. that is what the Geni says . Zara Garrett Mercer

@Zara Zonell Mercer, my 14th cousin, twice remove: Sorry, but Geni itself is not a primary source!

@ Enrique Treat Gleason Aguiluz, Esq That what I been tryoing to say only God himself knows whose are the ancestary we have . Zara Zonell Mercer

Just starting to read this decision . . . I try not to interfere with human beliefs. I like the direction Linda has presented. Anyone that has read any of the history of the earth, should know most is written by others, after the fact.

People have made up "religions" for their belief in faith. Most written down information is purely politics and economics.

"There is light and there is darkness"!
"All have Souls"
"There is a Creator"

Jesus was a soul experiencing a human life on earth. We are all children of the Creator. All aspects of life are born from him/her, alone!

Sylvia Ann Baron, 'fiction' you say? Let me add to that fiction, as it's a 'Fiction' that anybody on planet Earth knows anything- when considering where we came from, why we are and where we go when we die.

With that said...

When discussing Yesu it's easy to blow smoke, while never taking a genuine look at his teachings.

Yesu Never taught that all people are 'ONE'- Never ever. Nor did he teach that all people have 'Souls'. On the contrary, he to taught that a few peculiar, separated people would enter in and find. He even separated the 'Sheep' from 'Goats' (and 'Swine' if you care) and 'Wheat' and the 'Tare'.

Tares look like 'Wheat' but the 'Husk' is empty- it literally hasn't any Oats.

Gods people look like all other people but are not empty husks. Gods people are not 'ONE' with all people, they are Gods friend and literal bloodline family- if they possess seed (Man) and produce fruit (Woman), hence the reason why there was a Wedding feast and Marriage at Cana (I will leave out the purpose of the miracle of 'turning the water into wine' as to not offend).

In order to have a 'Soul', you first must posses a 'Spirit' and a 'Body' then you are a living 'Soul'.

'Tares', appear like 'Wheat' but are empty 'Husks', meaning most people look like the image of God but do not have a spirit, so they are not a living 'Soul', just a body destined for death and then the fire.

Yesu taught there is only 'ONE' way to be 'ONE' with the 'Father' and that was through him, his bloodline and teachings. Even so, he taught, he does not have the power to save anyone, they must be willing to listen to the call from Father for themselves with the heart of obedience. This is so that when the Messiah comes we will recognize his voice and abate the voice of the snake-charmers, charming ever so craftily.

To be a Nazaryan, the people of 'The Way' (not 'a' way) is to be part of an exclusive, non-joining, family faith.

If you do not Love the Father then you are not One with the Father.

Genetic Memory / Past-life regression, however you choose to think, the 'Scriptures' (and I use that term loosely, as my library of scriptures, is well beyond the Canon...) Not only is Naziritism private, it's the oldest religion and most exclusive school to have ever existed.

The Gospel of John is clear as well the first Prophet Isaiah that this is a bloodline family faith that had been suppressed by the Sanhedrin council (the precursor to what we know as 'The Craft' or Freemasonry). in an attempt to eradicate and eliminate the competition- The true Royal King of Judea- the man we entitled 'Yesu'- meaning he who bore the timber.

He (Yesu) knew that, not only had the keys of knowledge been suppressed by religious fundamentalism of the Pharisees but also by the adulteress bloodline (as it was mixed in the cup of the wrath of the Father) of Herod and it's murdering way. Yesu condemned this bloodline and exposed the Sanhedrin for it's out right blasphemy by displaying the death burial and resurrection ritual; in the open for all to see, much like the one Freemasons perform today.

The blasphemy was hiding the light to keep the masses ignorant, bereft and in feat... Any attempt to hide the Father from others in order to retain power and control, well... that's just plain evil.

The 'God' of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin is and was not the Father that Yesu taught about.

Incidentally, the bloodline of James the Just and Jesus (The Priest-King line) conjoined again (as it did prior to the birth of Jesus and John the Baptist) to birth the Merovingian line. The Long-haired Sorcerer Kings, a sacred rite given only to those of the bloodline, although- granted, genealogical requirements mattered least when deciding who would be a 'King' and a 'Priest', especially a Merovingian 'Priest-King'. These rites were much akin to the rigorous testing the 'Circle Drawers', 'Rain Makers' and/or 'Sidhe Magi' of the Ubaid peoples (Merovingian ancestors), endured in the past.

These ideas are fine as personal religious views but they become problematic when pushed forward as actual history.

Someone is getting into the Bible readings. Glad that they can interpret & translate the old writings into language & meaning of today.

To know the truth of our history, one would need to have lived it.

We live in the 'NOW" this very moment . . . .

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