Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Hi all ,there,s really to many to list of famous ppl to name so I'll just mention a few .When I started this & this site never had a glue . But knowing ur relatives famous or not makes it all fun & rewarding . Thomas Jefferson 5 th cousin 7 times removed. 2. King Charlemagne 33rd great grandfather 3. King John Lackland 22great grandfather4.King Henry II 20 ggf 5 King Henry III 21 ggf ^.6.King William Longshanks 20 ggf 7.Robert III King of the Scots 3 rd cousin 18 times removed 8.James Madison (President) 10 th cousin 6 times removed 9. William Shakespear 2nd cousin 12 times removed 10. William the Conquer 22 ggf.

interesting I think. maybe john lackland is a ancestor too of mine, but it is maybe through blanche of namur, but it is doubtful that she is a ancestor of my ancestor gustaf vasa.

John Lackland is an direct ancestor of mine as well as his half (illigeterment brother) William Longspree.

I am related to many famous people, as Ernest said, but my favorite relations are to baseball players. I can never get enough baseball and now I have Hall of Famers related to me! Maybe they will pass on their skills to me somehow.

My mother was born a "Lee". It is no surprise to the Lee family members that everyone has heard stories that "We are related to General Robert E. Lee", and then, when it comes to finding documentation for proof, it just plain isn't there.

The most shocking thing we found in genealogy research was that we ARE related to the General, but not a close one, and it is not through my mother's Lee side, it is through my Dad's Curtis/Gordon side!

Also, we are related to Pat Boone, Andy Griffith, several of our past Presidents of the USA, and a host of other famous people.

Genealogy is such a wonderful project and we learn so much not only about our family but of the way of life in their area and era. What a wonderful hobby to have! I simply LOVE genealogy!

Most should note if you are a grandchild of John Lackland (King of England) you are also a direct descendant of Muhammad the Prophet (surprise)

Well, you can't help who your family is!

John Lackland, King of England
→ Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France and England
his mother → Guillaume X d'Aquitaine
her father → Inés de Poitou, reina consorte de Aragón
his sister → Petronila Ramírez, reina de Aragón
her daughter → Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal
her daughter → Berengária af Portugal, Dronning af Danmark
her daughter → Erik IV Plovpenning, Konge af Danmark
her son → Sofia Eriksdatter af Danmark, Drottning av Sverige
his daughter → Marina Valdemarsdotter
her daughter → Magnus Marinason (Marinasons ätt)
her son → Håkan Magnusson (Marinasons ätt)
his son → Magnus Håkansson (Marinasons ätt)
his son → Kristina Magnusdotter
his daughter → Magnus Bengtsson (Natt och Dag)
her son → Birgitta Månsdtr (Natt och Dag)
his daughter → Erik Abrahamsson (Leijonhufvud)
her son → Margareta, Drottning av Sverige
his daughter → Johan III, Kung av Sverige
her son → Sven Månsson Rospigg adlad Eketrä
his son → Johan Eketrä
his son → Johan Eketrä
his son → Anders Magnus Eketrä
his son → Daniel Eketrä
his son → Brita Eketrä
his daughter → Anders Kindberg
her son → Sara Wennersten
his daughter → Ulrica Hedin
her daughter → Anton Hammarin
her son → Augusta Charlotta Hammarin
his daughter → H. Johansson
her daughter → Iris Alderlöf
her daughter → U. Alderlöf
her son

John Slidell, U.S. Senator is Monique Van Erkel-KÖHLER's great aunt's second cousin's wife's niece's ex-husband's brother's wife's sister's husband's great grandfather

