Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Should also add Robert the Bruce, Alfred the Great etc to the list of GGF's all are very cool to have as ancestors.

I am from the Plantagenet and Merovingian lines as well, with direct great grandfather and great grandmothers in my tree down through the ages.

Charles, Prince of Wales is my 14th cousin
Charles, Prince of Wales is your 14th cousin.
→ Herman Marvin Gussa
your father → Emily Ruth Young
his mother → Annabelle White
her mother → James Caldwell WHITE
her father → Amanda H. MUNDAY
his mother → Nancy Broaddus
her mother → Mary "Nancy" Bowles (Shipp)
her mother → Thomas Shipp, II
her father → Thomas Shipp, I
his father → Elizabeth Shipp (Brooks)
his mother → Susanna Brooks (Wyatt)
her mother → George Wyatt
her father → Reverend Haute Wyatt
his father → Lady Jane Finch
his mother → Sir Thomas Finch of Eastwell
her brother → Sir Moyle Finch, 1st Baronet
his son → Sir Heneage Finch, Speaker of the House of Commons
his son → Sir Heneage Finch, 1st Earl of Nottingham
his son → Sir Daniel Finch, 7th Earl Winchilsea and 2nd Earl Nottingham
his son → Mary Kerr (Finch)
his daughter → Dorothy Boyle (Savile), Countess of Cork
her daughter → Charlotte Elizabeth Cavendish (Boyle), 6th Baronness Clifford
her daughter → Dorothy Cavendish-Bentick (Cavendish), Duchess of Portland
her daughter → Lt.-Col. Lord William Charles Augustus Cavendish-Bentinck
her son → Reverend Charles William Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck
his son → Cecilia Nina Bowes-Lyon (Cavendish-Bentinck), Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne
his daughter → Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
her daughter → Queen Elizabeth II
her daughter → Charles, Prince of Wales
her son

13th cousin once removed to HRH Prince Charles, via Mary Queen of Scots' father, James V, her brother James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray, Regent of Scotland was her elder brother.

Aniko Oni Lako is my 92nd great.g.mother.......and I think she's still around...saw somebody that looked like her at an Asian market in BA....
Aniko Kori Maki was my 89th g.g.grandmother. And I think she's still around.... I saw somebody that looks like her at an Asian market in BA...

Queen Elizabeth II is my 13th cousin once removed

I'm related to all of the Presidents which if you were related to Queen Elizabeth, you would be. Like all of you, I am related to many movie stars, and important people. Now, I wonder what are we supposed to do with all of this information. Are we all being called together for a reason? Why now after all these years here in America. Maybe we were all too busy to care. Or, maybe our ancestors were. Americans are a unique breed of people. Very interesting, intelligent, and aware of HARD work to get where you want to be. American's did not become successful because of inbreeding, but through sure grit and determination. I'm proud to be an American.

I think we have more time to work on these now and besides without the computer tracking family members would take years of dedicated research.

I agree.

A lot of it is just math. At 10 generations we have over 1000 ancestors. At 20 generations we have over 1,000,000 ancestors. At 30 generations we have over 1,000,000,000 ancestors. The remarkable thing often is not that we are related to people who made history, but that we can trace the connection. Records show I am a first cousin 14 times removed of Queen Elizabeth I. Because of possible non-paternal events, however, those records do not constitute real PROOF. Despite that, it is still a fascinating link.

It would be nice to have tea with the queen lol :)

Mayflower Passengers:

James Chilton 12th great grandfather
Mary Winslow Chilton 11th great grandmother
Alice Mullins 11th great grandmother
Priscilla Mullins 10th great grandmother
William Mullins 11th great grandfather
Edward Fuller 11th great grandfather moms side
John Alden 10th great grandfather
Love Brewster 11th great grandfather
Richard Warren 12th great grandfather
Elder William Brewster 12th great grandfather

I dont have any Mayflower ancestors.
My great great grandpa and Grandma on my Fathers fathers side came over from Germany, and on my fathers mothers side, thru the Shipp/Wyatt line, My great Grandfather 11 generations back helped found Jamestown with his brother Sir Franics Wyatt (Governor of the Virginia Colony of Jamestown). Haute Wyatt later went back to England where he died.
On My mothers side, both her father and mothers families all came from England, my Mothers side through my mothers father (my grandfather) came to the United States via the Lytton family (of Devon, Knebworth, England) Caleb settled in The British colony near Frederick Maryland. other family members on my mothers and fathers side were in Jamestown and it appears that on my mothers side and my fathers side there was some intermarriages going back into the royal lines so that going back a certain ways, so I cross thru My mother and father thru all the lines to Charlemagne. Pretty interesting anyways lol.

Sir Franics Wyatt - Sir Francis Wyatt (typo correction to the above) :)

I think I'm the first "off the boat" in my Direct ancestry to emmigrate to the U.S.A. Our lines go through Calcutta and India, as well as Essex, Scotland and Devon.

The only famous person that I an related to is Daniel Boone, I am his first cousin eight times removed. I do have some other famous individuals in my line.

Bonnie, I think it's fun to know all this info and like you I don't know what to do with all of it. I have so much and keep finding more. I think all of this info and $1.59 plus tip will by me a cup of coffee. I chart it all up to interesting and fun.

Sorry supose be chark it up not chart it up.

Mathew Cox ...Most people with royal bloodlines can trace their paths to all 44 presidents. I can as well....real interesting stuff.

I had no idea when I retired that I would find so many famous people I am related to, and that I would become so interested in geneology. I thank my brother Howard for telling me about It's fun to know we are ALL in this together. Every discussion, I learn so much. Thanks to yo all.

