Auberée (Albereda) de la Haye or de La Haie, Dame de Brothoune - Parents of Albéree?

Started by Justin Durand on Monday, February 20, 2012
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2/20/2012 at 10:21 AM

As far as I've been able to discover, the parents of Albéree [de La Haie] are not named in any contemporary source. Is anyone aware of any evidence, either direct or indirect?

The About Me already contains information from Charles Cawley's MedLands website, which is silent on her parents:

Leo van de Pas' Genealogics website cites Europäische Stammtafeln for her name, and her marriage to Hunfroy de Vieilles
Sire de Vieilles. He shows no parents for her and gives her no surname. However, under the entry for Honfroy he calls her "Albéree de la Haye Auberie". The Genealogics website is often a good starting point for questions about royal and noble trees because Leo is an active participant in soc.genealogy.medieval. He typically updates his website with the results of discussions there.

I also searched soc.genealogy.medieval. There are surprisingly few discussions there, which is very unusual if any evidence, however weak, exists for the parents of Albéree. I found the following, which mentions her in passing, but makes no assertions about her parents. The one interesting claim is that she was "heiress of the Forest of Brotonn".

The comments of expert Todd Farmerie at the bottom of the message string are particularly helpful for sorting out the de Crepon family, but not for Albéree's family. Some of you might sympathize with his comment, "I am of the opinion that the Ancestral File is doing more damage to medieval genealogy than it is helping."

Soc.genealogy.medieval has much more on her husband's relationship to the de Crepon family. For example:

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