Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Showing 121-150 of 518 posts

hellor rhonda. i did not know about the connection at all. åsa

how sure are they are about the line between charlemagne and attila the hun, I will put it in, but how sure are they about the bloodline?

Asa it is a popular claim by genealogists , but ultimately unconfirmed,
There is no verifiable way to trace Attila's descendants. The path I posted was from Geni.

Thanks Rhonda...You are right Kang-Wang, Emperor of China is my 85 great grandfather. It seems most of the Kings and Emperors of Europe are my great grand fathers and great grandmothers. Something no one in my family told me.

Attila is well known in history. His many children and relatives are known by name.
Priscus who was a Greek historian, lived in the 5th century AD, during the time of Attila. He not only lived during the time of Attila but he even met him when he accompanied the Eastern Roman ambassador, Maxim, to the court of Attila in 448AD. So Priscus’s work was written from an eyewitness account. His writings would be a primary source.

i have found the names on wikipedia and so on, and they do exist, i think, as I have seen.

Seem Atilla is also GGF, thanks much Rhonda-Lee! New thread for me, what about Ghengis Khan? Any connection through either Charlemagne or Consantine I the Great?

According to Geni, Charlemagne is Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire's second great granddaughter's husband's third great aunt's husband's 7th great grandfather!

Geni says Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire is Rhonda-Lee Allen Barber (Bowen), U.E.'s 22nd great uncle's half sister's husband's great grandfather.

Geni has Constantine I "the Great", as Genghis Khan second great granddaughter's husband's 25th great grandfather!

Constantine I "the Great", is my 39th great grandfather.

Genghis Khan is Attila the Huns' 24th great grandson's wife's second great grandfather!

I want to translate the names in russia or greece , which is not available in english, so tell me the names of the persons after maria mikhaillovna , ok? it is hard to know. åsa

Kang-Wang, Emperor of China - 88th great grandfather.

Kang-Wang is my 86th great grandfather.
Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of America is my 19th cousin 6 times removed.
Steve Martin is my 25th cousin once removed.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the USA is my 20th cousin twice removed.

Thanks Rhonda-Lee, interesting. Constantine I "the Great is my 44th GGF, via Constantivs Chlorus and St Helena of the Cross.

Attilla the Hun is my 42nd GGF

please translate this names, they are in russian or greek or mongolian , so please please translate it and say what it is in english please. i have no clue what language it really is , it can be mongolian?

Глеб Василкович
her son

Феодора Чингиз
his wife

Sartak Khan de la Horde d'Or 1255-1256 assassiné sur ordre de Bärkä Чингизид
her father

БАТУ хан
his father

Jochi Зүчи
his father

Genghis Khan (Temüjin) Borjigin, Khagan of the Mongol Empire
his father

Глеб Василкович = Gleb Vasilkovič

Феодора Чингиз = Theodora Chingiz

Sartak Khan de la Horde d'Or 1255-1256 assassiné sur ordre de Bärkä Чингизид = Sartak Khan of the Golden Horde of 1255-1256 murdered on the order of Bärkä Čingizid

БАТУ хан = BATU Khan

Jochi Зүчи = Jochi Zүči

Genglis Khan was the only one I could figure out out of that lsit. I think a good chunk of us know who he was!

Peter I see we are connected to many of the same interesting people ,
Our closest relative that we share is ggf Henry VII Tudor, King of England.

Henry VII, King of England

thank you, it was very kind, you saved my day

I was happy to assist ... have a great day Asa .

thank rhonda. do you have facebook? or msn. my email is åsa

May I suggest not posting email addresses on discussion boards to avoid spam? There is software that scans and "harvests" addresses. Anyone can delete their own messages on Geni discussions.

Hey guys, could anyone else do all 44 presidents? Just wondering how close your connections are.

Constantine I "the Great", Roman Emperor is my 38th great grandfather.

I did Matt

Thanks Rhonda-Lee, I have a branch there via both He and his eldest daughter, elder sister of Henry VIII, via the Stuarts and Planagenets.

Sorry, Plantagenets even :0)

The most important non'famous' diredt descendent grandparents are Isabel Kennedy of Bargany and Margaret Ross 1st Viscountess of Stair. That is some substantial bloodline merges into the Dalrymple clan.

Both the Stuart (from St. margaret of Scotland etc), Merovingian/Carolingian/Plantagenet lines merge with Isabel Kennedy of Bargany and the later marriage of Margaret Ross when she married James Dalrymple 1st Viscount of Stair in 1644. My grandfather James Dalrymple-Alford married into the Sephardi Joakim family when he married my Grandmother - Eleanor Joakim in Calcutta.

Showing 121-150 of 518 posts

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