Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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"A "First Settlers of Watertown" project is on my agenda - I just have to find an ancestor / cousin with an interesting story, and a good list, to get me motivated." * Erica Howton

You may want to look at John Grosvenor and Esther Clarke in my tree. (9th Great Grandparents) landed in Watertown and were also, with first founding families of Pomfret, CT, with SABIN closely related!
I find, the family stories (Esther and the calf, the son- in- law (I think it was... may have been the son... memeory fails... the story is listed under their profiles.) killed by indians while working in the field.
John Grosvenor, Sr.


Just for some ran don info. Anyone looking in Mass. Roxbury is a totally diferent town from West Roxbury. Roxbury is part of Boston and for years is well know to be a very rough area to go into. West Roxbury , the last i new was very affluent, now that could have changed. I have known people over the years from both places, mostly Roxbury. No one goes in there unless they know where they are going. The one time I went there to a friend's house, it was scary and it's funny the people I worked with from there ( nice people , I might add) were scare to come to Saugus, because we were consider very white.,Mary told me she thought she might get attached. See what a rep. can do to yor town.It's like i get very nervious if I have to go to East Boston. I sware the townies there know i don't live there. North End is diferent. Much friendlier!Well, I found out when I was in Town Meeting ,we are the least intergraded town on the North Shore. I knew we had to practecally drag people of color, from out of town into our housing in order to meet Fed, regulations ( I got that from a housing authory person , back years ago.

Hello can someone help me? I'm not good with numbers! If I am the first cousin but 20 times removed, does this make me a direct descendant?

I can't wait to find out! Thank you!

I just discovered this through History Link. The Ancestor Graph caused me to add some ancestors and that caused me to show ancestry from a Native American. Very hard to believe for us skeptics. Can someone who knows about Chief John Hyanno and his daughter Mary Bearse please comment??

He is supposedly my 10th ggf and she would be my 9th gym.


There are excellent notes in Mary Bearse profile outlining the arguments for and against (my 10th great uncle's wife's mother) ancestry.

As someone familiar with Cape Cod there is no doubt about the Wampanoag population.

As to whether it's valid for you - it's a DNA question ultimately.

Private User

1st cousin (x removed) makes you a direct descendant a generation above.

As someone from Mass. I agree Erica and I am connected to her also.

Half my family on my mother's side started out down the cape and the rest were in Saugus, Lynn and NH and Me.

@renaee yes ill post em. See u find the links

My mother is thrilled to death about the possible Native American ancestors. She wrote me in HUGE red letters. She says that she has wanted to be descended from Native Americans forever. She's 86 so yay for Geni, we made her day.

I do have some traces of unusual stuff in my DNA but that's usually thought to be noise. i'll look at it again but I did have it read by Dr. McDonald who saw a half Ashkenazi half British Isles - Western Europe ancestry.

Hatte - my extremely limited understanding of autosomnal DNA & native american markers are that it degrades / recombines quite quickly - 5 gens. So at the 10th gen it's a total pot shot as to whether you'll see any trace unfortunately. Others can of course explain this much better.

Yes, I was thinking this of course. In cases of endogenous marriages, you can end up with a lot of shared DNA with even 6th cousins (I know from experience) but with my 3rd cousin, FTDNA claims I have no shared DNA (likely below the cut off since my son does have shared DNA with him).

My 6th (lots of cousin marriages) is 31 cM where my 5th (only one known marriage) is only 10 cM.

@ 4 gens, my grampa knew the eames line and I researched thru anscestry and ither places that have other historical documents to find paths, the imput to geni to my 7th great gramma and then a whole host of info came. Just sad I can find all this and still no info on my ggg and his grandparents and my dads family.

Speakin of dna tests. . . What number for who to get It done by? How does ur dr read them, just countries or. .

Native dna on dads side ( his nom said) how to test for too? Do u just go sone place and say for example delaware or irriquois native testing?

Private User

This article may help you.

Now you know everything I know! :)

Thomas J. Howard
Thomas Howard Sr 1750-1853 is my sixth maternal grandfather.
His wife.....Letitia "Letty" "Hatchet Grey" Durham is the "unknown"
Cherokee native in my tree.
FTDNA states I am 94% northwestern European and 6% Jewish or Middle Eastern. This comes from my paternal great- grandmother's line.
The Cherokee apparently washed out?

HM - could be. You're talking 7-8 generations back, and as noted above, it's pot luck whether ancestry from any specific person shows up at that distance.

Might still be a trace, but it can't be sorted out from the general "noise level" with the tests we have.

There are also a couple of projects on DNA testing and choosing who to be tested and by whom.

In general, good to get oldest family members tested. Which test with whom depends upon your goals. You're welcome to email me on Geni to ask questions, but I may not answer for a few days.

Hi, HM, I also read that DNA washes out after a certain # of generations. I also have Indian ancestry on both sides, and it should total around 2% but my test came back 99.9% European.

I can attest that it's possible to have shared DNA that is likely not random with relatives as far back as between 6th and 10th cousin. But it's much more likely if you share multiple ancestors as my Great Migration descendant matches and my Ashkenazi matches did.

As I mentioned, I have a 31cM longest segment match with a 6th cousin. I have decent matches with some old New England more distant cousins, Gallups if I remember.

On the other hand, you might barely match a 3rd or 4th cousin, even with a lot of cousin and other endogenous marriages.

Thanks Erica, this gives me a better starting point

I have tons of connections to well known famous people! My question is- at what point is the connection considered weak i.e. Degree of cousin ship like 10-11-12-13-14-15-16th cousin as opposed to 1st-2nd-3rd etc I get teased that if I nicked my self shaving, I would lose what connection I had (because of the "weakness" of the link. Am I making sense? If we are connected (closely) to a blood royal... do we have any of that royal blood in us? Thanks

When you nick yourself is the blood blue? :):)

DNA recombines for every individual to make us unique. Hatte just mentioned where sometimes she's matching closer to more distant cousins than closer ones. But how far back we go matters too -- Matt mentioned that "by the math" he should have shown a 2% native ancestry but he's showing less. Possibly a cousin of his with more or less the same math expectation could show more.

Hope that helps.

Geni counts out to fourth cousins as "relatives". You can use that as a rough guideline. (If you want to be related to somebody famous and he's "only" a fifth or sixth cousin, that's all right too.)

Royal dna and royal blood, the last time dna was taken was from my spit.

So bone dna, blood dna, and siliva. Any blod found in bones is how im assuming how king richard was tested.

I was just reminded of this controversy. The origins or ancestry algorithms on popular DNA sites if run on descendants of the Bearse family (like me) ought to show traces of native American ancestry.

Mine does not by the way.

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