Same back at you, Bonnie! I learn from everyone, every day.

A few of my ancestors ....
Being English, these are most interesting to me...

Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is your 11th cousin.

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt is your 50th great grandmother

Óðinn / Woden / Woutan of Asgard is your 37th great grandfather

Henry II, King of England is your 23rd great grandfather

John Lackland, King of England is your 22nd great grandfather

to ann, am also related to winston churchill and cleopatra, cleopatra through marc antony who is my ancestor. winston through common ancestors. through charlemagne I would say.

Åsa Alderlöf is Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt's 64th great granddaughter.

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt
→ Cleopatra Selene II, Queen of Mauretania
her daughter → Ptolemy II, King of Mauretania
her son → Drusilla of Mauretania
his daughter → Alexio II, Priest-King of Emesa
her son → Sampsigeramus III Silas, Priest-King of Emesa
his son → Soaemus, Priest-King of Emesa
his son → Iamblichus of Emesa
his son → Sulpicius, Priest-King of Emesa
his son → Uranius I Antoninus, Priest-King of Emesa 210
his son → Uranius II Antonius Sampsigeramus, King of Emesa
his son → Iamblichus of Emesa
his son → Urania
his daughter → Himerius III of Apamaea
her son → lamblichus II of Apamaea
his son → Tetradius, Bishop of Clermont
his son → Artemia de Clermont-Ferrand
his daughter → N.N. de Lyons
her son → Aquilinus
his son → Saint Rusticius, Archbishop of Lyons
his son → Arthémie de Lyons
his daughter → Arthemia de Genève
her daughter → Saint Gondolfus, Bishop of Tongres
her son → Baudegisel II, Duke of Aquitaine
his son → Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz
his son → Ansiglsel de Metz, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
his son → Pepin II d'Héristal, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia
his son → Charles "Martel", Duke of the Franks
his son → Bernard, duc de Saint Quentin
his son → Saint Walla de Corbie, Abbot of Bobbio
his son → Rothaïde de Bobbio
his daughter → Herbert I (849-907), Count of Vermandois
her son → Cunigunde (882-949)Comtesse de Vermandois
his daughter → Judith Marie von Wetterau (von der Wetterau), grafin
her daughter → Hildegard von Stade, Herzogin von Sachsen
her daughter → Bernhard II von Sachsen Billung, Herzog von Sachsen
her son → Gertrude of Saxony-Billung (1030-1113), Countess of Holland
his daughter → Adelheid van Vlaanderen, Dronning af Danmark, ducessa di Puglia e Calabria
her daughter → Cecilie Blanka Knudsdatter af Danmark (Estridsen), Prinsesse
her daughter → Karl Eriksson
her son → NN Karlsdotter
his daughter → Hafrid Magnusdotter Folkunga
her daughter → Bengt Sigtryggsson Boberg
her son → Magnus Kristinasson (Tunasons ätt)
his son → NN Magnusdtr (Tunasons ätt)
his daughter → Sven Fadersson (Sparre av Hjulsta och Ängsö)
her son → Katarina Svensdotter (Sparre av Hjulsta och Ängsö)
his daughter → Brita Halstensdotter (båt)
her daughter → Offe Nilsson (Bååt)
her son → Karin Offesdotter (Bååt)
his daughter → Joen Nilsson Ruska t Ryssby (H)
her son → Nils Bröms
his son → Nils Nilsson Bröms
his son → Carin Nilsdotter Bröms
his daughter → Johan Eketrä
her son → Anders Magnus Eketrä
his son → Daniel Eketrä
his son → Brita Kristina Eketrä
his daughter → Anders Wilhelm Kindberg
her son → Sara Cajsa Wennersten (Kindberg)
his daughter → Ulrica Hedin (Wennersten)
her daughter → Anton Hammarin (Wennersten)
her son → Augusta Charlotta Hammarin
his daughter → H. Johansson
her daughter → Iris Alderlöf (Krüding)
her daughter → U. Alderlöf
her son → Å. Alderlöf
his daughter Asa

this was interesting, indeed, thought she was only my ancestors wife, interesting indeed, first nefirtiti and now cleopatra. is it cleopatra who was married to marc or maybe her ancestor?

Hi Asa ... this is the Cleopatra that was married to Mark Anthony.

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt
Birth: circa -69
Alexandria, Egypt
Death: August 12, -30 (39)
Alexandria, Egypt (Suicide)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, King of Egypt and Cleopatra V Tryphaena

Wife of Ptolemy XIV Auletes; Ptolemy XIII (Philopator II) Pharaoh of Egypt and Marcus Antonius "Mark Antony"

Partner of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman Dictator

Mother of Ptolemy XV 'Caesarion' Philopator, Philometer, Pharaoh of Egypt; Alexander Helios; Cleopatra Selene II, Queen of Mauretania and Ptolemy Philadelphus
Sister of Arisinoe IV of Egypt, IV; Ptolemy XIII (Philopator II) Pharaoh of Egypt; Ptolemy XV; Berenice Philadelphus of Egypt Berenice IV and Ptolemy XIV Auletes

hello. who is the father od cleopatras daughter, marc or julius or the first man, do not feel so fine tonight, will be going to bed early because of terrible headache. åsa

Mark Antony is the father of all her children listed there except for Ptolemy XV , his father is Julius Caesar.

Hope you feel better Asa.

ok, so I have marc anotny as a ancestor on two lines, as I have seen it, through the daughter with the other wife , I do not remember her name, i think the daughters name is antonia , it is charlemagnes ancestors too. through claudius I. marc is his grand dad.åsa

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