Biblical Places ?

Started by Lester Ryan John on Tuesday, February 21, 2012
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Someone mentioned that " Books of the Secret of prophet Enoch" precede revelation at Sinai.

Do you have accredited scholars who will agree with that? If so, please post their names...I would like to contact them and find out if they really back that notion.


The simple logic will tell us that Prophet Moses lived about 2500 BC is younger by generation to Enoch of pre-diluvian times . But since it is mentioned both in Quran by Muhammad and the Old Testament but Isaiah ... there is no reasons that this book is fake or an allegory!

Andrei uSTARes ACOSTA,
all that means is that a book by that name existed. Not that the book we have is the same. This is a major problem with non-canonical sources.

I agree with Shmuel Aharon Kam - a book existed, we do not know if it is a truthful representation of the original (redactions through the ensuing centuries?).

Using non-canonical texts, interpreting them literally, then arguing that they are historically accurate, is not sensible in the 21st century.

It is not a problem isolated to xtianity alone.

I do believe that no one has the real book of Enoch but these does not
disprove that this book is not real.

But by saying that this book is not real could be tantamount to say that that Quran and Bible is misquoting...

Anyway all the pre-diluvian people below believed that the book of Enoch is a real book that is written in heaven:

The Proper Biblical dating of Timelines:

4116 BC God known as Al Illah, Allah, Yahweh or JHWH created Adam in El Nido.
- 130 the age of Adam when Set was born in Gen. 5:3
3986 BC
-105 the age of Set when Enos was born in Gen 5:6
3881 BC
- 90 the age of Enos when Cainan was born in Gen 5:9
3791 BC
- 70 the age of Cainan when Mahaaleel was born in Gen. 5:12
3721 BC
- 65 the age of Mahalaleel when Jared was born in Gen. 5:15
3656 BC
-162 the age of Jared when Enoc was born in Gen. 5:18
3494 BC
- 65 the age of Enoc when Matusalem was born in Gen. 5:21
3429 BC
-187 the age of Matusalem when Lamec was born in Gen. 5:25
3242 BC
-182 the age of Lamec when Noah was born in Gen. 5:28
3060 BC
-502 the age of Noah when Shem was born
2558 BC
- 98 the age of Shem when Flood occurred Gen. 11:10
- 2 years after Flood when Arfaxad was born to Shem
2458 BC
- 35 the age of Arfaxad when Selah was born in Gen. 11:10-11
2423 BC
- 30 the age of Selah when Heber was born in Gen. 11:14
2393 BC
- 34 the age of Heber when Peleg was born in Gen. 11:16
2359 BC
- 30 the age of Peleg when Reu was born in Gen. 11:18
2329 BC
- 32 the age of Reu when Serug was born in Gen. 11:20
2297 BC
- 30 the age of Serug when Nacor was bron in Gen. 11:22
2267 BC
- 29 the of Nacor when Tare was born in Gen. 11:24
2238 BC
- 70 the age of Tare when Abraham was bron in Gen. 11:26
2168 BC
- 100 the age of Abraham when Isaac was born in Gen. 21:5
2068 BC
- 60 the age of Isaac when Jacob was born in Gen. 25:26
2008 BC
- 130 the age of Jacob when he and his family arrived to Egypt in Gen. 47:9
- 430 number of years from Egypt back to Canaan in Ex. 12:40
1448 BC The Arrival in Palestine after Exodus with Moses
- 480 number of years in Palestine when the Temple of Solomon constructed
________ in Jerusalem in 1Kings 6:1
968 BC The Official Construction of the Temple of Jerusalem by King Solomon

This timeline shows that Prophet Enoch is 2,000 years older than his descendant Prophet Noah.

Therefor the real book, by this gap of time, could no longer survive...

Mr Acosta,

You seem like a very sincere person with a lot to say; but you really need to study, further, the origins of the texts from which you gleen your time line.

Your opening premise needs refinement:

I do believe that no one has the real book of Enoch (nobody possesses X) but these does not disprove that this book is not real (X exists without evidence)...

Then you go on to point out:

"all the pre-diluvian people below believed that the book of Enoch is a real book that is written in heaven"

Where is your evidence?

You are not the first person to post this kind of stuff...nor will you be the last. The Quran & Pentateuch/Torah, are not History Books. Nor is the Septuagint...or the 1611 KJV.


You now the Muslims claim to have one million scholars who could memorize the Quran to the extent that even all the books are burned ... they believed that they can rewrite the Quran again.

What I am saying is that ... after the time of Enoch almost everybody had knowledge and many even perfectly memorize it to the extent that it became the first Bible before the revelations at Sinai.

You know in Asia ... family tree is memorized without the need of because they're singing their genealogy. So as a matter of fact, people long time ago does not even need a book to understand it because of the oral traditions. Well... the Bible started almost the same way.

Without the real book of Enoch that was written in Heavens ... people after the time of Enoch were already very familiar about its messages and verses. The problem now is that many people tried to re-write it by their own understanding why the contents sometimes are varying from
each other.

Anyway the message is almost the same, just the presentation differed maybe a lot.

So when you tried to comment, do not personalize the messenger ... I am just delivering the Messages of Time.

"Anyway the message is almost the same, just the presentation differed maybe a lot."

I herewith challenge you to prove it.


well ... what you've to do is study metaphysics ... study and learn abstraction ... then read all the versions of the books... then that's how to prove to youyr self what I am saying!

Good luck, young man, I think you have just over-stepped your pay-grade.

Be well,


The problem with scholars is the word precognition ... there are people who know many things even without them directly studying them for the reason of re-incarnations. Old souls may have young age but of ancient wisdom without a need of citations. To be bookish is not necessary!

I don't think I have been more disappointed with a conversation since the History Channel starting airing "Monster Quest".

In the Philippines... just in the neighboring island of Palawan is found the Island of Panay. The Vishayans from Indonesia arrived here in 1212 AD from the Sri Vijayan Empire. At that time, the Empire of Sri Vijaya was almost losing its glory that for a thousand years dominated the south east Asia...

In this Island of Panay, few ladies are trained since childhood to tell the story of their tribe orally from generation to generations. The mystery of Sri Vijaya is that it has left no recorded history ... because just like the ladies of Panay... history is handed orally to the younger generations.

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