Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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In 1542, the Virreinato del Per was a possession of the Crown of Castile - colonial administrative district that originally contained most of Spanish-ruled South America, governed from the capital of Lima (present-day Peru). The Viceroyalty of Peru was most of (present-day) Latin America and almost all of South America.

After the Spanish conquest of Peru the first Audiencia was constituted. In 1542, the Spanish created the Viceroyalty of New Castile, that shortly afterwards would be called the Viceroyalty of Peru. In 1544, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (King Charles I of Spain) named Blasco Núñez Vela Peru's first viceroy, but the viceroyalty was not organized until the arrival of Viceroy Francisco de Toledo in 1572. Toledo made an extensive tour of inspection of the colony. Francisco Álvarez de Toledo y Pacheco

The founding Families were largely conversos and members of the Royal Family who had great incentive to harvest Peruvian Silver and Gold.

That's fascinating, Erica Howton! Thanks for sharing that. I was curious. I suppose my theory was unwarranted.

I am not a descendant of colonial Americans because my family came over late in the game in the 1880's. However, I find I am distant cousins with people who fought in the Revolutionary war. They evidently have the same ancestors as I do but came here much earlier, as my direct ancestors came here later. Funny how that works.

Melton it is fascinating to me. I'm 11th cousin something to a living Queen, how does that happen. All in the math apparently.

Vicky - since you're related to me - path below

-- it means you're related to everyone on my Famous page:

Enjoy :)

Wow thank for posting that. That is a very long and involved path...but it just illustrates how we are all connected. This is the first I am hearing of connections to Arabia, I knew about the Israel connection before. Very interesting. If you go onto Pinterest, you can look me up and follow my ancestor board. Looks like I have some more to add. Its a work in progress.

Vicki Thomas you would be my 14th cousin twice removed and i suspect allthough geni can not find a path that i am related to peter rohel as i am related to many of those on his famous page.. edward the iii being my 19th great grandfather princess diana 11th cousin once removed's ex-wife (as a charlimaine desendant 32 grandfather i am related to most of today's royal's including the queen and king currently)

Great. Lots of good connections there. What I want to know (what comes to mind) is that if the Prophet Mohammed is my 46th great grandfather, how closely connected to him is the current royal family of Saudi Arabia? If what Erica says about pedigree collapse applies to the English royal family perhaps it might here. Wouldn't it be something if a blond blue eyed American was more closely descended from the Prophet than the existing royal family??? I am still trying to wrap my mind around this all. One question just leads to another.....

MY links to famous people most of them taken from peter rohel's list
other notables in my tree besides most if not all of the english royals to present date.. queen elizibeth etc etc i take that earlier statement back Charlemagne my 33rd great grandfather not 32 as earlier stated
Sir Winston Churchill PM 11th cousin twice removed.
Oh my Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator, Queen of Egypt my 61st great grandmother now i've got walk like a egyptiain stuck in my head... Henry VIII, King of England is your second cousin 16 times removed
I also share connections to present people in power today that may not be royal's but powerfull John Forbes Kerry, U.S. Senator 8th cousin twice removed. the current leader obama 12th cousin once removed..
John F. Kennedy, 35th President my 11th cousin five times removed. Abraham Lincoln 10th cousin 6 times removed I think that's enough for now.. don't you?

Yes mine reads the same way...I can't even mention all of them. Thats why I have put some of them on my Pinterest board with pictures...its a neat way of displaying them. Only a small fraction can be put on there. I am related to all you mention too. Lets not forget Mitt Romney and G. Bush oh and G. Washington. I stopped looking at the Presidents because I guess I am related in some way to all of them.

Except Martin Van Buren! (Dutch ancestry). A smart 12 year old proved that all presidents are related to each other except Martin - therefore if we're related to one we're related to all (except Martin).

Although i don't get it - I have a couple of Dutch lines through New Amsterdam. So in theory that should link up with van Burens somewhere, sometime, right?

Martin Van Buren, 8th President of the USA is my 19th cousin five times removed Erica Howton funny that should be mentioned

I could also be related to Martin through other family lines I have not been able to connect to the tree since several of my great grandparents came from an area of Germany close to the Dutch border. I have only been able to connect one of my grandparents lines to the world tree. The others have stopped dead, stuck in the 1800's and have not been able to go further back. I can't imagine who all I could be related to if I could go back in the same way with all of them. Maybe related to everyone in the world??

Michael, - sometimes Geni needs to be trained:

1) Private profiles get in the way & sometimes even Stop you from being able to show Geni the Path (real pain in the you now what)

2) sometimes you can skip the private profile - and go to the next one(s) - to find the path

3) for Pro users - the Push pin - can also help to find the Path:

Peter sometime people do because they have documented info in there already and someone else comes along and decided there way is the only way. Merges things, changes the info and sometime writes up in another langage. There has to be some program developed that automaticlt prints everything in the lanage of the user , with using trandlate , which then mess every thing else.

Judy, yes - both Private profiles & new Merges, etc. - mess-up the Path sometimes.

Several times I had to rebuild the path to Profiles I already had - that was later lost.

I know Geni is planning to give us dual, etc. Path in the future (blood & closest) - and hopefully they will look at the Problem of - "Path Not Found" - when there actually is one.

Because - I can manually show it to Geni within few minutes - by having the Path to that Profile - of someone else who is related to me & that Profile :) this is slightly off topic i know but it is a famous person after all

Thanks for sharing the link Michael. Very interesting.

yes as a charlimane desendant and thru it most kings and queens like him i thought it was oh and by the way your my 10th cousin five times removed's wife's 11th cousin four times removed Private User

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Michael!

Come on guys and gals 10th, 15th 100 times removed. That's not related really. It's just connected a longggg ways off. Interesting and fun but really related.

Mike Stangel is this normal ?
My 3rd great aunt's sister's husband's 6th great aunt (non-blood)

Her son is my 38th cousin 4 times removed (blood)

Just wondering :)

Friedrich von Hayek, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, 1974 is Monique Van Erkel-KÖHLER's great aunt's third great uncle's wife's first cousin's wife's great nephew's wife's second great nephew!

But you are connected to him, not related to him. Relations (blood) are denoted by blue in the pathways.

Peter if you were recently connected to this family by a merge, the paths may be "cached" (saved) from before the merge. It should clear up within a week.

Mike Stangel - thanks Mike,

Private User - unfinished business on the tree ?

1) the path use to be the non-bllod one (1st one)
2) than I think somone may have done a merge & my original Path to them was lost
3) Abraham is shown to have 2 wifes - Frumet nee Oppenheimer - path is the original (non-bllod) - 2nd in Hebrew becomes blood ?
Abraham Ben Joseph Guggenheim
4) Monday there was a Merge - Hebrew name only:
Frumet Guggenheim

Peter Rohel, this is somewhat strange.
פרומט גוגנהיים (אופנהיים
is exactly the same as Frumet Gugenheim (Openheim) - its simply written in Hebrew. Yet, this Frumet appears in Geni as sister of the Hebrew Frumet.
Maybe Ofir, as curator of the profile, should fix it.
Shana tova or Happy new (jewish) year.

Thanks Rafi for the Hebrew translation - I thought that may be the case.

I added Private User name to the msg. above - becuse I saw in Revisions that he did some Merge work on the Tree - and there is still work to be done with duplicates & some of the Other profiles.

And, Frumet Guggemnheim (Oppenheim) is my great aunt 12 times removed (blood relative, if it matters).
And both profiles (Frumet and her Hebrew spelling) appear as mothers of Abraham Guggenheim.

Showing 391-420 of 518 posts

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