Adriana de Weyden is my 13x Great Grandmother on my Dad's side. She married my 13x Great Grandpa, Rev. John Rogers, the Martyr. Great Grandma Adriana helped to finance the Coverdale Bible which I am thrilled to read about since I have a B. A. in Bible history! WOO HOO!
Dear Ms. Cynthia (above comment), The Holy Prophet Muhammad is my 36x Great Grandfather on my Dad's side and my 42x Great Grandfather on my Mom's side. I first found this out years ago when I was researching Spanish Christians and found a Spanish Christian, a Catholic, sailed across the sea to Morocco and met and married one of my Great Grandmothers, a Moslem, who was descended from the Holy Prophet Muhammad. My Dad's family were Methodists. My Mom's family were Baptists! You could very likely also be related to some other prophets, Ms. Cynthia, as am I, for example the Holy Prophet Abraham, Jew, my 89x Great Grandfather on my Mom's side and the Holy Prophet Isaiah is my 116x Great Grandfather on my Mom's side, 73x Great Grandfather on my Dad's side. The holy Prophet Jeremiah, Jew, is my 89x Great Grandfather on my Dad's side and the Holy Prophet Zechariah, Jew, is my 65x Great Grandmother on my Mom's side. Ms. Beverly, we must certainly be related as William Anderson, Anse, Hatfield is 11x cousin, 6x removed, on my Dad's side, whose mother's mother was a Hatfield! HM King John Lackland is my 24x Great Grandfather on my Mom's side. General Robert E. Lee is my 5x cousin, 8x removed, on my Mom's side. What I find fascinating is that so very many of these "relationships" are my direct lines! WOO HOO!

P. S. President Thomas H Jefferson is my 1x cousin, 7x removed. His dad's sister, Judith, is my 6x Great Grandmother. Whilst researching him and his gardens, I found a signature that reads TH Jefferson. I wonder what the H is for? Hmmm.

The H is for Hewett, his mother's maiden name.

Dear 12x cousin, 3x removed Cousin Vicki! Peaceful greetings, Ma'am. Thank you so very much for sharing this information with me. This "H" has been driving me nuts for years! WOO HOO!

You are very welcome. It just happens that my Dad was always talking about him. Then I decided to learn some things about him as well so I could talk with him about him. He really enticed us to learn things without us knowing what we were doing. He was a great teacher. Taught us many things we did not even realize until much later in life were learning experiences. It was always fun and interesting. Nothing boring ever from Dad.

Not sure if anyone knows Jim Healy but he was a first cousin and he has his own brass star tile on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Jim Healy

Beverly Bowers

Henry Swalley
your father

Vesta Petrelli
his mother

Charles I Rogers
her father

Florence Rogers
his mother

Benjamin Palmer
her father

Daniel Palmer
his father

Samuel Palmer
his father

Daniel Palmer
his father

Daniel Palmer, Sr.
his father

Hannah Palmer
his mother

Hon. Thomas Stanton
her father

Katherine Stanton
his mother

Walter Washington
her father

Robert Washington, Esquire of Sulgrave Manor
his father

Aimee Pargiter
his mother

Lady Anne (Carlton) Pargiter
her mother

Lady Anne Spencer
her mother

Eleanor Beaufort
her mother

Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset
her father

John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset
his father

John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father

Edward III of England
his father

Edward II of England
his father

Edward I Longshanks, King of England
his father

Henry III of England
his father

John Lackland, King of England
his father

King Harald V of Norway is my 18th cousin.

In other words..24th G-Grandfather!

I present to you, the top 50 famous relatives:

