Technical difficulties?

Started by Private User on Thursday, February 16, 2012
Problem with this page?


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once again i say that geni needs to improve here, but there are no signs at all that they are working on it or even recognize the issue, but who knows?
the last few days it seems to be worse again

Bug: parsing of HTML links in a profile's "About" is mistakenly interpreting a close-parenth as a close-bracket. See this profile for an example:
Sir John Mundy, Lord Mayor of London

The link text (that strips the trailing ")" ) is:
[ Wikipedia: John Mundy (mayor)]

(... yes, the link is correct above, but is faulty on the profile's About)

Dan Cornett the hackish way to get it to work is to write %29 instead of the ):

[ Wikipedia: John Mundy (mayor)]

No accident that it makes a sad smiley :-)

Just checking my tree and there seem to be an inconsistency in it . Someone added an extra generation between Lettice Harcout born 1794- d 1520 and her parents John Harcourt and Ann Norrys . Also Byron is missing the whole line. Sir Robert Harcourt was m to Margaret Bryon daughter of Sir John Bryon and Marjory/Margaret Booth, which then in turn makes the Booth line missing.Anyone can check this out.

Found my charts : Should read Lettice Harcourt wife of Humphrey Pershall. daughter of John Harcourt and Ann Norray john's parents are Sir Roger Harcourt, b. Sept 1410 m. abt 1440 and and Margaret Bryon, Sir Roger Harcourt was the son of Thomas de Harcourt b 1377 m. Nov 8, 1406, d. July 1420 and Jane Frauncey Erica can you check it out since your name was one of the ones on the profile in question.

Also I appear not to be able to edit display name of Joan Frauncys. It's in there as de Frances and should be Frauncys ? de frances. Anyone not knowing that Frances is the another version of frauncys wouldn't know they had the right person.My name is on their as one of the managers so i should be able to do this.

Also I appear not to be able to edit display name of Joan Frauncys. It's in there as de Frances and should be Frauncys ? de frances. Anyone not knowing that Frances is the another version of frauncys wouldn't know they had the right person.My name is on their as one of the managers so i should be able to do this.

Hi guys - I have a query regarding source documents attached to Geni profiles.

I have lately been using the feature of adding a profile to a document added as a source. System doesn't seem to be perfect yet...

The Document is a passenger list

and was originally appended to the profile of my 1st cousin 5x removed - James William Morris.

where it inserted perfectly and shows as (1) in the Sources tab at opening view of the profile and I cited references, etc.

I then added my 5th great aun't sister's husband Charles Mounter

who arrived on the same ship as an "Add Profile" on the source document.

Now, when I view Charles Mounter's profile, there (at first view) does not appear to be a source as there is no numbering on the "Sources" tab to indicate that there is a source there, however it is viewable when you "View Sources".

Is this just a bug? I would prefer to just add profiles to a document and "share" it, but if other's won't be able to see a source is attached, perhaps I should just add sources to each profile. Just seems neater for Geni if I can do it the other way...

I think Lettice Harcourt birthday is really 1470. She difinately is Robert Harcourt and Margaret Bryon's daughter and they were dead by the date entered. Probably a typo on my part.

Private User
To the right of the document, where you see Charles Mounter's name, you'll see that he has 0 facts. Click on that link, add some facts (like name, etc.) and it should appear the way you want it on his profile (after you refresh it.)
Jessie German

Also I use the "misc" field to note relationships if they're indicated in the document. When attached to multiple persons and facts noted from it, it makes almost a table view of the tree. You can create a custom event in timeline, attach the document, and add the profiles to the event as well : I use the timeline description field for the text transcription of the image.

Well, now I know what you were talking about when you said something about DNA on Richard the 3rd found in a parking lot. I thought this was smart aleck remark! I was wrong. it just showed up om my computer.In that case definitely have a body and all it's bones to test!

When creating a profile entering "Scheveningen" into the location box the Google auto-fill produces this location "Scheveningen, The Hague, The Netherlands" which is the location i want. However after the profile is created the data displayed is "The Hague,South Holland,The Hague,The Netherlands".
Quite aside from the geopolitical/geographical/historical question it is a problem in my opinion that when we are creating profiles one location is displayed but that the resultant profile has different locations recorded.
I look forward to someone explaining why this is not a technical issue and how i should be entering all data manually anyway.

Alex it's the Google Maps API - not Geni, they just "read" the data, including when it saves differently from when originally filled in.

What I do is start with their data and then edit it to match my source.

Alex: Are you looking at the details field (Expanded)? THOSE are what is actually recorded -- not what is displayed in the "pop-up" autofilled field.

I always expand the location fields, because it doesn't always fill in what I expect and I sometimes have to add extra info.

The "?" popup help info on the location field(s) shows in detail what fields Geni pulls from the Google Maps API.

I use the API fill-in to get as close as possible to the value I want, because that also records the GPS lat & long. of the location (even though we don't see it yet). Then I add further description details as needed in the upper location field(s).

The timelines have disappeared on all new profiles.
Can't edit the About Me in new profiles.

Robert Gillespie Mclean

The relationship paths have disappeared along with the timelines, media and sources on my tree profiles.

All of a sudden I am getting a pop-up bar which states 'Only secure content is displayed.' with the option to 'Show all content'. I have not changed anything on my computer.

It does not seem to matter what I choose, the selections in the actions menu just freeze up the page, and I cannot access the other tabs on Profiles only the Overview (which I can edit). I was working on entering sources but am unable to continue since I cannot access the profiles Source tab.

Anyone else having this type of problem?

I am having trouble entering profiles to projects when they are already in a project. Going to actions, add to project, the page freezes. I can go to the project and add them there.

There just was a release from Geni - introducing their FtDNA partnership & menu item (under research). Could be this is related and should be OK now?

I see it is not just me having the problems. Non of the tabs except the overview work on the profiles. Is anyone else able to see relationship paths?

Still happening to me, if I navigate to another Profile or refresh the page the notice comes back up and I'm still not able to access the Source tab, etc.

Overview doesn't work either. If I attempt to edit it, I have to crash the browser to get anything going again.

We're looking into these issues and are working on fix - we should have a fix released soon, I'll let you all know. Thanks!

Erica Howton That link is just to choices to purchase. Shouldn't affect Geni operation.

These issues should now be fixed, please let me know if you are still having these issues.

Tabs work and relationship paths are back. Fast fix, thank you.

Eldon the ankle bone is connected to the shin bone (grin). Whenever there's a technology change, everything else is *always* affected.

Things seem to be good now, I can finally access the source tab and the message 'Only secure content is displayed.' is no longer popping up.

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