Hi all ,there,s really to many to list of famous ppl to name so I'll just mention a few .When I started this & this site never had a glue . But knowing ur relatives famous or not makes it all fun & rewarding . Thomas Jefferson 5 th cousin 7 times removed. 2. King Charlemagne 33rd great grandfather 3. King John Lackland 22great grandfather4.King Henry II 20 ggf 5 King Henry III 21 ggf ^.6.King William Longshanks 20 ggf 7.Robert III King of the Scots 3 rd cousin 18 times removed 8.James Madison (President) 10 th cousin 6 times removed 9. William Shakespear 2nd cousin 12 times removed 10. William the Conquer 22 ggf.