Relation to famous people

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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Showing 271-300 of 518 posts

Rhinda has a book out? Where would I find it?

Sorry. I meant Ronda.

By the way's Rhonda-Lee , Judy , and I could only wish that was my book...alas it was written before I was in University studying anthropology, entitled Kinship and Marriage: An Anthropological Perspective by Robin Fox , an excellent textbook and a good read.

My Grandfather grew up in a small town in Indiana (born 1884) that still exists as far as I know. He died before I was born in 1931. Dad told me many times that his father refered to his town as Sayler Town because every one in the town had the last name Sayler or was married into the Sayler Family. I always thought that was weird as a child but now from all the research I have done here and in England it seems to have been a very normal thing.

Albert I, roi des Belges, koning der Belgen is Monique Van Erkel-KÖHLER's great aunt's uncle's wife's half brother's wife's niece's husband's grandmother's husband's first cousin twice removed's wife's first cousin twice removed's wife's first cousin

Karl I, Kaiser von Österreich is Monique Van Erkel-KÖHLER's great aunt's uncle's wife's half brother's wife's niece's husband's grandmother's husband's first cousin twice removed's wife's father

Albert I, roi des Belges, koning der Belgen is my 12th cousin twice removed

Karl I, Kaiser von Österreich is your 13th cousin once removed.

I was just having a conversation with someone last night who was questioning how one could have so many relationships to Presidents, royalty, etc. I explained as best I could that you first have to wrap your brain around the vastness of exponential numbers (2,4,8,16,...) and quickly realize that there was a lot of dipping in the gene pool when the world's population was much, much smaller. Then take into consideration that only a limited number of people settled the colonies, and they were often affluent enough to pay for their voyage. The center of affluence in England, for example, was near the royal households, and many extended members of the royal families were married into the same colonist families that journeyed to the colonies. You might make the assumption at this point that there were a lot of relationships already brought into the new world. Long, long story short, it makes more sense that we are so closely related, versus not, particularly if you are of British decent living in one of the original colonies.

Yes, I explained this to my mother as well recently Melton Bennett. Those of us whose ancestors are mostly from the original colonies end up finding famous ancestors fairly easily and it's not such a surprise. It's fun but expected.

It's an exception when I find an ancestor on my mother's side that is for instance Huguenot or Scotch-Irish or Irish. I'm having a ball focusing now on the non-colonial ancestors. Scotch-Irish in PA and VA in the mid and late 1700s and Irish and German (?) and Scottish or Huguenot in Campbell County, New Jersey in the early 1700s.

Many younger children of English aristocratic families came to America in search of land,since the custom at the time was for the oldest to inherit (primogeniture) and these colonists with royal descent were able to maintain high standing when they settled in the Colonies. Now being of Royal descent is quite common.

I search all the presidents of the USA to see if I was related somehow, and I am related to everyone of them except Buchannan...I am also related to Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Celine Dion, Madonna, Elvis Presley, Merle Haggard, King Macbeth, etc...the list is so long , that at time I wonder if this is correct....if I am related to these peoples, I wonder where my inheritance is! lol....

Via marriage to Julia Grant we are related to Grant. My mother years ago was visiting some Page and Scofield relatives ( my grandmother's sister's side of family) out in Lexington, Ma and saw their family Album with the tin types in it and Julia and Pres. Grant were in it. She was promised one of the twp albums but never got it. I have lost tough with them so I guess I will never see it. Just would like tt see it and take photos of the pictures. They could keep he pictures.It most likely had all the Cookson side of the family in it. Darn!!!!!!!

I think one reason I'm related to so many presidents is that my family comes from different parts of the country. For example, my dads dad is mostly from NC/VA colonies, they then immigrated through TN to TX, while my dads moms side is mostly from NY and MA, later moving to TX, while my moms moms side is mostly from VA, and my mom's dad is mostly from CT, some branches are even from MD, RI, SC, and NH. They are mostly of English descent just like most presidents.

i see that I amk related to johnny cash , iam 24 th cousin to him, but how? can not see it, not a pro member, it is bad that people can see it if you are not a pro member, very bad. åsa

The pro-badge can be turned off, so not seeing it doesn't mean you're not a pro.

How does one turn off the Pro Badge?

I found out through my grandfather Ernest Rex LLoyd that he is direct descendant of Owain Ap Gruffydd Gwynedd through his son Roderic Ap Owain. I had to do this on my own through because Geni will not even recognize my mothers great great grandfather it will say no path to her..crazy!

Geni needs to be shown the Path - sometimes:

If some of the profiles are Private - created /managed by someone else - you will have to ask them to make them public for few minutes - until you create the Path

Llywelyn Fawr ap Iowerth, Prince of Wales is my 22nd great grandfather.

Llywelyn Fawr ap Lowerth is my 20th GGF

Rabbi Yehuda ben Betzalel Loew [Maharal of Prague] רבי יהודה לאו המהר"ל מפראג is Monique Van Erkel-KÖHLER's great aunt's great aunt's husband's uncle's wife's 7th great uncle's wife's father

Rabbi Yehuda ben Betzalel Loew [Maharal of Prague] רבי יהודה לאו המהר"ל מפראג is my 13th great uncle.

It still blows my mind that I am descended from the line of David OH YEAH!!! LOL

The most famous person to me is my wife. How do I find out our relationship, other than it saying "your wife". Like is she my seventh cousin, not related at all, what?

Phillip, you could "divorce" her for a few minutes, just long enough to check the relationship path.
Make sure you explain to her first what you are doing or you could get in big trouble :)

Interesting conversation, I am afraid to check if I am related to my husband, because I am related to thousands and thousands other people there is a chance that I AM related to him and married to a cousin , not sure if I want to know LOL

Ah that is a relieve I am NOT related to my hubby , no path found, that sounds about right , nearly forgot to attach him again

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