Famous Relative Known For Relation
Spencer Tracy Actor 8th cousin 2 removed
James Garner Actor - Maverick 7th cousin 1 time
George Plimpton Actor/Good Will Hunt 8th cousin 2 times
Helen Hunt Actress 10th cousin
Liv Tyler Actress 9th cousin
Ashley Judd Actress 9th cousin 1 time
Jordana Brewster Actress 9th cousin 1 time
Hilary Duff Actress 9th cousin 1 time
Lucille Ball Actress/Comedian 8th cousin 2 times
Thomas Hunt Morgan nobel prize winner 6th cousin 3 times
Alan Shepherd Astranaut 8th cousin 2 times
William Sydney Porter/ O'henry Author 5th cousin 4 times Nathaniel Hawthorne Author 5th cousin 5 times
John Barlett Author - Book of 4th cousin 6 times
Stephen Covey Author 7 habits 9th cousin 1 time
JP Morgan Banker 6th cousin 4 times
Winston Churchill British Prime Minister 7th cousin 3 times
Stephen Fossett Blimp Pilot 9th cousin 1 time
William T. "Bloody Bill" Confederate Guerilla 7th cousin 3 times Thomas Hines Confederate Spy 5th cousin 5 times
William E. Dodge Copper Mining magnate 4th cousin 6 times
James Longstreet CSA General 4th cousin 5 times
Joseph E. Johnston CSA General 4th cousin 6 times
John Dewey Educational writer 6th cousin 4 times
Squire Whipple Father of iron bridges 3rd cousin 5 times
Jim Thorpe Football Player 8th cousin 2 times
Joseph Smith Founder of Mormonism 5th cousin 5 times
Clara Barton Founder of red cross 5th cousin 5 times
Samuel Walton Founder of Walmart 8th cousin 2 times
Ezra Cornell Founder of western union 3rd cousin 6 times
Albert Spalding Founder Spalding Sporting 6th cousin 4 times
Doris (Duke) Heiress and philanthropist 5th cousin 5 times
Beatrice Forbes (Mills) Heiress, Countess 6th cousin 4 times Samuel Prescott Bush Industrialist 5th cousin 4 times
Richard Gurley Drew Invented Masking Tape 8th cousin 2 times Willis Carrier Inventor of Air Conditioning 7th cousin 3 times
Leka I King of the Albanians 7th cousin 2 times
Meriwether Lewis, Lewis and Clark expedition 1st cousin 8
Ted Williams Baseball Player 7th cousin 1 time
lauren bush Model/heiress 9th cousin
James Buchanan Duke Nc tobacco 4th cousin 6 times
George Washington Duke Nc tobacco 3rd cousin 7 times
Walter Cronkite Newscaster 9th cousin 1 time
Paul Boyer Nobel Prize in chemstry 9th cousin 1 time
Jesse James Outlaw 5th cousin 4 times
Ralph Waldo Emerson Philospoher 4th cousin 6 times
Tennessee Williams Playwright 8th cousin 1 time
Emily Dickinson Poet 6th cousin 4 times
Miley Cyrus Singer 10th cousin
Lauren Bush Socialite 9th cousin (twice over)
Maude Adams Stage Actress 7th cousin 3 times
Rush Limbaugh Talk Show Host 6th cousin 3 times
Dick Clark TV Host 9th cousin 1 times Samuel Wilson Uncle Sam 5th cousin 5 times
Brigham Young University Founder 6th cousin 6 times
Susan B. Anthony Womans rights leader 5th cousin 5 times
Oliver Wendell Holmes Writer 4th cousin 6 times
Edgar Allen Poe Writer 6th cousin 4 times
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Writer 4th cousin 6 times
George Patton WWII General 6th cousin 4 times

Very cool!

Queen Elizabeth II is my 15th cousin - through her father.

Yesterday we had a cousin-get together at our house, but she was a no show :-)

as a desendant of charlighmiane i am related to most european kings and queens to this day... however
those leaked pictures from vegas make me less then proud of him but Prince Harry of Wales is my 12th cousin and like Christel Pierson i would also be a desendant of the queen mum.. I wonder what she thinks of her grandson's antics...

Boudicca, Celtic Warrior Queen is my 54th great grandmother, that explains a lot LOL

Benjamin Franklin is my husband Elon Pierson's fifth great uncle - and my 26th cousin :-)

Hello Anne-Marie! I also looked up Boudicca, Celtic Warrior Queen and she is my 47th grandmother. Can't wait to tell my husband about his belligerent wife's yet another royal lineage.
Too bad we can't pronounce the names of all those Celtic ancestors :-)

Christel Pierson you are my 24th cousin four times removed :)

And, Anne-Marie - we seem to be 24th cousins four times removed - through King of France Louis VIII le Lion, my 19th great grandfather. What a small world :-)

Christel Pierson you'd be my 15th cousin 4 x removed

I have several :)

Most famous might be this person:


Very Interesting Henn. However checking the birth and death dates of Adam I think you will find an error of some 100,000s of years so the tree cannot be consider genuine. But is fun nevertheless

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