Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Showing 61-90 of 518 posts

Thanks Hatte - got Jefferson path now.

Remember everyone - if you provide the "shared path" link (instead of just your relationship description) in this discussion - others will be able to find out - how they're related :)

sylvia, can you explain how china is involved here ? or is it even the famous djingis kahn ? some say he had many descendants even in europe.

Private User - the first thing I would do is make sure you download a GEDCOM from Geni to have to print reports from a genealogy program on your home computer. Then I would go line by line and print out a report and study the history of that line -- their origins and where they settled and who they married with. I'd limit myself to 10 - 12th ggparents and forward :)

This is really a very very long path. Between me and John Brady (233) !

John Brady is Monique Köhler's great aunt's uncle's wife's half brother's wife's niece's husband's grandmother's husband's first cousin's husband's aunt's husband's first cousin 10 times removed's husband's first cousin 39 times removed's wife's 27th cousin 91 times removed!

It's odd how the program decides how you are related. FDR is my 7th cousin twice removed ( and Teddy Roosevelt is my 12th cousin once removed, but since visiting FDR's profile he is now my 7th cousin twice removed's wife's uncle ( ). Of course, he is that, as well, but why the more convoluted path?

In addition, my relationship to FDR is interesting because he has 2 lines that descend from Ezekiel Cheever, my 8th great grandfather (Ezekiel Cheever, I ). So does that make him a double 7th cousin? ;)

this is so interesting. good night. åsa

Asa, I've found three grandparental lines that go to and through China. One is 70th GG Liu Zhija. It goes through the Huns. Yes, Attila the Hun is a Great Grandfather. Another, that goes through Turkey, the Huns, Ancient China, then to SHEM, one of Noah's sons. And actually two of Attila's dozens of children are GG's.

It all starts from my mother's mother. Her lineage is easily traced to the Lewis's, Stewards, Lee's, and Boones, and those who came over on the Mayflower.

This also makes every President a cousin, even Obama.... because it seems part of the prerequisite to being President is to be in lineage with the Royals. What?

I'm cousin to Tom Brokaw...Bill Gates...Chuck Yeager...Elvis(!)... The list is endless..

When first learning all this, I felt like going to a psychiatrist! LOL It was very hard to process. So now I'm trying to organize it on paper, ..

thank you Hatte for the advice.

Hatte, it was through a brother, who like you, knows multiple languages and is quite brilliant in archeology, that this lineage was discovered. He worked on our mother's geneology for many years, and when it all got loaded into Geni, the connections were made.

Jessica, I've found that some lines shift as more information is added or merged. I had a grandparental line to Joseph of Arithmea, direct to King David, that is suddenly broken because of calling one person into question because of lack of authorative documentation.

But I found another path to David, via Magog. Fascinating.

So most of the people on the list in this project ARE related to each other. If your related to just one of them - hey family!

hello. I am too related to obama, elvis , and even lincoln, I am related to elvis, obama, lincoln, is the royal ancestors from uk for example? both elvis, obama, bush, lincoln has many ancestors in common, aswell as me. they are all descandants to gorm the old and the french kings, even charlemagne. åsa

Dear Ancestral Cousin, Mrs. Sylvia, Ma'am (14x cousin, 1x removed, on my Dad's side),
Peaceful greetings and how are you doing there today? Well? God bless you real good.
I just checked to see if you and I are related because we are both related to HM King David (of Israel). My line is from my Dad's side. HM King David (of Israel) is my 83x Great Grandfather (through his son, Absalom, and his daughter, Tamar). Small world! Just wanted to say "hey, family!"
God bless and take care.

Here's an update on the presidents of the United States! Mr. President, I think we are cousins!

George Washington, 1st President is your third cousin 9 times removed
John Adams, 2nd President, is your third cousin 8 times removed
Thomas Jefferson 3rd President is your third cousin 8 times removed
James Madison, 4th President is your third cousin 8 times removed
James Monroe, 5th President is your fifth cousin 7 times removed
John Quincy Adams, 6th Presidentis your fourth cousin 7 times removed
Andrew Jackson, 7th Presidentis your 6th cousin 8 times removed
William Henry Harrison, 9th President - second cousin 8 times removed
John Tyler, 10th Presidentis your 8th cousin 6 times removed
Zachary S. Taylor, 12th Presidentis your third cousin 9 times removed
Millard Fillmore, 13th Presidentis your fifth cousin five times removed
Franklin Pierce, 14th Presidentis your 6th cousin five times removed
James Buchanan, 15th Presidentis your first cousin 7 times removed's wife's nephew's wife's first cousin.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President is your fourth cousin 5 times removed
Andrew Johnson, 17th President is your third cousin 5 times removed
Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President is your fifth cousin five times removed
Rutherford Hayes, 19th President your third cousin five times removed
James A. Garfield, 20th Presidentis your fifth cousin four times removed
Chester A. Arthur, 21st Presidentis your 7th cousin four times removed
Grover Cleveland, 22/24 President your fifth cousin five times removed
Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President your fourth cousin 6 times removed
William McKinley, 25th Presidentis your 8th cousin four times removed
William H. Taft, 27th Presidentis your 6th cousin four times removed
Warren G. Harding, 29th Presidentis your 8th cousin four times removed
Calvin G. Coolidge, 30th Presidentis your fifth cousin five times removed
Herbert C. Hoover, 31st Presidentis your 7th cousin four times removed
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President your fifth cousin 6 times removed
Harry S. Truman, 33rd President is your 9th cousin once removed
Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President is your 6th cousin thrice removed
Richard Nixon, 37th President is your 9th cousin twice removed
Gerald Ford, Jr., 38th President is your 7th cousin twice removed
Jimmy" Carter, 39th President is your 9th cousin thrice removed
George Bush, 41st President is your 7th cousin thrice removed
William J. Clinton, 42nd President is your 8th cousin thrice removed
George W. Bush 43rd President is your 8th cousin once removed
Barack H. Obama, 44th President is your 9th cousin once removed

Did get several lines back to first settles to Quebec thanks to a helping hand from a Geni User. She found initial ancestor that I knew was correct and I was able to go from there. Turns out I had it but didn't know it. Thought I was wrong. She showed me how to maneuver around Canadian records.

