Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
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Dups aren't working right either....and sometimes I get a message that tells me I cannot access the webpage...but then it comes up if I 'go back'....

The 'newsfeed' seems to come and go....sometimes I get it back if I go to discussions and back to home page...sometimes not.

Dups aren't working right either....and sometimes I get a message that tells me I cannot access the webpage...but then it comes up if I 'go back'....

The 'newsfeed' seems to come and go....sometimes I get it back if I go to discussions and back to home page...sometimes not.

And sometimes the message "Internet explorer cannot access that page' in the middle of sending a message

Very interesting...

Went to enter children of a tree view....and some of the children cloned themselves...(duplicated).....but NO 'tree match' flags appeared....

There are also NO tree matches showing in the SEARCH, Merge Issues..

So that is a new thing.....I also made sure to wait for the spinning cycle to finish...AND had just shut down and re-started.

Very interesting...

Went to enter children of a tree view....and some of the children cloned themselves...(duplicated).....but NO 'tree match' flags appeared....

There are also NO tree matches showing in the SEARCH, Merge Issues..

So that is a new thing.....I also made sure to wait for the spinning cycle to finish...AND had just shut down and re-started.

Very interesting...

Went to enter children of a tree view....and some of the children cloned themselves...(duplicated).....but NO 'tree match' flags appeared....

There are also NO tree matches showing in the SEARCH, Merge Issues..

So that is a new thing.....I also made sure to wait for the spinning cycle to finish...AND had just shut down and re-started.

Messages are looping back on themselves.

Entering a new child from Tree View gets duplicated, too. (example where I merged them: Anna Matilda Ammidon ).

Entering a new child from Tree View gets duplicated, too. (example where I merged them: Anna Matilda Ammidon ).

... and one of Anna's Source citations (which was entered separately) was also duplicated.

yup, i'm also adding duplicate profiles in tree view.
apart from slow responses that's always another sign of problems

now response is even slower than a few hours ago. pfff...

Sounds like this is not a good day to be working on Geni. :-(

Went into the profile view and went to string between children....USUALLY a 'tree match' would appear....(on the duplicated profiles)...but it doesnt...

I also got a G-mail message from yesterday AGAIN today...that was also responded to yesterday..

These kinds of issues are usually network / database / network connectivity, and are sorted out pretty quickly. For me on "kitten power wifi" all is fine now.

The duplicates crop up when we're having load problems, as we were this morning. I suspect it may have to do with the configuration of our load balancer, and made an adjustment there (about 90 minutes ago) that I hope will reduce or eliminate the duplicates (at the cost of seeing more broken pages.. time to design a Fail Whale!) About half an hour ago we appear to have resolved the load issues, so everything should be back to normal now. Our apologies for the troubles.

Mike Stangel - thanks, all is good at my end now :)

Mike.....Got rid of the duplicated children....

And now all is well....speed good (was beginning to doze off in between profiles because of the S L O W response....but now it's 'slick as a mink'.


Mike Stangel - not getting my - Mail Notificatons.
It applies to Discussion- not sure about the others

Checked your own account settings?
I have disabled email notifications from discussions myself.

I have changed nothing yesterday - had No Notifications this morning.
My interest was more for - Msg's and Requests - BUT all seems to be working again Now :)

Question...why is it that 'data conflicts' has to be re-visited twice....the 1st time you resolve get the response "data has been updated"......but it remains in the queue.....until you re-enter it...and THEN it will say that "conflict has been resolved." ...and THEN it removes itself from the queue.

It gets tiresome if you have a lot of 'data conflicts'.

Sometime it can't be resesolved as records state there is conflick. I get tired of being asked to reselove something when you can't.

Judith: Is this a technical question? That is, are the data conflicts not being 'resolved' after you choose them? If so, give a link to a specific example.

If you are referring to source/reference data conflicts, then that's not a "technical difficult" (the focus of this topic of discussion); that is a genealogical question which -- if it can't easily be documented in the current Geni profile fields -- can be noted in the "About" and/or in a discussion attached to that profile ... and even in a curator note, if it is important for guiding future merges.

Dan Cornett...I think my question might be a "technical problem'....unless this is the way 'data conflicts' is going to act from here on out.

Yes, Fay, the 're-visit to clear the queue' is a technical difficulty ... have you created a bug report for it?

No I haven't

Is there a problem? Since mid-afternoon yesterday, if I try to go to search for any issues on "profiles I am following"....I get " we are having technical difficulties.'

I always get that. Caused by the number of followed profiles. As soon as your followed profiles are more than a certain number it doesn't work anymore!

Except that "profiles I manage" and "Profiles I follow" work fine...

Correction: Relatives and managed are is only on 'followed"

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