R' Avraham Yehoshua Heschel (Chanikas Hatorah) - הכתיב של חנוכת התורה

Started by יעקב ישראל מקלב on Thursday, March 1, 2012
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3/1/2012 at 4:17 AM

הכתיב של חנוכת התורה באנגלית צריך להיות: chanukat h'atora ולא כפי שנכתב
Dictated by the חנוכת התורה in English should be: chanukat h'atora and not as written

3/1/2012 at 7:37 AM

I don't think that there's a right and wrong here. The spelling of "Chanikas Hatorah" comes from the western Ashkenazic délicat, whereas the spelling "Chanukat H'atora" is from a modern Hebrew or Sephardic délicat.

This is just my opinion.

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