Linda Cheney is related to Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of America. a moment ago

Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of America is Linda Cheney's 11th cousin 8 times removed
See how you are connected to Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of America


Jacob / יעקב אבינו is Monique Köhler's great aunt's uncle's wife's half brother's wife's niece's husband's grandmother's husband's first cousin's husband's aunt's husband's first cousin 10 times removed's husband's first cousin 39 times removed's wife's 31st great grandfather

Vladimir Grand Prince of Novgorod,Russia, is my 32th great grand father. A´ed Oirdnide "The Dignified", King of Ailech in788, High king of Ireland in 797 (ONeill) är min 38th great granfather. Harald I Halvdansson "den hårfagre" är min 34 "great grandfather". Harald III Sigurdsson "Hardruler" Hardråde, King of Norway. är min 30 "great grandfather". Olaf III "the Peaceful" Kyrre, King of Norway (Haraldsson). är min 29 "great grandfather". Magnus III "Barfota" Berrfött, Konge av Norge (Olafsson) är min 28 "great grandfather. Harald IV Magnusson Gille, King of Norway. är min 27 "great grandfather". Sigurd I Magnusson "The Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway; är min 26th great uncle. Magnus VI Lagaböter, Konge av Norge is my 25th great grandfather. Christoffer II Eriksen, Konge af Danmark är min 21 "great grandfather". Erik V Kipping, Konge af Danmark är min 22 "great grandfather". Christofer I Valdermansen, Konge av Denmark': min 23 great grandfather. Valdemar II, Konge av Denmark: är min 24 great grandfather. Valdemar I "Den store" Knudsen, Konge av Denmark: är min 25 great grandfather. Knud Eriksson Lavard Hertug af Denmark: är min 26 great grandfather. King Erik I of Denmark "Ejegod" Svendsen, Konge af Danmark: är min 27 great grandfather. Sweyn II Eskridsen Ulfsson, Konge av Denmark: är min 28 graet grandfather. Estrid Svedsdatter, Prinsessa af Danmark: är min 29 great grandfather/mother. Svend I Haraldsen "Forkbeard"Tveskaeg: är min 30 great grandfather. Harald I "Blåtand" Gormsson, Konge af Danmark: är min 31 great grandfather. Henrik II, Kung av England (Henri II "Curtmantle"Plantagenet,Roi d´Angleterre) är min 28 "great grandfather". Erik Christoffersen Loevenbalk är min 20 "great grandfather". Martin Luther (1483-1546) Germany. är min 11 "great grandfather". Birger Jarl Magnusson (1210-1266) stadsman av folkungaätt, Sweden, är min 24 "great grandfather". Gregers Birgersson (Folkungaätt,1247-1276) Sweden. är min 23 "great grandfather". Magnus Gregersson (Folkungaätt-oä)(Gregoriussion) är min 22 "great grandfather. Karl Bonde, Kung av Sverige och Norge är min 17th "great grandfather" Are historical femous peoples that are related to me and many more
MVH Paul Westerlund

hej paul. birger jarl är också min ana , precis som din. mycket intressant. men har nog ej allt inlagt. åsa

Hi Matthew:

You're my 16th cousin twice removed.

Some of my ancestors:
- Edward III: 19th great grandfather
- Edward II: 20th great grandfather
- Edward I Longshanks, King of England: 21st great grandfather
- Henry III: 22nd great grandfather
- John Lackland, King of England: 23rd great grandfather
- Henry II: 24th great grandfather
- Louis VII le Juene, roi de France: 25th great grandfather
- William the Conqueror: 27th great grandfather
- Edmund II "Ironside" King of England: 29th great grandfather
- Robert I, roi des France: 30th great grandfather
- Louis I le Pieux, roi des France: 32nd great grandfather
- Eystein Ivarsson "The Noisy" Gllenra: 35th great grandfather

Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of America is my third cousin 8 times removed.

Julie it looks like your line is very simular to mine go directly to King Henry the 2nd a couple of ways. One way via his Ill. son William Longspree and another via John Lackland. .


Looks like you and I are related to Eli Whitney - he's my 6th cousin 9 times removed. Check out your relationship to him.

You mean Eli Whitney the inventor of the cotton gin?

I do have Whitney's but they are way way back!

Sigmund Freud is Monique Köhler's great aunt's first cousin once removed's wife's sister's husband's sister's husband's nephew's wife's first cousin's wife's brother

Margaret Mitchell (author of Gone with the Wind) is my 4th cousin 3 times removed, and Steve Martin is my 6th cousin once removed.

i wonder If I am too related to these persons above, maybe.

Åsa Alderlöf is Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell's 23rd cousin four times removed.

Åsa Alderlöf is Steve Martin's 26th cousin twice removed.

Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell is my 10th cousin five times removed.
Steve Martin is my 15 cousin 1r

Very interesting, it is through the plantagenet family I see too. åsa

Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell is my 9th cousin five times removed.
Steve Martin is my 12th cousin twice removed.

Margaret Mitchell is my 14th cousin thrice removed.

A couple of other projects with many "famous" or well known people are.

Showing 61-90 of 518 posts

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